Chapter 16 Evolution of the Wood Gecko

"Host, the legendary elf, why don't you subdue it? You have already defeated it."The system asked in confusion.

"Haha, Tongzi, I won't be obsessed with any legends, and I believe my Charizards are no less powerful than those legends!" Xiaofeng looked at the Charizards playing around and explained to the system with a smile.

"Okay, got it! By the way, host, you still have 100 racial points to allocate, do you want to allocate them?"

"Well, Tongzi, increase the physical attack of Charizard and Electric Beast by 40 respectively, and increase the speed of Gecko by 20!"

"Ding, the addition was successful, please check!"

【Name: Charizard (X) lv44]

Attack: 84 (130) + 120

Special Attack: 109 (130) + 120

Speed: 100 (100) + 40

Total: 534 (634) + 280

【Name: Electric shock monster lv39]

Physical attack: 83+162

Total: 490+162】

【Name: Wood Gecko lv16

Speed: 70+20

Total: 310+20

Xiaofeng plans to temporarily train Wood Gecko to be an assassin, increase its speed, and cooperate with flash to become a nightmare for squishy heroes.

Looking at the panels of Wood Gecko, Xiaofeng thought:"Wood Gecko is about to evolve, and it's time to prepare the materials. By the way, I can use the beautiful photo of Entei to exchange with the old man, but it would be great if I could have such good luck to find a mega evolution stone like Charizard."

Xiaofeng continued to move forward with Charizard and other Pokémon who had restored their original forms, passing by the Zhenghui Lighthouse. It was a pity that Ben did not meet the giant Dragonite, otherwise he could see how strong the giant Dragonite could be. He could only sigh, fate, it's wonderful!

Xiaofeng led the elves to Vermilion City while leveling up. Finally, Xiaofeng and the elves arrived at Vermilion City. Charizard and Electabuzz were upgraded to level 44 and 39 respectively. Bimbisara was also upgraded to level 16, but Xiaofeng asked Bimbisara to suppress its evolution temporarily. When all the materials were collected, he would let Bimbisara evolve.

The group came to the elf center. After a rest, Xiaofeng called Professor Oak's video call. After a while, the video link was successful. A bucket of instant noodles on the other side of the video call occupied the entire video. Xiaofeng touched his chin and said,"Grandpa Oak, so you are a spirit from instant noodles? No wonder, no wonder!"

Professor Oak took away the instant noodles and appeared in the video:"Smelly boy, don't talk nonsense. What does instant noodles mean? By the way, where are you now!"

"I am now at the Pokémon Center in Vermilion City. By the way, Grandpa Oak, I have something good to show you. Hehe!" After Xiaofeng answered Oak's question, he opened the illustrated book and clicked on a photo to show it in front of Dr. Oak.

"This, this, this is Yan Di! You have met Yan Di, Xiao Feng, send the photo to me so I can take a closer look!"When Dr. Oak saw the photo, he excitedly put his head in front of the camera, his eyes widened.

"Hey, Grandpa Damu, these are my dearest friends! I took a huge risk to take more than a hundred photos of them!" Xiao Feng grinned.

"Speak human language!" Dr. Oak rolled his eyes.

"You have to pay extra... Uh, hehe, no, I captured a gecko and it will evolve soon. I hope you can help me collect some grass-type energy-rich materials." Xiao Feng rubbed his hands and replied

"Oh, the wood gecko of the Hoenn region, no problem, you should send me the photos of Entei you took first, and the materials you want will be mailed to the Pokémon Center in Vermilion City in two days at most."Professor Oak said to Xiao Feng with an expression that he wanted to study it right away.

"Grandpa, that's awesome!" Xiaofeng gave a thumbs up to Dr. Oak and sent the photo to him.

"OK, got it, let's talk next time!"Dr. Oak hung up the phone the moment he received it and went to study it in a hurry.

""How impatient!" Xiaofeng sighed at how quickly Professor Oak hung up.

