Chapter 27 The Giant Tree's Request for Help 2

""Cry!" Not long after, a high-pitched scream was heard in the dust. The lightning bird rushed out of the dust and flew high into the sky. At this time, the lightning bird was all black, with a red mark on its back.

"As expected of one of the three stupid birds, it's pretty tough!"Looking at the lightning bird rushing out of the smoke and dust, Xiao Feng sighed at its thick skin.

""Cry!" There was another cry, and the figure of the lightning bird flashed, and then the sharp beak lit up with a strong white light, and it quickly stabbed towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard has high-speed movement and pecking and drilling. Since it wants to fight head-on, use Flash Charge as it wishes!"

""Roar! (Burn up)" The Charizard roared after receiving the order, and then its dark blue body burned with blue flames. It waved its two pairs of dragon wings and rushed towards the direction where the Zapdos was rushing.

"With a"clang" sound, the moment the two Pokémons flying in a straight line touched each other, Charizard's forward direction remained unchanged, while Zapdos was pushed back by Charizard the moment it touched Charizard, and then fell down.

"With a"pop", he fell to the ground and fell into a big pit. His eyes were full of circles and he lost his ability to fight.

"Charizard won! That's great!"Xiao Feng saw that Zapdos had lost its ability to fight, and he praised Charizard loudly.

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon roared in response to Xiaofeng, then flapped its dragon wings from the air and slowly landed in front of Xiaofeng.

"Bullshit! Haha!" Xiao Feng patted Charizard's big blue belly and laughed.

"Roar (Hey hey!)"

"Let's go and check on the situation of the lightning bird. I think it should have regained its sanity now!"

Xiaofeng brought the elves to the big pit created by the lightning bird and looked at the unconscious lightning bird inside.

"When in doubt, take pictures first!"Looking at the Zapdos, Xiao Feng touched his chin, quickly took out the illustrations and started taking pictures around the Zapdos. He was mainly afraid that the Zapdos would wake up and not allow him to take pictures. After all, the Zapdos' temper was much worse than that of the Flame Emperor. He also took pictures with the unconscious Zapdos as the background, and made a"V" sign with the elves.

After that, Xiao Feng took out a few orange fruits from his backpack, fed them to the Zapdos, and stepped back not far away.

""Soon the lightning bird woke up, looked around in confusion, and then saw the fire-breathing dragon that defeated him, and then looked at the little wind standing next to the fire-breathing dragon warily.

""Ting! Ting! (Human! What is your purpose!)" The lightning bird chirped at Xiaofeng.

"Uh, shouldn't I ask you, what is your purpose? I'm here to stop you from destroying this barrier, which is the home of many elves. Why are you attacking this barrier for no reason?" Xiao Feng looked at the lightning bird helplessly.

"Li, li, li! (Did you come out from inside? I sensed the breath of my child in there, I must save my child!" Zapdos shouted excitedly to Xiaofeng.

"Oh, you said your child is in there?" Xiao Feng frowned and looked at the lightning bird.

"Li (yes!)"

"Is that so? Then how about this? I'll go in and ask the owner of the barrier to help you find out if your child exists. If so, I'll help you bring it out! But you can't attack the barrier anymore. How about this?"Xiao Feng thought about it and told the lightning bird how to deal with it.

""Yes." Zapdos looked at Charizard, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

"Ok, Charizard, you stay here and watch it, I'll go in and talk to the giant tree!" Xiao Feng saw that Zapdos agreed, so he asked Charizard to stay here and watch Zapdos, and then he led the elves except Charizard into the barrier, flashing to the center of the valley. Soon he arrived in front of the giant tree and explained the current situation outside to the giant tree.

"So that's how it is. The Zapdos that attacked from outside sensed that its child was in my barrier. OK, I got it. Wait a moment. I'll send the elves in the valley to search and see if there is a Zapdos child." The giant tree thought for a moment and then transmitted a message to Xiaofeng.

