Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 370: Jieyun Village and Lanlong

"The crisis on the ice field has been resolved."

Half an hour later, Bai Chen used teleportation again to return to the headquarters.

"Has it been resolved?" The commander-in-chief was still a little unconvinced.

That was a crisis that could affect the entire New World, but Bai Chen solved it in half an hour? ?

This is not a crusade against a lower-level large monster.

"Well, I have conquered a new partner, and it is a little beyond my expectations."

Tian Di Huang Ti Long, a psychic + dragon monster.

This is the first time Bai Chen has seen a psychic ancient dragon.

Tian Di Huang Ti Long is a monster of the unlocking level, level 100, and does not have any title.

Bai Chen just let Ao Tu Na and Ming Chi Long help him delay time, and a wave missile with 200 times the power successfully taught it to become a dragon.

"I didn't expect it to be conquered." The commander-in-chief sighed helplessly.

"It's just an ancient dragon of the unlocking level. It's very easy to capture it."

Now, as long as you don't encounter very unreasonable ancient dragons, such as the Huanghei Dragon before, Bai Chen can defeat other ordinary ancient dragons even if he uses human wave tactics.

This Tiandi Huangti Dragon also meets the conditions required for Bai Chen's title of Creation Dragon.

"If this was said a few months ago, no one would believe it."

Bai Chen laughed and took out a small stack of papers and handed it to the commander-in-chief, saying: "This is a report on the ecology and capabilities of Tiandi Huangti Dragon. Tiandi Huangti Dragon may appear in the ice field again. Of course, that may be hundreds of years later. These reports should help people in the future find ways to deal with disasters."

The commander-in-chief solemnly took the ecological report from Bai Chen and said: "On behalf of the investigation team, I sincerely thank you for your contribution."

Bai Chen had handed over many ancient dragon ecological reports to the investigation team one after another before.

Including reports on ancient dragons such as Yan Wanglong, Yan Feilong, etc.

These reports can effectively help humans understand the mysterious ancient dragon species.

"You're welcome."

After hundreds of years, Bai Chen felt that he would definitely leave this world and travel to other worlds in the future.

At that time, he actually didn't know what this world would be like.

If he could make the people of this world more capable of self-protection, it would be his way of repaying his hometown.

After dealing with the matter of Tiandi Huangti Dragon, Bai Chen asked about another large ancient dragon he had been paying attention to before - Xuanhui Dragon.

The commander-in-chief said: "We haven't found any traces of Xuanhui Dragon appearing in the New World. It is also possible that Xuanhui Dragon is active in the earth veins, but we didn't find it."

"Don't worry, I'll come again when there is a discovery in the future. Anyway, instant movement is very convenient. By the way, about Raymond's matter"

The commander-in-chief: "We naturally welcome our former colleagues to return to the investigation team again, but his current situation must start from scratch, which can be regarded as rehabilitation training."

"He has long been prepared to start from scratch."

After asking about Raymond's situation briefly, Bai Chen found Raymond who was chatting and reminiscing with the hunters.

Seeing that the other party wanted to rest for a night in the Yuechen stronghold, Bai Chen teleported to Rutu Village in the Ekana continent by himself.

As soon as Bai Chen arrived, the Lugia that he had left in Rutu Village to guard flew to find Bai Chen.

After asking about the situation in Rutu Village, the traitor Gerald had not been found yet, and Lilia and Levitt had not been found either.

The black murderous aura in the Ekana continent was getting more and more serious.

Bai Chen estimated that it might erupt completely in four or five months at most.

Since there was no solution in a short time, Bai Chen could only let Lugia continue to be on guard, and Bai Chen stayed in Rutu Village until the evening.

From a distance, Bai Chen saw Aina riding on the Wings of Destruction.

During the time when Bai Chen was away, the Wings of Destruction Fire Dragon also successfully unlocked his [Wings of Destruction] ability.

He can now fly in the sky with Aina.

After copying the moves and skills of the Wings of Destruction, Aina heard Bai Chen say that Liliae came to the Monster Hunter World, and she wanted to meet Liliae no matter what.

When Aina followed Bai Chen to the Pokémon world before, it was Lilia who entertained Aina.

The two became very good friends after that.

"Is Lilia here? Lord Bai, can you take me to the Flame Village to see Lilia?"

"That's not inconvenient."

