"What are you going to do to my daughter Lillie?"

The blond man opened his arms to block the Void.

Seeing the familiar yet strange face of the man, Lillie's past memories revived.

She couldn't help but have tears in her eyes.


Behind, Gladion and Lusamine, who came, also looked at Morn in disbelief.

After many years of separation.

They could recognize Morn at a glance.

Lillie asked the Ice Curse Dragon to take her to land steadily on the snow.

Getting off the dragon's back, Lillie looked at her father who she hadn't seen for a long time in disbelief.

Moen saw that Lillie didn't seem to have any ill intentions, so he also lifted his guard.

Moen looked at Lillie in front of him and felt that she looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember.

Seeing her father, Lillie excitedly rushed over and hugged Morn.

She shouted excitedly, "Father!"

Moen was stunned for a moment when Lillie hugged her and called her father.

He asked in confusion, "Excuse me, who are you?"

Lillie thought her father didn't recognize her when she grew up.

She stepped back and introduced herself politely.

"I'm Lillie. Father may only remember me when I was a child. I'm your daughter!"

Lillie introduced herself like this, but she didn't expect that Moen still looked puzzled.

My daughter Lillie is right behind me.

At this time, Lusamine and Gladion also rushed over.

When they saw Moen, they all had happy expressions on their faces.

At this time, Zoroark, who had been following Gladion, saw his master, rushed forward and hugged Moen.

He rubbed his face on Moen's body affectionately.

Moen came back to his senses, smiled and touched Zoroark's head.

Moen looked at Gladion and asked, "Is this your Pokémon?"

Lillie finally found something strange at this time.

His father seemed to have lost his memory.

Gladion hadn't noticed anything unusual yet: "This is Zoroark, your father's Zoroark."

"Zoroark? Father?" Moon was confused.

At this time, Lusamine and others also noticed something unusual.

The two looked at Moon in disbelief.

Lusamine couldn't accept it and called out his name: "Moen?"

Moon was puzzled again: "How do you know my name?"

As soon as Moon said this, Lusamine couldn't accept the blow at all, her legs softened, and she almost fainted.

Fortunately, the love steward on the side quickly supported Lusamine, so that Lusamine didn't fall into the snow.

"Fu." The love steward could sense Lusamine's almost desperate mood, and she comforted her.

Hearing the love steward's comfort, Lusamine cheered up again.

"You're right. As long as we make sure that Moon is fine, the lost memory may be recovered."

Ordinary people may not be able to restore Moon's memory.

But the Forbidden Island is now inhabited by the Lake Gods of the Sinnoh region.

As long as we ask those Pokémon, it is very likely that Moon's memory can be recovered.

Lusamine took a deep breath and calmed down.

I should have thought of it earlier. If Moon still had his previous memories, how could he not go home?

The most urgent thing now is to find a way to make Moon believe this first.

Lusamine cheered up again.

Said: "I'm sorry, I said something that embarrassed you. Let me introduce ourselves again."

Lusamine introduced everyone's names.

Although they explained the reason why they were here.

"I'm very sorry. We have embarked on a long journey to find my missing husband, the father of the children."

Moen still had a confused expression on his face: "Missing?"

Lusamine nodded: "We followed the Z bracelet left by my husband and found here. We thought we could see him again."

When Moen heard this, he suddenly realized: "So that's the case. No wonder these two children mistook me for their father."

After hearing the deeds of the three people.

Moen also felt that it was not good to let the three people stay outside the house all the time. He invited the three people and said: "If you don't mind, how about coming in for a cup of tea? You must be tired after a long journey?"

Lusamine looked at her children beside her and said: "It's hard to refuse such a kind invitation. Thank you for the invitation."

"You're welcome."

Moen opened the door of his wooden house and invited the three people in.

When they were about to enter the wooden house, the three of them looked at the Xuwuidu.

Moen was once involved in the ultimate world and lost his trace.