Two days later, the Pokémon Center notified Xiaofeng that two large boxes had arrived in the mail and asked Xiaofeng to pick them up.

Xiaofeng asked Charizard and Electabuzz to move the boxes to a nearby uninhabited area. After opening the boxes, a large amount of grass-type energy materials appeared in front of Xiaofeng, emitting a vibrant green glow.

""Naughty, old man, the wood gecko, hurry up, stand inside now, you can evolve!" After sighing at Grandpa Wood's generosity again, he immediately let the wood gecko begin to evolve!

""Qiamo (Okay, Boss!)" The wooden gecko responded and walked in. A strong white light began to appear around him. His body continued to absorb the nearby grass energy, expanding in size. Long green leaves grew on his head, arms, and tail. As the white light dissipated, the material lost its luster, and the evolved forest lizard appeared in front of Xiaofeng.

【Name: Forest Lizard lv22

Number: 253

Attribute: Grass

Features: Lush

Skills: Sun Blaze, Leaf Blade, Slash, Ultimate Absorption, Photosynthesis, Seed Machine Gun, Chase, Lightning Flash, Slap, See Through.

Race Value

HP: 50

Physical Attack: 65

Physical Defense: 45

Special Attack: 85

Special Defense: 65

Speed: 95+20

Total: 405+20

"Congratulations, Wood Gecko, no, now I should call you Forest Lizard, haha!" Xiao Feng looked at the Forest Lizard in front of him and congratulated happily.

"Qiamo (Thank you, Boss)" Feeling the increased strength in his body, he shouted with gratitude.

"We are partners, so it should be my turn. The next preliminary round of the Electric Shock Gym will be handed over to you!" Xiao Feng smiled at the forest lizard.

"Chamo, Chamo (Leave it to me, Boss)" The forest lizard raised his hands to show off his muscles.jpg

Xiaofeng nodded and said,"Okay, let’s go back to the Pokémon Center to rest for a while, and then go to the Vermilion Gym for the challenge."

After taking Charizard back to the Pokémon Center for a simple rest and eating something, they headed towards the Vermilion Gym.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiaofeng and his group arrived at the door of the Vermilion Gym. Just as Xiaofeng was about to push the door open, a boy in shorts ran out crying while holding a severely injured Pidgeot. He didn’t even look at Xiaofeng, and rushed to the Pokémon Center.

"This, bringing a Bobo to challenge the Electric Gym, he is really stubborn!" Xiaofeng looked at the boy in shorts who left with a strange expression. Then he walked into the Dead Leaf Gym. There was a group of Shamatte young men standing inside the gym, and a big man in military uniform was sitting in the middle.

It was the owner of the Dead Leaf Gym, Ma Zhishi.

Ma Zhishi saw Xiaofeng and laughed,"Wow, another baby is coming! Uh……"

But then he couldn't laugh anymore, because the tall figures of Charizard and Electabuzz followed him in and stood on Xiaofeng's left and right.

"Hey, hello, gym leader, my name is Xiaofeng, and I’m here to challenge the gym tournament." Xiaofeng smiled and waved to greet him. Ma Zhishi looked at Xiaofeng with a frown, then looked at Charizard, and said hesitantly:"Little brother, are the two Pokémon you’re challenging the ones behind you?"

"Ah, no, my current challenge Pokémon is this one." Hearing the question from the other side, Xiaofeng pointed to the small figures in front of Charizard and Electabuzz and answered. Ma

Zhishi let out a long sigh and said seriously:"Haha, really, hello, little brother Xiaofeng, my name is Ma Zhishi, I am the owner of this gym. Now we are going to have a gym challenge. The game adopts a 2V2 mode, and it will last until the two Pokémon on one side lose their combat ability. So are you sure you want to start the game?"

"Well, sure. Thank you, Master Ma Zhishi!" Xiaofeng nodded seriously.

Seeing Xiaofeng nod, Ma Zhishi gestured to a younger brother next to him:"OK, then Lu Renjia, you go and be the referee."

