Chapter 12 Cerulean Gym Challenge

Xiaofeng led Electabuzz and Charmeleon on the street to the Cerulean Gym. People kept turning their heads to look at Xiaofeng and his group, mainly because Electabuzz's size was very eye-catching.

Finally, not long after, Xiaofeng and the two elves stood in front of the Cerulean Gym. The Cerulean Gym was hemispherical in shape, and a huge white sea lion statue was located halfway up the building. The gym door was open, and there were rows of spectator seats on both sides. In the center was a huge transparent swimming pool, and you could clearly see many water Pokémon swimming leisurely in the pool.

"It seems I'm lucky, the gym's water ballet performance is over!" Xiao Feng smiled as he saw that there were no more spectators in the auditorium.

"Hello, I am here to challenge the gym," Xiao Feng shouted

"Ah, little brother, are you here to challenge the gym match? I'm sorry, we have to go for beauty treatments and don't have time. Here's how. Here's the Water Badge of the Hualan Gym. It's for you. Consider it a success." At this time, the three sisters of the Hualan Gym came out. When they heard someone challenged the gym, they casually took out a badge from their pocket and handed it to Xiaofeng. They looked like veterans and they started with a bomb.

"Uh, so casual?" Xiaofeng looked at the Water Badge in his hand with a black face.

Just when the three Hualan sisters were about to leave for beauty treatments, Xiaofeng stopped them, then took out the regular gym badge obtained in the Nibi Gym from his backpack and showed it in front of them:"Please wait a moment, in this case, this badge should be effective, with the authority of this badge, I want to challenge the regular competition mode of the Hualan Gym!

" Seeing the badge Xiaofeng took out and said he wanted to challenge the regular competition mode of the gym, the three sisters were a little stunned, and then hurriedly said:"Regular competition mode? I'm sorry, let's go and ask.

In fact, we are not the real gym owners, but just agents.

The real gym owner is our grandma.

Grandma said that when someone wants to challenge the regular competition mode, go and call her.

" Then the three of them left in a hurry and didn't know where they went.

"After all this time, it turns out that she is not the real gym owner. Is she just being let go by the gym owner? No wonder she can give away the badge so casually!"Xiao Feng thought helplessly.

Not long after, the three of them came from the back of the gym and surrounded a white-haired old woman who looked 80% similar to the three sisters. The old woman came to Xiao Feng and said

"Sorry, little brother, I'm old and don't show up often. You can call me Grandma Qingzi. The successor I trained is still in training, so I usually let my three granddaughters act as the head of the hall."

"Can you let me see your official badge? I want to confirm. By the way, what's your name, little brother?" Grandma Qingzi asked in front of Xiaofeng.

"Okay, Grandma Qingzi, just call me Xiaofeng."Xiaofeng handed the badge to Grandma Qingzi and introduced himself.

"Yes, it is indeed the official badge, the badge of the Nibi Gym. Well, thank you, brother Xiaofeng, I will give it back to you."Grandma Qingzi stroked the badge and then returned it to Xiaofeng.

"Then please follow me! Let's go to the battle field of the gym competition!" Soon, Grandma Qingzi brought Xiaofeng and others to the official battle field at the back of the gym. The field was the size of a regular battle field, but inside the field was a huge pool. In the middle of the pool, there were two circular tables on the left and right.

Xiaofeng and Grandma Qingzi stood on opposite sides of the battle field.

Then Grandma Qingzi said to the eldest sister of the three sisters:"Sakura, you be the referee!"

"Okay, grandma, now we will start the Cerulean Gym Main Tournament Mode Challenge. Two Pokémons will be used. Until one of the two Pokémons loses all combat capability, please release the Pokémons, Gym Master and Challenger!" Sakura said, holding up the flags with both hands.

"Go, Gem Starfish!"Granny Qingzi releases the elves first.

【Name: Gem Starfish lv41 (52); ps: the information in brackets is the peak state.

Number: 121

Attribute: Water, Psychic

Features: Natural Recovery (return to the team to cure abnormal status)

Skills: Telekinesis, Self-Regeneration, Water Gun, High-Speed Spin, Strange Light (causes the opponent to fall into confusion), Hold

Race Value

HP: 60

Physical Attack: 75

Physical Defense: 85

Special Attack: 100

Special Defense: 85

Speed: 115

Total: 520

"The peak fifty-second level Gem Starfish! It seems that the Hualan Gym has really reached the point of being in a period of transition." Xiaofeng sighed and murmured.