They had always thought that Moon was in the Ultimate World, so they had been trying to find a way to get there.

But later, after Bai Chen entered the Ultimate World and came into contact with the members of the investigation team of the Ultimate Metropolis, she finally confirmed that Moon was not in the Ultimate World.

Now that they saw Moon again, they also saw an Ultimate Beast next to Moon.

It was hard for the three of them not to associate Moon's abnormality with Xuwu Yide.

At Moon's invitation, the three of them entered the wooden house.

The three of them looked at the situation in the wooden house curiously. There was very little furniture in the wooden house, and there were even only some very basic furniture.

Gladion came to a cabinet and curiously looked at the makeup mirror placed on the cabinet.

This mirror strangely only has a shell left, and the lenses inside have long since disappeared.

"This is."

Lusamine and Lillie looked at the mirror at the same time and noticed something strange.

Speaking of which, the light in this wooden house is terrifyingly dark.

Just as the three of them turned around, they were about to ask Moen what was going on.

When the three of them turned around, they discovered that Moen had suddenly disappeared.

Also disappearing with Morn was the Xuwuide.

The three of them were shocked.

That Xuwuide actually took Moen away without them paying attention!

The three people rushed out of the wooden house and looked at the sky, only to see nothing in the sky. Moen disappeared inexplicably.

After learning the truth, Lusamine fell to the ground and lost her strength.

She finally found her long-lost husband, but she didn't expect him to disappear under her nose again!

Lillie looked around and couldn't find her father, so she quickly asked Ai Guan for help.

"Ai Guanshi, have you found where your father has gone?"

Aiguanshi could only use his super power to sense emotions to investigate.

Soon, Aiguanshi found the slightest clue.

She pointed into the distance, deeper into the snowfield.

"That's the Crown Temple over there?"

There are ruins of a very ancient temple deep in the snowfield.

The villagers in the snowfield had warned them not to get close to the temple.

Now, I never thought that Xuwuide would actually take his father to the direction of the temple.

Lillie really couldn't understand why Xu Wuide took his father to the direction of the temple.

"Could it be that Xuwuide wants to get rid of us? Use some powerful beings in the temple to get rid of us?"

Xu Wuide had fought against the Ice Curse Dragon before, and she should know very well that she was no match for the Ice Curse Dragon.

It was also after the first battle that the Ice Curse Dragon showed a stronger combat power than Xuwuide, so Lillie relaxed and felt that Xuwuide would not be able to play tricks.

Although she also wanted to directly control Xu Wuide, her father seemed to be very close to him, so she couldn't really take action.

Lillie shook her head.

Now is not the time to dwell on it.

Lillie could only turn over and ride on the Ice Curse Dragon, letting the other party take her to the direction of the snowfield to find her father.

But just as they approached the deepest part of the Crown Snowfield.

A huge snow spear shot out directly from the deep mountain. The snow spear directly penetrated the wings of the Ice Curse Dragon and flattened a mountaintop in the snowy field in the distance!

Lillie and the Ice Curse Dragon's bodies fell uncontrollably into the valley.

In the end, it was Tian Huilong and other partners who rescued them in time, preventing Lillie and the Ice Curse Dragon from falling into the valley.

"Is Lillie okay??" Lusamine hugged Lillie into her arms, feeling like she was recovering from something lost.

If the snow spear attack just now had hit Lillie's body, Lillie would have no chance of surviving.

Lillie also felt lucky to have rolled around in hell.

After a while, Lillie came back to her senses.

"The strong man deep in the snowfield did not want our lives. He was warning me not to let me get close."

Lillie could only ask her Magearna to search for her father's location.

This time Magearna's soul was pointing to the depths of the snowfield.

In other words, Naxuwuide relied on his ability to become invisible and took his father to the depths of the snowfield.

Lillie checked the Ice Curse Dragon's injuries and confirmed that the Ice Curse Dragon only suffered some minor injuries, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's definitely not possible to let the Ice Curse Dragon take us in. Let's go in, Mother."

