Chapter 25 Gastly Evolution vs. Infernape

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, you have obtained 40 racial points and one skill draw. Would you like to start the draw now?"As I was walking out of the Super Energy Gym and heading to the Pokémon Center for a rest, I heard a system notification in my mind.

"Have the rewards arrived? Beautiful, Tongzi, let me draw the lottery, and then add 40 racial value points to Gastly's special attack racial value!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Replacement (100% exchange of positions with the opponent)"

【Name: Gastly lv18]

Racial Value

Special Attack: 100+40;

Total: 310+40]

Xiaofeng added the newly acquired skills to himself and the elves, and then ate and drank enough at the elf center. After a day of rest, he set out again to get badges. The next destination was Rainbow City.

On the way to Rainbow City, Xiaofeng would occasionally take the elves to the small paths in the nearby mountains and forests.

The main reason was that the elves on the main roads were too scarce. In order to level up the elves, they had to take the small paths to upgrade better.���The results are also very impressive. With the continuous destruction... no, it is the challenge of wild Pokémon, the levels of all Pokémon have been greatly improved. Charizard has reached level 49, Zapmon has reached level 46, Lizard and Gastly have reached level 33 and 24 respectively.

And Gastly will soon reach the level to evolve into Haunter. Xiaofeng is working hard to search for wild Pokémon to level up Gastly.

"Gastly, use Strange Light on the monkey monster, and then use Licking to kill it!"At this time, Xiaofeng was directing Gastly to fight a monkey monster that jumped out of the bushes.

""Ska (lululu!)" Gastly shot a strange light at the Monkey Monster, triggering a state of confusion. The Monkey Monster punched around randomly, then Gastly opened his mouth wide, stuck out his big tongue, and licked the confused Monkey Monster from bottom to top. The Monkey Monster shuddered all over, his eyes circled, and he fell to the ground.

At the moment the Monkey Monster fell to the ground, Gastly's body slowly emitted a faint white light but did not continue to expand. Fortunately, he had communicated with Gastly before and did not evolve all at once. Xiaofeng quickly handed the Curse Talisman and the Super Evolution Stone Set to Gastly, and Gastly took them into his body.

Then Xiaofeng nodded to Gastly and said,"Okay, Gastly, evolve!"

""Ska! (Thank you, boss!)" Gastly responded, and then stopped suppressing the evolution. Instantly, white light appeared, and Gastly's body radiated a mysterious light. His body expanded, and a pair of floating hands slowly emerged in the white light.

The white light dissipated, and the evolved Haunter appeared in front of Xiaofeng and his group.

【Name: Haunter lv31 (Flash)]

Number: 93

Attributes: Ghost, Poison

Features: Float

Skills: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Fist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Rush, Night Shadow, Strange Light, Hypnosis, Licking (Paralyzes the Opponent), Black Gaze, Tooth for Tooth, Grudge

Race Value

HP: 45

Physical Attack: 50

Physical Defense: 45

Special Attack: 115+40

Special Defense: 55

Speed: 95

Total: 405+40

"Gastly, how do you feel? Xiao Feng looked at the newly born Gastly and asked

"Tongga! (I'm fine, boss.)"Haunter waved his hands up and down, looking at the newly grown hands, feeling very novel

""Haha!" Xiao Feng laughed happily as he watched Haunter waving his hands like a curious baby.

""Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Just as Xiaofeng and his party were happy about Haunter's evolution, the monkey monster lying on the ground slowly opened its eyes and let out a few long hisses.

Then there were many rustling sounds coming from the bushes in all directions. Monkey monsters and Infernapes kept appearing and surrounded Xiaofeng and his party. There were about a hundred of them, and the leader was a sturdy Infernape with a scar on his face that ran through his entire face at a 45-degree angle.

【Name: Infernape lv44]

Number: 57

Attribute: Fighting

Features: Anger Point

Skills: Incantation Bomb, Grab, Gather, Grab, Kick, Earth Throw, Cross Chop, Lightning Flash, Hold.

Race Value

HP: 65

Physical Attack: 105

Physical Defense: 60

Special Attack: 60

Special Defense: 70

Speed: 95

Total: 455

"Oh, Infernape? That's right, Haunter has evolved. Let me use you to test Haunter's current strength! Charizard, you guys go deal with the other Infernapes and monkey monsters, and leave the Monkey King to Haunter!"

""Roar! (Leave it to us!)" Charizard roared twice in response to Xiaofeng, and then took the Electric Beasts to deal with the monkeys.

"Go, Haunter, use Shadow Ball to greet it!"Seeing Charizard and the others go to deal with the monkey group, Xiaofeng turned around and gave Haunter an attack order.

The shadow power in Haunter's hand quickly condensed into an energy ball with a diameter of one meter, and shot it quickly towards Infernape and hit it.

Just as the Shadow Ball was about to hit Infernape, a yellow energy shield suddenly appeared in front of Infernape and wrapped around it

"With a"bang", the shadow ball collided with the energy shield, causing a strong explosion.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and soon Infernape rushed out of the smoke and dust at high speed, with a white light emerging behind him and a long white tail. It was the Lightning Flash skill.

"Blocked? Haunter charges up for Tooth for Tooth!"Looking at Infernape approaching, Xiao Feng shouted to Haunter.

When Infernape hit Haunter, there was a clang, and Infernape flew back after hitting Haunter.

Then, Haunter's Tooth for Tooth was triggered, and the black and white light in front of it gathered to form a pillar of light that shot at Infernape, which was flying back. Infernape was hit by the light pillar and flew out at a faster speed. With a click, it broke a several-meter-high tree ten meters away.

""Chiji!" Infernape howled in pain, fell to the ground, and trembled all over.

Xiaofeng looked at Infernape under the tree and praised Haunter,"Well done, Haunter!"

""Tonga!" Haunter scratched his head and responded with a smile.

""Chi!" Infernape stood up with red eyes and yelled. The blue energy in his hand gathered into a ball and quickly shot towards Haunter.

"It's a true energy bomb! Haunter uses Shadow Attack to put an end to it!"Looking at the energy bomb, Xiao Feng gave Haunter an order.

""Tunga! (Watch me!)" Haunter yelled, and instantly dodged the attack of the Chi bomb by diving into the shadows. Then, he emerged from the shadow of Infernape without knowing when, and grabbed Infernape's back with his claws flashing coldly. With a tearing sound, a long blood-red scar appeared on Infernape's back, running through the entire back. Then, he fell forward and fell heavily to the ground, unable to move, and had lost his ability to fight.

"Yes, yes, Shadow Sneak is indeed a move of Giratina, it's quite something."Xiao Feng looked at Haunter and touched his chin with satisfaction.

Then he looked at Charizard and the others. Charizard and his group of Pokémon were like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing each one with one move. Charizard kept whipping with its tail, and the Shock Beast kept flashing towards the waist. The Forest Lizard was like a ghost, shuttling among the monkeys. Wherever the green light flashed, the monkeys fell down before they could react. After a while, all the monkeys fell under Charizard and the others.

Charizard also benefited from the many monkeys and was promoted to the next level. Charizard became Xiao Feng's first level 50 Pokémon.

"Okay, everyone come back, we are going to continue our journey."

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