For Bai Chen, who has infinite energy, as long as it is a place he has been to, he can easily use instant teleportation to go there.

"Shall we go now?"


With Aina, Bai Chen instantly moved to the Flame Village.

It was her first time to come to the Flame Village, and Aina looked at the village curiously.

But now, compared to going to the Flame Village to stroll around, she wanted to find Lilia first.

Bai Chen used his mental power to search around, and finally found Lilia at Huoya's home.

He took Aina to the door of Huoya's house again.

Bai Chen knocked on the door, and soon, Shuiyun came out to open the door.

Seeing that it was Bai Chen, Shuiyun greeted him politely.

"Welcome back, sir." Shui Yun greeted and looked at Aina beside Bai Chen. For a moment, she didn't know how to address her.

At this time, Lilia was the first to see Aina in the room.

She called out her name and ran out of the room.

The two held hands and looked very intimate.

"Long time no see, Aina! How are you doing recently?" Lilia asked Aina with concern.

The two were separated by two worlds before, and there was no way to communicate.

Now they finally met again, and they were very happy: "Very good, thanks to you, the fire dragon can also spread its wings and fly in the sky recently."

"Great!" Lilia also used the equipment on the forbidden island to check the body of the Wings of Destruction.

At that time, the Wings of Destruction could have been operated on to spread its wings and fly, but later it was chosen to let the Wings of Destruction release its own power.

Lilia had a lot to talk to Aina about.

After seeking the consent of the two owners, Huoya and Shuiyun, Lilia prepared to let Aina go into the house first to have a good chat.

"Come in first, let's sit down and have a good chat."

"Yes." Aina walked into the room.

Bai Chen subconsciously wanted to follow him in.

But he was stopped by Lilia.

"It's late now, you should go to the inn in the village to rest."

"Ah?" Bai Chen didn't react.

Was Lilia disliked by him? ?

He was actually blocked by Lilia at the door? ?

"It's nothing good. Sister Huoya doesn't have a separate room at home. There are so many girls here, it's not suitable for you to live here. You can go to the inn to deal with it for one night. If it doesn't work, with your ability, it doesn't matter if you sleep in the wild, right?"

Lilia said to Bai Chen without retreating.

Although some people would be very happy if Bai Chen moved in, such as herself.

But it's still inconvenient.

After all, Aina and Shuiyun are going to stay here tonight.

Pushing Bai Chen out of the room, Lilia closed the door mercilessly.

Bai Chen looked at the closed door and sighed in his heart.

It seems that some places cannot be entered and exited at will if you are strong enough.

At least he can't enter the place where Lilia doesn't agree.

After sighing for a while, Bai Chen also used instant teleportation to leave here.

Since I can't be intimate with Lilia at night, I'd better spend more time improving my strength.

His premonition that he would encounter a strong enemy has not been eliminated.

The Bud Crown King is not his target, nor is he the object of the prophecy.

The real strong enemy is someone else. According to Bai Chen's own estimation, the ancient dragon that caused the disaster in Yanhuo Village is very likely the strong enemy in his prophecy.

After all, he had a premonition when he was exploring the traces of the ancient dragon.

At night, Bai Chen did not go to the hotel in Yanhuo Village. He simply stayed in the wild for a night.

The next morning, when Bai Chen returned to Yanhuo Village for breakfast, he saw Lilia and others who had already woken up in the restaurant in the meeting hall.

I have to say that watching the five people gather together to eat and chat happily is still very healing.

Seeing Bai Chen coming back, Huoya asked with concern: "Welcome back, did you have a good rest last night?"

Bai Chen complained with some dissatisfaction: "It's okay, but when I think about being kicked out, I feel very disappointed."

Bai Chen said this to Lilia.

Lilia heard it and snorted in dissatisfaction.

She said unhappily in her heart: "What do you mean by being kicked out? Isn't it because of the romantic debt you caused that it's not good for you to rest in the same room? If you are allowed in, someone will definitely fight at night."

Lilia turned her head away and refused to talk to Bai Chen.

"Hehe." Huoya heard it and smiled politely. She couldn't say much about this matter.

Bai Chen just complained. Seeing that Lilia ignored him, Bai Chen really didn't know how he offended Lilia. He put this matter aside for the time being.

Bai Chen asked Huo Ya: "How are you preparing? Are you ready to go to Jieyun Village?"

"The luggage is ready."