Lusamine nodded. She didn't want to be attacked by the strong man in the snowfield with a snow spear at all. She naturally followed Lillie's arrangements.

The three set off again, heading deep into the snowfield to search for traces of their father.

But when they were almost half an hour deep, they were attacked by wild Pokémon.

Those wild Pokémon may have received some kind of order. No matter what Lillie said or how she expressed her kindness, these Pokémon couldn't listen at all and launched a fierce attack on the three of them.

In desperation, Lillie could only retreat to a safe position.

Looking at the vast white snowfield.

Lillie whispered: "It seems we have to call for reinforcements, otherwise we really have no way to get in."

What Lillie wants to do now is to return to the island and ask the lake gods on the island to help her negotiate with the other party.

The strong man in the snowy field, because of his status as a human being and the status of otherworldly creatures such as the Ice Curse Dragon and other monsters, had no patience with himself and others.

For Lillie, her father is right in front of her now, but she can't see him. This kind of anxiety is really unbearable.

At this time, Lillie thought of Bai Chen first.

I don’t know how Bai Chen is doing now?

There is such a powerful Pokémon here, he would definitely be very excited if he knew about it, right?

According to Liliae's guess, the Pokémon in the depths of the snowfield are probably only slightly weaker than Little Soft.

On the other side, in the monster world.

Bai Chen rode on Aotuna and slowly flew towards Jieyun Village and Yanhuo Village.

His two partners in the New World were named Rob and Raymond.

They were rescued by Bai Chen from the mouth of the Barbarian Jaw.

Rob was forced to withdraw from the investigation team because he was disabled.

And Raymond could no longer pick up a weapon under the shadow of death, so he withdrew from the investigation team.

Bai Chen felt very sorry for the departure of the two, because they were all elite hunters and could successfully pass the assessment of the investigation team.

On the other hand, when the two left the investigation team, they also left all the jewelry beads and monster materials they had accumulated in the investigation team to themselves.

Those jewelry beads helped him a lot.

When the giant forger was honing his skills, those jewelry beads provided a lot of practice materials.

"It's been more than half a year. I don't know how they are doing now. Have they adapted to life after returning to the village?"

Rob is a hunter from Jieyun Village, and Raymond is a hunter from Yanhuo Village.

They should be active in their respective villages now, right?

Just when Bai Chen was taking the first princess to the nearest Yanhuo Village to take a look.

Ao Tuna suddenly seemed to feel something.

She roared with some uneasiness.

Bai Chen looked at the horizon unexpectedly, looking for traces of monsters.

"Are there traces of ancient dragons?"

Bai Chen thought that after coming to Yanhuo Village, it was just a simple visit to friends, but he didn't expect to encounter traces of ancient dragons.

And from this feeling, this ancient dragon has been active in this area recently.


Bai Chen didn't know much about the plot of Yanhuo Village.

He only knew that the starting village of [Monster Hunter Rise] was Yanhuo Village.

But he didn't know much about the various events that happened in Yanhuo Village. He only knew that there seemed to be a disaster called [Night Walk of Hundred Dragons] happening here.

Then I also know that the poster girl of Yanhuo Village is more popular and prettier than Aibo in the New World.

Other than that, nothing else is known.

After searching in the sky, Bai Chen did not see any traces of other ancient dragons, and shook his head regretfully.

If the other party was flying in the air now, he would be able to see it at a glance, and then fight with the other party with his superb flying speed.

Now that he did not see the other party, he would have to look for it again.

Seeing that Yanhuo Village was about to arrive, Bai Chen took Aotuna back to the different dimension space again.

This time he came to visit friends, not to scare people.

It was enough to ride the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

This walk took about three hours.

From a distance, Bai Chen saw the flying cherry blossoms and the rising flames.

Yanhuo Village is naturally famous for its flames.

Bai Chen and the first princess finally arrived at Yanhuo Village!

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