On the other side, a team of people is rushing to Hualan Luyin non-stop.

Suddenly, the communicator on the person in charge rang, and then the communicators on the others rang one after the other.

These people were startled, and hurriedly took out the communicator on their bodies, generally speaking, the communicators on their bodies are silent and do not make a sound, and there is basically no vibration, and they will only make a sound when they receive important or urgent information.

Because if the communicator on the body happens to ring during the mission, the consequences are unimaginable, if the general mission is okay, at most the mission fails to accept the punishment, and the serious loss of the job, but if you want to go undercover for such a dangerous mission, you will lose your life.

So the communicator on their body is designed like this, but then again, judging from the fact that these people can still gather in the training ground today, there should be no information in normal times.

The men took out the communicator under them and quickly read the message.

The person in the lead shouted loudly: "Hurry, hurry up, the boss of Wataru has sent a message, that is the legendary Pokémon, and the hunter organization must not be allowed to succeed!" After shouting, he galloped out

first, and this team of centaurs was the Pokémon Investigator of the Royal Dragon Crossing.

The same thing happened to another team of centaurs, led by a blue-green haired woman, Miss Junsha from Hualan City.

(Miss Junsha's hair is blue during EP002~EP236, and it will be green for the rest of the year, so I set it to blue-green here.) <

div data-fanqie-type="image" source="user"> similar to


the appearance of Junsha in the Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoen, and Sinnoh regions (before greening)


The appearance of Junsa in the Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoen, and Sinnoh regions

the appearance of Junsa in the Guando, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoen, and Sinnoh regions

during the trip

the appearance of Junsa in the United Region

the appearance of Junsa in the

Carlos Region

Junsha's appearance in the Alola region

, Miss Junsha gave the same order to her subordinates after receiving a text message from the Royal Dragon Cross, and then turned on Asphalt mode. The wheels are all dry! This is a pain for the little friend sitting in her car.

At the same time, the Kanto Pokémon Alliance Investigator Headquarters, which was far away in the Quartz Plateau, also sent out many investigators and galloped in the direction of Hua Lan Luyin!

Returning to the blue and green, after Yulongdu continued to send a text message, Da Mu Yi unilaterally announced the end of the conversation. In fact, no one spoke.

As everyone went deeper, a moment later, a huge dark green tent appeared in everyone's field of vision.

When Da Mu Ji saw this huge tent, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in his heart, and the closer he got to it, the stronger he felt. But when the crowd reached a short distance from the huge tent, the uneasiness suddenly disappeared.

At this time, everyone tacitly slowed down at the same time, and roughly observed the surrounding situation and environment.

Behind the tent to the right and to the left is a huge house made of large iron sheets, tinplate, zinc iron, iron plates, and stainless steel plates, which look like a warehouse. The two tin warehouses are flanked by several large transport trucks.

The huge tents and tin warehouses were covered with a thick layer of foliage.

Except for the few people who were in Yulongdu, they couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw such a camp, how did the Hunter Organization build this camp in such a short period of time? And there are a total of nineteen such camps!

No, it can't be said that they are completely unaware, after all, some time ago, there was a report that the Hunter Organization was seen near Hualan City.

After Yulongdu gave everyone another gesture to come with him, he quietly left a distance.

Seeing this, everyone followed Yulongdu and left.

After arriving at a place not far from here, where speech is not easy to be heard, and at the same time hidden, Xiao Ming was the first to hold back, and took the lead in asking, "What's wrong with the King of Heaven? Aren't we going to pretend to be those people to sneak in?"

"I found a problem after I arrived. Yulongdu didn't wait for Xiao Ming to ask what the problem was, and directly said what the problem was, "That is, we are different from those people."


"That's right, even though we're the same size as those four people, and we're just the right gender. But it doesn't matter how you look, how you look at your hair, what you do, how you voice, or whatever. We're substitutions, not undercover agents.

Although Yuryūdu didn't say the sentence "It won't work if we want to just blend in like this", everyone in the second time heard the meaning.

Da Mu Xi complained directly: "Obviously, they are all shady organizations, and the hunter organization is more dangerous." But it's too doggy not to even give a mask and a hat! The Rocket Team also knows how to match a hat to his subordinates, and some even give masks to block their faces or something. "

Who said it wasn't!" At this time, Yulongdu actually said words of agreement after hearing Da Mu's complaint, but soon Yulongdu changed his words and said: "But this can't be helped, the situation of Pokémon Hunter showing his face is indeed more dangerous than the situation of a "ordinary" evil organization member like Team Rocket showing his face."

However, their appearance is a means of protecting themselves! especially the Pokémon Hunters in the Hunter Organization, if you think about it, although their appearance is easy to recognize and be wanted, or even captured.

But this can also accumulate a lot of fame for them, and it is not easy to be replaced by others or something. And the more powerful the hunter, the more disdainful he is to hide his head and show his tail

!" "Except for the sixth one!" Of

course, this sentence was added by Da Mu in his heart for Yulongdu.

At this time, Xiaoxia spoke up and interrupted the continued communication between Da Mu Xi and Yu Longdu on this issue.

"That...... Well, it's not a good idea to interrupt your conversation, but now isn't the time to talk about that. Shui Jun He is still at risk of being caught!" Xiao Xia paused to attract everyone's attention, and then said, "Cross...... King Dutian, what should you ...... about"

But it was the pause that made Yulongdu directly interrupt Xiaoxia's question.

"I do have a way, or I wouldn't have called you here.

As for the hair, I have some wigs here, and I happen to have wigs that match the hair colors of Keung and Zhen. But the hairstyles are different, but fortunately, Ah Qiang and Ah Zhen's hairstyles are not particularly exaggerated, and they can be used with a slight change.

In terms of appearance, I have two Variants here, which can be used to easily change their appearance to solve the appearance problem, and these Variegates are cultivated for some special situations, and it is also possible to change the voice, so there should be no problem with the sound.

However, these changelings have never seen Ah Qiang and Ah Zhen, nor have they heard their voices changeable. And other aspects such as personality, behavior Xi, etc., how to solve it I don't have a clue now.

"Leave these questions to me. At this time, Oki stood up, "Because I have fought with Xiaoxia and them, I still have some understanding of their personalities and behavioral Xi. As for the appearance and voice, I can use my superpowers to send this information to the minds of the changelings. "

Chang Pan's power has been exposed, and Da Mu Ji doesn't mind exposing his superpowers, after all, except for Xiao Ming, who is his relative, Xiao Xia has known it for a long time.

As for whether Da Mu Ji will use this skill, what is the skill card for, please!

After saying this, Da Mu Ji said directly to the system elf: "System elf, use the skill card, target myself, and learn Xi superpower skill - memory transmission and reading." At this time, Da Mu couldn't help but remember the uneasy feeling before, and made a decision after hesitating for a second or two.

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