"Okay, let's go after breakfast."

After breakfast, Aina said goodbye to Lilia temporarily.

Although she also wanted to travel with Lilia for a few days, the situation in the village was not very optimistic now, and she couldn't leave for too long.

"When we get to Jieyun Village, I will let Bai Chen pick you up, and then we can take a hot spring bath together."

"It's a deal."

Waving goodbye to Lilia, Bai Chen used his power to take Aina back to the Ekana Continent.

When they came back again, Huo Ya, Shui Yun and Lei Wennia were ready to go out for adventure.

Bai Chen called out Ming Chilong and asked him to take him and others to Jieyun Village.

Compared to Ao Tu Na, Ming Chilong's back was more spacious, and it was still very easy to take the five of them.

When they flew to the sky, Huo Ya realized that Raymond was missing.

"By the way, sir, where is Raymond?"

"He, he got drunk with his fellow members of the investigation team last night, and is now resting at the Yuechen base. When we reach Jieyun Village, I will pick him up in time."

Along the way, Bai Chen did not go directly to Jieyun Village.

If he went directly to Jieyun Village, with the flying speed of the Dark Red Dragon, it would only take half a day to reach Jieyun Village.

But on the way, Bai Chen also spent a lot of time looking for the traces of the ancient dragon, and during this period he also cultivated the resonance ability of Huoya and Shuiyun.

It's not to mention that the resonance of the two is not completely useless. At least they resonated with a Flame King Dragon 20 to 30 kilometers away.

If Bai Chen had not subdued the Flame King Dragon, he would have followed the guidance of the two to capture the other party.

Now Huoya and Shuiyun's resonance can resonate with targets 30 to 40 kilometers away. This resonance does not require direct sight of the other party.

Just find some traces of the other party, such as the fallen mane, and you can resonate with the ancient dragon from a long distance. This also greatly increases the available range of their abilities.

After wandering in the wild for three days, Bai Chen only found some traces of the other party's activities and got some fallen dragon scales as he wished.

It's just a pity that the ancient dragon is outside the resonance range of Huoya, and it is difficult to find the other party's range now.

For this reason, Bai Chen decided to help Huoya create a new Z move later, specifically to strengthen Huoya's resonance ability, so that she can resonate with the ancient dragon through the fallen scales from a hundred kilometers away.

Three days later, the three finally arrived at Jieyun Village.

Jieyun Village is the starting village of Monster Hunter P3.

Jieyun Village is located in the deep mountains, surrounded by towering spiritual peaks. Because Jieyun Village has very rich geothermal and hot springs, the rising water vapor cannot dissipate normally due to the obstruction of the spiritual peaks, and gathers into clouds above Jieyun Village, so it is named "Jieyun".

Jieyun Village has three characteristics, maple leaf red, hot springs, and Jieyun wood.

Maple leaf red is the symbol of the village. Villagers believe that red can drive away disasters and evil spirits. This maple leaf red is also reflected in the protective gear of Jieyun Village hunters. You can often see some maple leaf red that does not affect hunting appearing on their paint.

Hot springs are the characteristic attractions of Jieyun Village. Although Jieyun Village is located in the deep mountains and transportation is inconvenient, because of the hot springs, Jieyun Village has always been visited by tourists in an endless stream.

Jieyun wood is one of the specialties of Jieyun Village. The Jieyun wood collected near Jieyun Village has excellent texture. It can be mixed with metal to make weapons, and the fibers can also be extracted to weave into Jieyun series clothing.

Another feature of Jieyun Village is the Thunder Wolf Dragon near them, and a monster of the unbanned level - Lan Long.

Since ancient times, the saying of [Storm Dragon] has been circulated in the Jieyun area. It is considered to be the embodiment of [Lan]. For its god-like posture that causes storms and changes the color of the world, it is called [Lan Long].

In the plot of Monster Hunter P3, it is Lan Long's appearance that drives the Thunder Wolf Dragon out of the Spirit Peak.

Hunters, that is, players, will learn during the game that it is Lan Long, an ancient dragon of the unbanned level, that drives the Thunder Wolf Dragon out of the Spirit Peak.

One of the reasons why Bai Chen came to Jieyun Village was to find out whether he could subdue the ancient dragon of the unbanned level.

If he could find Lan Long, he would be able to subdue it together with the ancient dragon near Yanhuo Village.

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