"Okay, Boss." Lu Renjia received the signal and stood in the referee's position. After both sides took their positions, he immediately announced:"From now on, the challenger Xiaofeng will start the challenge of the Dead Leaf Gym. Please let the gym owner release the Pokémon first."

"Go, Magnemite" Ma Zhishi throws a Poké Ball, and Magnemite appears

【Name: Magnemite lv21, Skills: Electric Ball, Ultrasonic Wave, Electromagnetic Wave, Electric Shock......】

"Then, I am the forest lizard here!"Xiao Feng signaled the forest lizard to come on stage

""Cha Mo, Cha Mo (Look at me, boss)" The forest lizard walked up to Xiao Feng.

Seeing that both elves were in position, Lu Renjia shouted,"The game begins!"

"Forest Lizard, use the Seed Machine Gun!"

""Chamo" the forest lizard responded, and then the yellow light gathered from its mouth, and countless light bullets were shot out to hit Magnemite.

There were crackling sounds, and Magnemite's body was constantly hit and swaying.

Ma Zhishi watched Magnemite receive the blows, and immediately commanded:"Magnemite, stabilize your body and use the electric ball on the forest lizard"

"Bilibili" After receiving the order, Magneto immediately condensed a lightning ball in front of him and shot it towards the forest lizard

"Forest Lizard, flash of lightning, dodge, approach Magnetron and use Leaf Blade."Looking at the electric ball ricocheting, Xiaofeng's order was issued immediately

""Chamo" The forest lizard received the command and dodged the attack of the electric ball in a flash, then approached Magnetron, condensed the energy of the leaves in his hand into a blade, and slashed at Magnetron.

With a"click" sound, Magnetron was hit by the blade of the forest lizard and flew backwards. It fell to the ground with a"dong dong" sound. The landed Magnetron's eyes were circled and he lost his ability to fight.

""Well done, forest lizard!" Xiao Feng praised.

"Chamo (small matter)"

"Come back, Magnemite! You've worked hard, now it's up to you, Raichu!"

【Name: Raichu lv28, Skills: 100,000 Volts, Iron Tail, Electric Shock, Electric Ball……】

"Next up is Raichu? Forest Lizard, strike first, super suck it dry"

"Chamo (Come on, little baby)" The forest lizard laughed strangely, and its body was covered with green light, connecting to the opposite Raichu. Raichu was covered by the light and his expression became painful.

"Raichu, let it see your will, use 100,000 volts."Ma Zhishi immediately commanded, looking at Raichu's painful expression.

Raichu, who had just reacted from the pain, shouted"Thunder! Thunder!", and then his whole body was wrapped in electric light, crackling non-stop, and a thick lightning bolt shot straight at the forest lizard.

""Forest lizard, flash, slash continuously! Knife it!" Xiao Feng looked at the 100,000 volts rushing towards him and quickly gave an order.

"Qiamo (Chop you!)" The forest lizard yelled, flashed to the side of Raichu, dodged the 100,000 volts, and then the knife in his hand flashed, and kept slashing at Raichu.

"How is this possible? Is this teleportation? Counterattack! Raichu, Iron Tail!" Seeing the forest lizard appear next to Raichu in an incredible instant, Ma Zhishi hurriedly commanded

"Don't give it a chance, the forest lizard uses See Through, and finally the Leaf Blade ends it!"

Seeing that Raichu still wanted to resist, Xiaofeng issued the final order.

Then the forest lizard's eyes glowed green, and Raichu's movements seemed to be slowed down several times. The Iron Tail skill used was easily dodged by the forest lizard, and then the leaf blade in his hand condensed, and the Raichu flew away with a knife. With a"bang", the Raichu that was chopped away fell heavily to the ground. It can't get up again!

Lu Renjia looked at Raichu falling to the ground and announced:"Raichu has lost his ability to fight, so the winner is the challenger Xiaofeng."

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