Then the trunk of the giant tree shook, and the voice of the tree spirit rang out throughout the valley:"Everyone, I need your help. Help me see if there is a yellow bird elf surrounded by lightning in the valley. Help me find it!"

"Let's go and help look for it together!" Xiaofeng nodded.

""Thank you for your hard work!"

After that, Xiaofeng and his group searched for the baby Zapdos with the elves in the valley.

Finally, they found the baby Zapdos in a cave in the valley. At this time, the baby Zapdos was lying on the ground comfortably, with its eyes closed and a bubble on its nose that was getting bigger and smaller. It was sleeping very sweetly!

"Really! You are so comfortable, I have been looking for you for so long!" Xiao Feng looked at the little lightning bird in front of him with a frown on his face.

"With a"bo" sound, the little Zapdos' snot bubble burst. Perhaps it was disturbed by the noise around it, it slowly opened its eyes, looked at Xiaofeng and many elves standing in front of it, and backed away with a twist of its butt.

""What are you doing?" The little lightning bird called out to Xiaofeng and his group warily.

"Don't be afraid, little guy, the lightning bird outside asked me to take you to find it. You have been missing for so long, it is very anxious!"Xiao Feng half squatted down and explained to the little lightning bird.

"Oh no, no, I forgot the time and I'm going to get beaten. What should I do?"When the little Zapdos heard this, his face changed instantly and he started spinning in circles.

"Come on, come on, let's go find it! Otherwise, it won't be as simple as getting beaten up if you're late." Xiao Feng quickly stopped the little Zapdos.

""Clink! Clink! Clink! (Yes, if you're late, you'll have to wait for a few more meals. Let's go!" When the little Zapdos heard that it was true, he quickly followed Xiaofeng and his group and flew in the direction of the Zapdos.

Soon, they passed through the barrier and saw Charizard and Zapdos staring at each other.

"Come on, Zapdos, we found your child. It just fell asleep in the valley. It's okay!" Xiaofeng interrupted the two elves staring at each other and pointed at the little Zapdos behind him.

""Ting! Ting! (You little brat! I finally found you! You made me so worried, and I got beaten up for nothing!)" When the Zapdos saw the little Zapdos, he immediately went up to him and started a big fight.

""Uh" Xiao Feng didn't know what to say for a moment when he saw the scene in front of him.

After watching the little Zapdos being beaten, he spoke to the little Zapdos after a long time:"Okay, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved! Don't run around in the future, okay?"

"(I've been beaten for so long, why couldn't you have spoken up earlier?) The little lightning bird beeps softly.

""What did you say?" The lightning bird glared at the little lightning bird, and it shut up instantly.

""Ting! Ting! Ting!" (I'm sorry, human. I misunderstood. I hope you can help me say sorry to the owner inside. Now that my child has been found, we will leave. Goodbye!)" The lightning bird called apologetically to Xiaofeng.

""Okay, I will. Goodbye!" Xiaofeng also nodded in response.

Then the lightning birds flew away in the sight of Xiaofeng and his group.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Xiaofeng and his group returned to the giant tree to explain that the matter had been resolved.

"Thank you for your help."The giant tree thanked Xiaofeng.

"It's okay, you're welcome!"Xiao Feng shook his head to indicate that you're welcome.

"I don't have anything to give you, so I'll give you this. It should be helpful to you!" The giant tree pondered for a while, and a giant tree fruit floated down from the branch and landed in front of Xiaofeng.

"Thank you very much. Now that the matter has been resolved, it is time for us to leave. I will continue our journey of cultivation. Goodbye!"Xiao Feng looked at the extraordinary fruit in front of him, thanked him, took it, put it in his backpack, and then said goodbye to the giant tree.

"Goodbye, and I wish you a safe journey!"The giant tree said to Xiaofeng with blessing.

"Goodbye?" Xiao Feng waved his hand and led the elves away, heading towards Rainbow City.

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