Pokemon: I Can Receive Game Missions

Chapter 54 Vibrava! Poachers In The Forest? !

In the light, Trapinch's back and wings slowly took shape, and the big head gradually became Minimized.

[Tip Trapinch has reached level 35 and evolved into Vibrava. 】

[Vibrava has learned a new skill: Dragon Breath. 】

[Vibrava has learned a new skill: Crunch. 】

[Vibrava has learned a new skill: Supersonic. 】

[Vibrava has learned a new skill: Fissure. 】

[Vibrava has learned a new skill: Superpower. 】

the light dissipates,

Vibrava flew to Soaring in the sky.


【Race: Vibrava】

【Attribute: Ground】

[Level: 35(Ground/Dragon)]

【Ability: Floating】

[Individual value qualifications: hp (31), attack (31), defense (31), special attack (31), special defense (31), speed (31)]

[Skills: Sand Tomb, Laser Focus, Dig, Gust, Double Team, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb, Bulldoze, Protect, Dragon Breath, Crunch, Supersonic, Fissure, Superpower, Roost1

[Hereditary skills: Quick Attack, Earth Power. 】


Vibrava pounced on Xu An.

Xu An hugged Vibrava's body and smiled: "Does Fly feel good?"


Vibrava nodded repeatedly.

The feeling of soaring in Soaring in the sky is definitely not something you can get from the arcade arcade.


Servine congratulated Vibrava.

"Congratulations, Ann

Zhao Ze and others also gathered around at this time.

"Trapinch can actually evolve!!!"

Zhao Ze said excitedly: "This is too strong!"

Li Muran caught the question in Zhao Ze's words and immediately taunted him: "Of course Trapinch can evolve. Not only Trapinch, but Vibrava can also evolve!"

"I knew your grades were bad, but I didn't expect your grades in Pokémon to be so bad, and you didn't even know this bit of common sense.

Zhao Ze quickly waved his hands and said awkwardly: "No, of course I know this." 060

"I mean, I didn't expect Trapinch to actually evolve. You know, it's very difficult for Trapinch to evolve!"

“When you search for evolution online, there are evolution videos like Turtwig, Meowth, Eevee and so on everywhere.

"But Trapinch, I've never seen one."

Xu An looked at Zhao Ze who quickly explained and smiled: "I can understand, so I am actually very excited now.

Shao Yue lamented: "With this evolution of Trapinch, the value has increased dramatically!"

"It's more than just a sudden increase."

Zhao Ze said excitedly: "The market price of Trapinch is basically between 20 and 30. If Xu An sells this evolution of Trapinch, he can easily get tens of millions.


Vibrava looked sideways at Zhao Ze.

Xu An caressed Vibrava's body and said, "Don't worry, I can't bear to let you out.

"Ignore this fool."

"Hahahahaha, Zhao Ze, you better shut up.

Shao Yue laughed.

At this time, Zhao Ze also realized the flaw in his words and quickly apologized to Vibrava: "Brother Bo, I'm wrong. If something happens in the future, I still ask you to announce it.

Obviously, everyone is happy that Trapinch has evolved.

In the evening, in the conference room.

"Dear students, I believe you all saw the battle between classmate Xu An and instructor Asen today."

Zhou Xun was giving everyone a lesson in tactical analysis.

"I saw it, the attack was so powerful. Once Sandstorm came out, the instructor's Pidgeot couldn't stop it at all.

"That's right, and after Trapinch won the battle, he successfully evolved into Vibrava!"

"This is the first time I've seen a Pokémon evolve before my eyes."

"I'm so envious. I don't know when my family will evolve!"

Zhou Xun looked at the people talking and smiled: "I just heard a classmate say Sandstorm."

"During battle, the weather has a great impact on Pokémon."

"Common weather conditions include sunny days, sunny days, and snowy days are also very common in winter. As for Sandstorm, except for some special regions, I think everyone can only see it on the battlefield."

Zhou Xun asked: "Does anyone know the specific impact of Sandstorm on combat? For example, what attributes are not affected by Sandstorm?"

"What abilities can be better utilized in Sandstorm's weather?"

Zhou Xun looked at Xu An as he spoke.

Xu An took the initiative to stand up.

"Sandstorm will cause certain damage to Attributes other than Ground, Rock, and Steel types."

"In addition, if it doesn't have these three Attributes, then Pokémon with secret treasure Safety Goggles, or magical protection, and abilities such as dust protection will not be harmed.

"Ability such as the ability to shake sand, the power of sand, and the ability to hide in the sand will all be increased in Sandstorm."

"In addition, even if Pokémon with these abilities do not have the above three Attributes, they will not be harmed in Sandstorm. Rock Type Pokémon will also increase their own special defense capabilities."

"At the same time, under the Sandstorm Contest Condition, the power of some skills will also be reduced, such as Solar Blade. Or the recovery effect of moves like Synthesis will also be reduced.

Zhou Xun nodded slightly: "That's very good."

"It is precisely because the strength of many Pokémon will be greatly enhanced in Sandstorm, so some people developed Sandstorm tactics around Sandstorm as the core."

"Let's watch a video of a battle."

Maybe it's because everyone saw Trapinch's performance in Sandstorm today.

Everyone listened very carefully to the lecture in the evening.

"That's it for today's lesson."