Then he looked at the electric shock monster Lu and said,"Go, I leave it to you."

The electric shock monster nodded and jumped onto the round platform near him in the water field.

"The challenge officially begins, the challenger attacks first!"Looking at both sides preparing to end, he said

""Electric shock monster, use 100,000 volts!" Xiao Feng took the lead in launching the attack.

The body of the electric shock monster emitted a yellow lightning bolt that shot towards the gem starfish at a high speed.

""Gem Starfish, hold on! Then use the strange light." Grandma Qingzi gave the Gem Starfish a defensive order, and then quickly launched an attack.

A protective shield appeared around the Gem Starfish's body to block the 100,000 volts of the electric shock monster, and then a dazzling light in front of it shot towards the electric shock monster.

"Electric shock monster, continue to use 100,000 volts!"Xiao Feng knew that with the immunity of the indestructible diamond, the success rate of the chaotic state of the strange light was zero, so he directly let the electric shock monster attack. In this way, the strange light hit the electric shock monster and did not cause the chaotic state, while the electric shock monster's 100,000 volts directly hit the gem starfish, causing a lot of damage.

"How is it possible that your electric shock monster is not confused!"Grandma Qingzi was surprised

"My electric shock beast has undergone special training!" Xiao Feng lied without blushing.

"This... I can only say that the spirit world is full of incredible surprises!" Grandma Qingzi said helplessly and then issued an order to the Gem Starfish

"Gem Starfish, use Self-Regeneration!"

"Troublesome skills, it seems that the only way to win in close combat is to rely on the powerful physical attack of the electric shock monster. The electric shock monster said that the opponent is using self-regeneration, use the freezing fist on the pool, freeze the water surface, and then the shadow clone approaches it."Xiao Feng looked at the gem starfish who was using the skill and said

"The Gem Star used telekinesis to find the true form of the Electric Beast. Just as the Electric Beast was about to approach the Gem Star, the Gem Star stopped its self-regeneration and began to use telekinesis to find the Electric Beast. The Electric Beast was then stopped one meter in front of it by the Gem Star's telekinesis, unable to move.

"Go ahead, shock the monster, break free from the telekinesis, and use the lightning fist on the gem starfish."At this time, Xiao Feng shouted loudly.


" The electric monster howled angrily, and with its powerful strength, it broke free from the restraints of telekinesis.

Then, with the powerful force of thunder in its hands, it punched the gem star in front of it.

The powerful force poured out and hit the ruby in the center of the gem star's body.

The ruby cracked from the center and was blown away, landing on the wall outside the battlefield.

The whole body of the gem star sank into the wall, and the red light of the ruby dimmed, and it lost its ability to fight.

"Hiss" The sound of the three Hualan sisters taking a breath of cold air was heard nearby.

"What a strong force!"Grandma Qingzi looked solemnly at the electric shock monster standing on the ice in the field.

"Well done, electric shock monster!" Xiao Feng praised loudly.

"Come back, Starfish, it's up to you next, Lapras!" Grandma Qingzi took back the Starfish and threw a Poké Ball. A blue Pokémon with a tortoise shell on its back appeared.

【Name: Laplace lv46 (57)]

Number: 131

Attributes: Water, Ice

Features: Hard Shell Armor

Skills: Freezing Beam, Water Wave, Water Cannon, Ice Boulder, Strange Light, Hold

Race Value

HP: 130

Physical Attack: 85

Physical Defense: 80

Special Attack: 85

Special Defense: 95

Speed: 60

Total: 535

""Electric Beast, the battle continues, Shadow Clone and Lightning Flash approach." Looking at the newly appeared Laplace, he commanded the Electric Beast.

"Laplace, don't let it get close, use ice attack!" Seeing Xiaofeng trying to use the same trick again to get the electric beast to close combat, Grandma Qingzi ordered.

Laplace, who received the order, instantly condensed dozens of ice cubes around his body, and quickly swept towards the electric beast's clones, breaking the shadow clones one by one, revealing the last electric beast's body, but the electric beast's real body was not far away from Laplace.

"Laplace, use freezing ray in front of you." Grandma Qingzi saw that Xiaofeng’s electric beast was about to approach, and responded quickly. Laplace used a freezing ray to freeze a huge ice wall in front of it, blocking the electric beast’s way.

