Seeing that it was done, the corners of his mouth curled slightly and said, "Forget it, let you take a look first, after all, it doesn't matter if I don't tell you." "

As for the idea of Yulongdu, as well as the little thing and urine of the alliance, Da Mu is also well aware. So he didn't say what he wanted, and saying it didn't have much effect, and it might cause some unnecessary trouble.

Immediately, in the eyes of Yulongdu's expectation and curiosity, Da Mu boiled out the things he got one by one, and every time he showed something, Da Mu boiled would introduce this thing and its origin. At the same time, there will be more surprise in Yulongdu's eyes.

And those investigators also came over when they heard that Da Mu was about to show their harvest.

After a few moments, Oki showed up everything he had gotten, not including the Pokémon egg that Ryudo was "curious about" and the uniforms.

"Hiss!×N", everyone in the audience gasped violently after the big wood finished boiling things, and directly made an outstanding contribution to global warming. Even Yulongdu was no exception, he thought that Da Mu Boiled would definitely get useful good things, but he didn't expect that there would be so many.

At this time, the gaze of these investigators began to change when they looked at Da Muxi, as if they were looking at a monster. If nothing else, let's just say who would have thought that such a young girl would have such a terrifying search ability.

"Ahem, ahem. "After all, Yulongdu is a person who has seen the world, and he was the first to react and wake up those stunned investigators. Then he said to Da Mu Shi with some complications: "Xiao Shi, you ...... It really surprised me. "

Ahem, ahem, low-key. Da

Mu Ji had already pretended to be at the moment, and this sentence silenced everyone.

After hearing Da Mu's words, Yulongdu was also full of black lines, and decided to ignore Da Mu for the time being, and after being silent for a while, he set his eyes on Xiaoxia's body, wanting to see Xiaoxia's harvest.

And Xiaoxia has recovered now, but she still doesn't dare to look at Yulongdu and them, so she hides herself behind Da Mu Boil, and she doesn't see Yulongdu's gaze.

Seeing this, Yulongdu could only focus on Da Mu Jie again, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Don't you ignore me? Hmph, you have to let me do it now. Da Mu Yu didn't say this, but his eyes were full of this meaning when he looked at Yu Longdu at the moment.

However, after looking at it with this look for a while, Da Mu still touched what Xiaoxia had obtained from Xiaoxia...... Took it out.

Looking at the things that Da Mu took out from Xiaoxia, everyone fell silent again, not because the things were too precious, rare, or useful, on the contrary, but because the things were too "ordinary" and useless.

At least it's not useful for their work, and it's not useful for cultivating Pokémon.

That's right, it was those gems that Da Mu took out, which was the only thing Xiao Xia took here, and Xiao Xia chose to leave everything else to Da Mu Boil.

I have to say that she is really

a silly girl! And everyone's eyes on Xiaoxia also changed, and they became the eyes of looking at a silly girl.


In the end, after discussion, Oki gave them items such as the map that marked some of the Hunter Organization's bases and strongholds, as well as the spare keys to various places (including the spare key in Pokémon Hunter K's room) and the Pokémon that he had "subdued" before.

They don't want the other things to go to the dragon, and they take them away from the big wood.

Therefore, Oki also gave them a map of the structure of the K battleship drawn by him, and he did it while introducing them to the overall structure of the K battleship.

This operation made those investigators even more shocked, and they actually figured out the structure of the K battleship in such a short period of time. After Da Mu was able to tell exactly what was going on there, no one questioned the authenticity of the map.

After the map was completed, the royal dragon crossed the raiders and took them away to work.

At this time, Xiaoxia came out from behind Da Mu Boil, and said weakly: "Xiao Boil, you haven't told me yet, what kind of Pokémon egg is that." "

She hasn't forgotten why she was seen by the dragon crossing and them, and she is not willing to know about her.

Yuryūdu is also very curious about what this Pokémon egg is, after all, Da Mu has introduced everything, but "only" this Pokémon egg has not been introduced.

The other Investigators will think that the Pokémon Egg was there before Oki Boil, because Oki Boiled didn't introduce it, and ignore it. But Yuryudu won't, he knows very well that Oki didn't have this Pokémon egg before.

Seeing this, Da Mu also returned to Xiaoxia's question, "This is Leolu's egg." "

Leo Lu?(!)" Xiao Xia's puzzled voice and Yu Longdu's surprised voice sounded at the same time, one was puzzled because he didn't know what Pokémon Leo Lu was, and the other was surprised when he knew what Pokémon Leo Lu was.

Leo Lu is rare, but Ryudo doesn't understand why Oki Boil's existence is hidden. It's just a Leo Road, will the alliance still want to go? However, after Da Mu gave Xiaoxia the basic information of Leo Road, it became Xiaoxia's doubts.

Kasumi and Ryudo wonder differently, and Kasumi wonders why Leo Lu can be so deeply hidden by Pokémon Hunter K.

Kasumi then tells Oki about her doubts, and Ryudo is also puzzled when he hears that Leolu's egg was hidden by Pokémon Hunter K. Why did the quasi-god Bangira hide a Leolu's egg?"

"I think this Leolu is a little special, so Pokémon Hunter K misunderstood. Oki put forward a "conjecture" of his own, "Xiaoxia, do you remember the process by which we found this Pokémon egg?"

Xiaoxia nodded and continued: "But it's not so much about finding it, it's about feeling it." I remember we were about to leave, but I felt a strange feeling when we walked to the door. It was with this strange feeling that I found the hidden compartment and found the egg, but after discovering this egg, the strange feeling disappeared.

After saying that, Xiaoxia reacted, "Xiao Boil, do you mean that this egg led us to find it?"

"Well, it should be right. This time it was Oki's turn to nod, "Otherwise, I really can't figure out what that strange feeling we felt."

At this time, Ryudu interjected: "I see, the strange power on this egg should be the power of a mutated special waveguide, and Pokémon Hunter K mistook it for another power and hid it." "

Yulongdu has already guessed eight or nine at this time, and it is not only the power of this Leolu's waveguide that has mutated, but also itself. When he found it, he checked its information out of curiosity.

Leo Lu (Special Mutation) (Unhatched)

Attributes: Fighting


: Unknown Qualification: Red

Strength Level

: --Skill: --

A special mutated Leo Lu cannot hatch due to special reasons, waiting for someone to hatch it.

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