The next day at midnight, Night Dust glanced at the time and found that he needed to go to Huafeng Town now, or it would be too late.

Night dust got up and washed simply, took out a few cookies from the space, and ate them as he walked on the road.

After Night Dust left the Pokémon Center, he quickly set off towards Huafeng Town, and on the way Night Dust also carried out today's check-in, and gave Night Dust 500,000 cash at the end, Night Dust instantly turned dark, is it bad to give it early, where will he risk for money, he also needs to bear the risk of losing his life.

Night dust walked for more than two hours and finally arrived at the designated place, but when Night Dust saw the picture in front of him, he felt that it was not right, there were too many people here, there were four or five hundred trainers, and Night Dust also found people in the alliance among these people, and the Pokée Watch Company did not have the strength to move the alliance people.

Then there is only one answer, the information of the Pokémon company was stolen is just a pretense, but what the night dust does not know is that the information of the Pokée company has indeed been stolen, the alliance just feels that the recent underground forces are too rampant, this time is to kill the chickens and monkeys, tell those underground forces not to be too rampant, there is an alliance above.

Night Dust waited here for about half an hour, and the leader seemed to be almost there, and he began to organize the meeting before the operation.

Night Dust sees that the leader is most likely also a member of the alliance, after all, Miss Junsha and the other alliance personnel are now unconditionally obeying the arrangement.

The task assigned by the commander is that he and Miss Junsha will lead the trainers of the Heavenly King, Quasi-Heavenly King, and Elite levels into the town, and those at and below the Taoist Hall level are responsible for the periphery of the town, so as to prevent the personnel of the underground organization from escaping.

Then the time of the operation is set to start at six o'clock in the evening, now let the personnel participating in the operation, find a place to rest, and when the time is up, they need to reach their combat positions.

Night Dust's group consisted of two gym-level trainers, led by Night Dust, five senior trainers, and ten intermediate trainers.

Junior trainers have no chance to participate in this kind of operation at all, after all, senior trainers in this kind of operation are cannon fodder, let alone junior trainers.

Night Dust followed the leader of their squad to the assigned location first, Night Dust randomly found a big tree and sat down against the tree, closed his eyes and rested, while those intermediate trainers were nervously looking around, afraid that there would be some danger suddenly, but the place where they could stay now had basically let the members of the alliance go through it, or it was impossible to let these people die.

In this way, Night Dust waited until half past five, but before six o'clock, there was already a small local explosion in the town, and Night Dust knew that the battle had begun.

This time is more serious than any other, this is an outlaw, a place where one will be buried if he is not careful, and when he thinks of a hole card in his hand, his heart is put down.

Then as time went by, there were more explosions, which started with one or two, and now they began to explode in all directions.

Although Night Dust said that he was not nervous, his palms were already sweating, and Night Dust subconsciously wiped his pants. Although Night Dust was also nervous, he didn't know the specific battle situation in the town, so he could only be anxious, and Night Dust thought that this money was really not so easy to earn.

After about half an hour, it was completely dark, and the light that could be seen was the explosion and skill light in the town.

Night dust was still thinking about the situation in the town, when he heard the voice of the captain from the earphones, and the captain said that a squad of underground forces rushed out and came in our direction, everyone pay attention.

Night Dust also directly took out the Spirit Ball, and Night Dust took the lead in releasing Chillulian, after all, Chillulian can use his super power to sense where the enemy has gone and will not be sneaked in.

After ten minutes passed, Chillulian suddenly called at Night Dust, and Night Dust knew that the team that broke out was coming, and Night Dust directly released the fire dinosaur and the forest turtle.

Night Dust is now commanding three Pokémon just right, and one more will make Night Dust feel hard.

Just when Night Dust just released the fire dinosaur and the forest turtle, a group of people appeared in front of Night Dust's eyes, Night Dust checked, there must be eight or nine people, but the strength does have three Taoist hall level, and the others are all advanced.

But on the other side, there is one more hall-level member than Night Dust, there is no way, only to let the squad leader top, these two squad leaders are people of the alliance, and at the same time asked for support from the rear, and Night Dust also directly locked a high-level member.

Nightdust is ready to quickly solve the senior members so that they can quickly share the pressure with the other team members. Before Night Dust came, he gave the learning device to the fossil pterosaur, and Night Dust fought to let the fossil pterosaur directly upgrade to the level of the dojo through this time.

Night Dust directly caused the fire dinosaur to use a skill spark towards the selected opponent, attracting the attention of this person, and then Night Dust found a place to cast and began the first wave of combat in this operation.

Night Dust's opponent is not vegetarian, knowing that this is a situation where you die and I live, there is only one result of not rushing out, that is, death, but he has not lived enough, and if he wants to rush out, he must defeat the opponent Night Dust in front of him, and he also directly released his own Pokémon, which are large needle bees, large-mouthed bats, and skunks.

Night Dust also directly checked the level of the three Pokémon, the Great Needle Bee (level 23), the large-mouthed bat (level 25), and the skunk poo (level 21).

After reading it, Night Dust thought: Isn't this a proper experience baby, it's a bit shameful to call this strength high-level.

Nightdust prepared for a quick victory and took the lead in attacking.

"Fire dinosaur, use the Great Flame Word Explosion, Forest Turtle, use the Flying Leaf Quick Knife, Chirurian, use the Spirit Force, gather fire to attack the skunk

! "Big needle bee, use projectile needle, large-mouthed bat, use sludge bomb, skunk poof, use acid bomb to block skills!" the members of the underground force directly countered.

I saw that the flying leaf fast knife of the forest turtle quickly attacked the skunk poof, and just when it immediately attacked the skunk poof, the sludge bomb of the large-mouthed bat successfully resisted the flying leaf fast knife. And the big needle bee's projectile needle was directly dissolved by the fire dinosaur's big Yan word explosion, and then the skunk poof's acid bomb also followed, collided with the fire dinosaur's big flame word explosion, and produced an explosion, but in the process of explosion, Chirurian's mental strength directly attacked the skunk poof, and successfully evaded the blockade with the help of the explosion, directly hit the skunk poof, and blasted the skunk poof.

The first round of the contest directly announced that Night Dust had the advantage.

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