After Zhou Xun finished speaking, he looked at everyone and said, "Everyone has worked hard during this week's training, so tomorrow we will arrange an outdoor activity for everyone to give everyone a day off."

"The main content of the activity is to experience the daily life of a ranger."

"get out of class is over."

After Zhou Xun finished speaking, he turned to Xu An and said, "Student Xu An, please come with me."


In Zhou Xun's office.

"Instructor, are you looking for me?"

Zhou Xun looked at Xu An and said gently: "I watched you play against Asen, it was very exciting."


"Since your strength is far beyond the level of other students, and you also have some experience in outdoor life, I have a suggestion that you can consider."

Xu An asked curiously: "What?"

Zhou Xun looked at Xu An and said: "Our Mohe base is responsible for the security of this forest and arrests everyone who conducts illegal activities here."

"We have received information from a tip that a group of thieves are currently operating in the forest, and our people are following them.

"If you are interested, you can participate together and give me a reply tomorrow morning."

[Release mission: Poachers in the forest. 】

[Task requirement: Assist in catching poachers. 】

[Task reward: Dragon Fang. 】

Xu An glanced at the reward of the mission and said immediately: "No need to think about it, I agree."

Zhou Xun did not expect Xu An to agree so readily and said unexpectedly: "Catching poachers involves certain risks. Even if we take extra care of you, you are still at risk of injury. Are you sure you have thought about it carefully?"

Xu An nodded slightly.


"Besides, I don't think I need any special care."

Zhou Xun looked at Xu An and smiled: "Have a good rest."

"Meet you at the base gate tomorrow."


At four o'clock in the morning the next day, singing rang out in Xu An's room.

This is the alarm clock Xu An set in advance last night.


Servine poked his head out of the quilt covering Xu An's neck.

"Good morning, Servine."

Xu An opened his eyes and called Servine.

It dawns very early in the north, and when you look out the window, you can already see the glow.

After Xu An simply washed up, he picked up Vibrava's Poké Ball, carried his luggage and walked outside with Baokuo Snake.

After Trapinch evolved, due to its size, it was no longer possible to share a bed with Xu An and the others.

Although Vibrava is a little sad, the pride of the dragon makes Vibrava feel that he has grown up and really shouldn't be so clingy to Trainer.

In the cafeteria.

"Good morning, Xu An."

Xia Ling and her Chimecho were eating and saw Xu An walking in and Ling Ling Min.

"Good morning, Sister Xia Ling."

Xu An greeted her and then released Supersonic.


Xia Ling looked at Xu An with a smile and said, "Are you nervous?"

"This is your first time as a ranger."

Xu An felt that it was okay. If he was nervous, Xu An was more looking forward to Dragon Fang.

However, Xu An looked at Xia Ling's expression as if she wanted to say something and nodded: "A little nervous."

Xia Ling patted Xu An on the shoulder: "Relax."

"The camp of the thieves has been discovered by our people."

“We only need to go to the camp now, and then we can arrest them directly after all their people arrive at the camp.

“Moreover, Boss Zhou is personally leading the team on this mission, so there will definitely be no problems in terms of safety.

When Xu An heard what Xia Ling said, she had a bad feeling for no reason.

Xia Ling looked at Xu An who was suddenly silent and said depressedly: "Hey, you are talking as if I have set up some dangerous flag."

"Sorry, sorry."

Xu An quickly said: "You are right, we will definitely be able to complete the task successfully."

"After all, everyone says that beginners have good luck."

Xia Ling suddenly fell silent after hearing Xu An's words.

Xia Ling looked at Xu An speechlessly: "Why do I feel like there are more and more flags on the flag?"

"Forget it, let's eat first."

"I'm going to check on Pidgeot and the others."

Vibrava, who was eating next to him, raised his head and looked at Xu An.


Vibrava flapped her wings.

The look on Vibrava's face says that he is super strong now!

Xu An looked at Vibrava and smiled: "Okay, then I'll ask Vibrava to protect me.


"And Servine, of course."

The entrance to the base.

Two Pidgeots are preening their feathers.

"Xu An, you sit on this one with me."

Xia Ling patted a Pidgeot next to her.

"By the way, it doesn't like to be called Pidgeot, it prefers to be called Pidgeot.

"Bi Diao~"

【Race: Pidgeot】

【Attribute: Normal Flying】

[Level: 40]

[Ability: Sharp Eyes]

[Skills: Hurricane, Tackle, Spark... Twister, Steel Wing]

This Pidgeot is very big, with two cushions on its back.

"Hello, Bi Diao."

Xu An stepped forward and said hello to Bi Diao.

"Bi Diao~"

Xu An touched its feathers and then said to Xia Ling: "It looks very strong."

"of course."

Xia Ling looked at Xu An and smiled and said: "This eagle has grown up here since childhood and has been working longer than me.

Zhou Xun came from behind at this time.

"It's almost time, let's go."

"Xia Ling, take more care of Xu An."


Xia Ling said seriously.

Zhou Xun turned over and sat on the other Pidgeot.

Xu An followed Xia Ling and sat on Bi Diao.

“These are goggles.

Xia Ling handed a goggles to Xu An and then said: "Buckle up your seat belt and hold me tight."

Xu An did as he was told.

"Bidiao, let's go~"

Under the sunrise, two Pidgeots flapped their wings and flew towards Soaring in the sky.

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