Looking at the ice wall that appeared, Xiaofeng shouted,"Break it for me, use fire fist."

The flame in the hand of the electric beast burned violently, and it shattered the ice wall with one punch. It approached Laplace.

After the ice wall was broken, Xiaofeng immediately issued an attack order:"Continue with the thunder and lightning fist"

"Don't let it succeed, Laplace, use hold!" Grandma Qingzi said in a serious tone.

Orders from both sides appeared, and the Thunder Fist in the hands of the Electric Shock Monster slammed into the shield in front of Laplace, and the shield made bursts of wailing sounds.

""Electric shock monster, attack continuously, use the flame fist, lightning fist, and freezing fist alternately, smash the turtle shell for me." The electric shock monster received the order and punched continuously frantically, with red, yellow and blue colors flashing on its fists. Boom! Boom! The sound of boom continued to ring. Finally, the protective shield was shattered into pieces.

"Laplace, use water cannon!"Granny Qingzi looked at the electric shock monster in front of her and gave the order to fight back. A huge column of water swept towards the electric shock monster.

""Electric Shock Monster, use the tile-splitting method to break it!" Xiao Feng commanded as he looked at the incoming water column. The electric shock monster obeyed his command, and the white light flashed in his hand. From top to bottom, it directly split the water cannon in the middle, revealing Laplace who was close at hand.

"Haha, I caught you!"Electric Beast, lightning fist" Xiao Feng grinned.

The moment Xiao Feng gave the order, the electric beast landed on Laplace with a thunderous fist. With a crackling sound, Laplace was punched into the ice and continued to sink.

"Laplace, use the water cannon to slow down your descent."Granny Qingzi commanded as she watched Laplace continue to descend.

"Tsk, it has a lot of health."Electric Shock Monster, jump behind it and give it a zero-distance thunderbolt," he sighed as he looked at Laplace, who had not lost his ability to fight. After receiving the order, the Electric Shock Monster jumped into the pit and jumped behind Laplace. A huge thunder dragon in the sky smashed towards the Electric Shock Monster and Laplace.

"Laplace, use"Hold on", it must succeed!" Grandma Qingzi shouted loudly.

Laplace and the electric shock monster behind him were covered by an energy shield, blocking the thunder attack.

"This works, is this really lucky? I succeeded in defending it the second time!"Xiao Feng sighed at Laplace's luck.

Then he ordered:"Then smash it for me, use continuous tile splitting on the electric shock monster, and smash it to stun it."

The sound of hitting continued. Laplace let out a continuous wail.

Finally, the wail continued to weaken until it disappeared.

"Laplace lost his ability to fight, so the winner is the challenger Xiaofeng!"Sakura looked at the miserable state of Laplace in the field and hurriedly announced the end of the battle.

"Come back, Laplace, you did a good job, but the opponent is too strong." Grandma Qingzi took back Laplace and said softly

"Hehe, little brother Xiaofeng, your electric beast is very strong. It has been a long time since we had such an intense battle. Today is really an exciting day, haha." Grandma Qingzi walked up to Xiaofeng and sighed.

"Thank you, Grandma Qingzi, you and your elves are also very strong! It's a pity that I couldn't fight them at their peak. I feel regretful."Xiao Feng said modestly.

"Haha, really? Did you see it? Yes, it would be great if we could still fight like that. Well, I have to admit my age. By the way, this is the Water Badge for the Hualan Gym Challenge Tournament. Please keep it." Qingzi smiled and took out an exquisite box from her pocket. After opening the box, a badge made of a different material from the Hualan Gym badge given by the three Hualan sisters lay quietly. Then she took out the badge and handed it to Xiaofeng.

After taking the badge, Xiaofeng looked at Grandma Qingzi and said solemnly:"I will keep it well."

"Ding, complete the task, get a skill lottery, and get 40 race points!"The system sounded the moment I took the badge.

"Well, Grandma Qingzi, since the gym competition is over, it's time for me to leave. There are more trips waiting for me."After the gym competition, Xiaofeng said goodbye to Grandma Qingzi and prepared to leave.

"Goodbye, brother Xiaofeng. I look forward to fighting with you again in the future."

"Me too, bye!" Xiao Feng waved and disappeared in front of Grandma Qingzi and the others.

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