Chapter 2 Racial Value Addition and First Battle Victory

"Tongzi, don't you have an interface like other systems, the kind that can view your own and others' character attributes, skills, etc.?"Xiao Feng asked the system.

"Yes, the host can open it by silently reciting it. Only the host can see it. Would you like to open the character panel?"The system voice sounded

"Tongzi, open the character panel. Xiaofeng muttered to himself, and a blue screen appeared in front of him.

Name: Xiaofeng

Race: Human cub

Elf: Charmander (pull down to open the elf panel)

Skills: Not added yet

Backpack: Elf race value 20 points, universal skill - super-speed regeneration (Mom is no longer afraid of me getting beaten)

"Open the panel of Charmander. Xiao Feng continued:

Name: Charmander LV5

Number: 004

Attribute: Fire

Features: Fierce Fire (Damage increases when HP decreases

, commonly known as sit-ups)

Own skills: Grab, Call, Spark

Race Value

HP: 39

Physical Attack: 52

Physical Defense: 43

Special Attack: 60

Special Defense: 50

Speed: 65

Total: 309 (Data source: Sogou Baike)

"There is a saying that speed is power. Tongzi will increase the acceleration value of Charmander, 20 points, and add super-speed regeneration for Charmander and me."Looking at the panel, Xiaofeng touched his chin and said

"Received! The properties have been updated, please check!"

【Note: Only important and updated content is shown below]

Name: Xiaofeng

Added skill: Super-speed regeneration

Name: Charmander lv5 (Speed 65+20, added skill: Super-speed regeneration)

Origin skills: Grab, cry, spark

"Lili, lili?" After Xiaofeng gave Charmander some, Charmander felt the changes in his body and tilted his head to look at Xiaofeng in confusion.

"How about it, Charmander, if you feel uncomfortable, you can think of it as a special ability of mine, haha." Xiao Feng touched Charmander's head and said,

""Li li, li li li." The little fire dragon looked at Xiao Feng with admiration.

"Ding, you have a new task to check:

Task name: First victory ~ Complete your first battle victory

Task reward: 10 racial points

Failure penalty: None (no failure penalty is set)"

"Combat mission? Go, Charmander, let's meet our first challenge."Xiaofeng led Charmander into the nearby bushes to search.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew over the sky.

"Ding, Pidgeot is found, would you like to start the battle? I am watching you, my dear host. Tongzi said with a sly smile.

[Name: Pidgeot Lv28

Attributes: General, Flying


"Tongzi, you have bad intentions, do you think I should use my head to fight you? You want me, a level 5 Charmander, to fight a nearly level 30 Pidgeot? Are you trying to find trouble by lighting a lamp in the toilet?" Xiaofeng had a gloomy face.jpg.

Ignoring the system, Xiaofeng continued to search. Whenever there was a high-level Pokémon, the system would pop up a bubble to encourage Xiaofeng to rush forward.

God will not let down those who work hard, and he finally found a capable Pokémon near a rock."It's decided to be you, Metapod, I'm sorry. After searching for a long time, I found that only you are a little easier to bully, and you are a fixed target." Xiaofeng approached the Pokémon with a smirk on his face.

【Name: Metapod lv12]

Number: 11

Attribute: Insect

Features: Molting (can recover abnormal status by molting)

Skills: Spinning, Impact, Hardening

Race Value

HP: 50

Physical Attack: 20

Physical Defense: 55

Special Attack: 25

Special Defense: 25

Speed: 30

Total: 205

Introduction: This is a fixed target, the kind that is easier to bully. If you can't beat this, what are you playing for? Go home and eat milk

"Let's fight, Metapod, go, Charmander, let Metapod see how powerful you are, use the shouting skill." Xiaofeng shamelessly invited Metapod to fight.

Under the negative state of the shouting skill, the defense of Metapod was reduced. Metapod kept shaking its body and rolled its eyes, thinking:"Did I agree? Let me see how powerful you are." But there was no way Metapod had to accept it, because the other party was riding on its face. Then it used the silk spitting skill, which quickly shot towards Charmander, trying to bind Charmander's whole body (no bitterness.jpg)

"Charmander, get out of the way! Then circle around Metapod and use Spark Attack!" Xiao Feng gave the order in time. Thanks to the increased speed racial value, Charmander's speed increased a lot. In the blink of an eye, it dodged to the side and used Spark to quickly hit Metapod [with excellent effect].

After all, Metapod was higher in level than Charmander, and it did not fall down. It struggled to continue using Silk Attack to resist Charmander, but was still quickly dodged by Charmander. Xiao Feng could see from the system that Metapod still had about a quarter of its health left. Decided not to give Metapod a chance to resist, and commanded:"Charmander, rush up and use Grab to finish it off."

""Lili!" The little fire dragon received the order, exerted force on his feet, rushed to the side of the metal pupa, and swung his claws with white light to chop at the body of the metal pupa. The metal pupa flew backwards and hit the rock, and circles appeared in his eyes. [Fighting cannot】

"Great, Charmander, we won, haha!" The moment Metapod lost its ability to fight, Xiao Feng excitedly laughed and rushed towards Charmander, lifted it up high and spun it around, celebrating their first common victory.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the first battle mission, and get the reward: 10 racial points. The level of the little fire dragon is increased by lv5-lv7"

"Finally completed the task. By the way, Tongzi, can I ask, the Metapod has lost its combat capability, should we send it to the Pokémon Center?" Xiaofeng asked, looking at the fallen Metapod.

"Don't worry, this world has a kind of rule power. After the elves lose their ability to fight, as long as you don't continue to hurt them, they will recover. You can think of it as a blood lock state during the battle."The system explained.

"Then I feel relieved." Although he said that he was relieved, Xiao Feng still hid aside until the Metapod woke up and ran away. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and turned away.

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