The shadow ball was wrapped in jets of flames, which continued to grow larger in the eyes of the Windy Dog and blasted towards the Windy Dog!

""Windspeed, dodge quickly, use Flame Vortex!"

Xiaolu shouted to Windspeed, who quickly stopped spraying flames after receiving the order. The wind wrapped its body in the wind, and it kicked its legs hard, rushing to the side, carrying bursts of air-breaking airflow. It escaped the straight attack range of Shadow Ball.

Then Windspeed adjusted its posture, the flames in its mouth burned violently, and it sprayed out in a rotating turbine style, attacking Gengar.

"Geng Gui, Skywalker! Xiao Feng looked at the vortex of fire coming and spoke softly.

"Genga! (Hehe!)" Geng Gui grinned, his body floated slightly and dissipated into the air, and the vortex of fire pounced into the air.

"Disappeared!"Looking at Gengar disappearing without any warning, Xiaolu's pupils shrank sharply! Then he quickly commanded the Wind Speed Dog:

"Windy Dog kept shooting flames all around! Force it out!"

Windy Dog followed Xiaolu's instructions accurately, and kept shooting flames all around! But there was no sign of Gengar at all.

"Why isn't there one?" Xiaolu murmured in shock.

""Geng Gui, strange light!"

Suddenly, Xiao Feng's voice came into Xiao Lu's ears, and Geng Gui appeared from the left side of the wind speed dog, and a mysterious ripple force shot towards the wind speed dog!

""Oh no, Windy Dog, get out of the way!" Xiaolu hurriedly shouted at Windy Dog.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The strange light had accurately hit Windy Dog, who was about to escape.

Under the influence of the strange light, Windy Dog gradually felt the world spinning, lost the trace of the enemy in front of his eyes, and could not hear all the sounds from the outside world. Windy Dog launched a random attack. It has fallen into a state of chaos!

"It's over!" Looking at the chaotic Wind Speed Dog, Xiaolu sighed in his heart!

"Gengar, put an end to it, the last wave of evil!"Then Xiaofeng's voice reached Xiaolu's ears, and Gengar's wave of evil accurately hit the confused wind speed dog.


The Windy Dog was hit by the wave of evil, and was blown away, hitting a rock near the open space heavily. With a cracking sound, the rock was centered on the Windy Dog, and dense cracks continued to spread!

When the impact force was exhausted, the Windy Dog fell to the ground, his eyes spinning, unable to fight!

"You have done very well, Windy Dog, come back." Xiaolu praised the unconscious Windy Dog, used the Poké Ball to collect it, and then took out a new Poké Ball and threw it into the field.

"Xiaofeng's Gengar is very strong! Now it's up to you, Pidgeot!"

【Name: Pidgeot lv48]

Number: 18

Attributes: General, Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Skills: Lightning Flash, Wind, Tornado, Air Blade, Parrot, Destruction Light, Brave Bird, Hold, Feathered Roost

Race Value

HP: 83

Physical Attack: 80

Physical Defense: 75

Special Attack: 70

Special Defense: 70

Speed: 101

Total: 479

"Gengar, come back. I'll leave it to you next, Lizard King!" Xiao Feng saw that the other party had replaced Pidgeot, so he called Gengar back and sent Lizard King. Then he smiled mysteriously at Xiao Lu, raised his right arm and stood horizontally in front of him, and pulled open the sleeves of his clothes. A pure handmade wooden rattan bracelet with a spherical mysterious bead inlaid on it was displayed in front of Xiao Lu.

"Xiaolu, I've got something good to show you! Lizard King, surpass your limits, mega! Evolve!"

As Xiaofeng finished speaking, Xiaofeng's bracelet and the Lizard King's body simultaneously emitted dazzling, colorful, mysterious light, and then the light attracted and converged on each other, and the Lizard King's body changed in the light. When the light faded, a brand new Lizard King appeared in front of Xiaolu.

"The complete form of the Lizard King can actually evolve!"Little Green looked at Xiao Feng with sparkling eyes.

"This is called mega evolution, also known as super evolution! The first place it appeared was in the Kalos region! You will understand it as you continue to travel. Now let's continue the battle!"Xiao Feng explained and signaled the battle to continue

""Okay, Brother Xiaofeng, I will have my own mega evolution in the future, let me see its strength now." Xiaolu nodded excitedly, and then issued an attack order to Pidgeot:

"Pidgeot, use Wind!"

After receiving the order, Pidgeot quickly flapped his huge wings, driving the surrounding wind, forming a strong wind that swept towards the Lizard King.

"Lizard King, go ahead and move at high speed!"Xiao Feng looked at Pidgeot's movements and said to the Lizard King

""Chamo!" The Lizard King nodded, broke through the strong wind and rushed towards Pidgeot, leaving a series of afterimages behind him, and his figure kept flashing in the venue!

Pidgeot looked at the Lizard King who kept changing his position, and frantically flapped his wings to adjust his position, trying to find the figure of the Lizard King!

"Right now, Lizard King, jump up and use the cross scissors!" Xiao Feng's eyes followed the Lizard King all the time. When he saw that the Lizard King had come into the blind spot of Pidgeot, he quickly gave the order

""Chamo! (Attack!)" The Lizard King responded loudly, and in an instant, he crossed his hands and condensed a white blade. Then he jumped high up and jumped to the same height as Pidgeot. He swung his crossed hands forward to form a"cross" energy blade and chopped it towards Pidgeot!

""It's bad, Pidgeot, use the shield!" Xiaolu anxiously shouted to Pidgeot.

Pidgeot saw the cross energy blade approaching from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly tried to condense the shield to protect it.

But the speed of the Lizard King was too fast, and before the shield was fully formed, the attack had already landed on Pidgeot.

"The sound of a knife cutting something was heard!

Pidgeot's body was cut by the Lizard King's cross scissors skill, leaving a deep scar.

Then, under the powerful force, it fell to the ground at a high speed.


Gravel flew and smoke filled the air!

When the smoke cleared, Pidgeot was lying in a pit several meters deep, gasping for breath!

"Oh, he didn't lose his ability to fight. It seems that the shield he was protecting was not fully condensed. Did it block some of the damage?"Xiao Feng saw that the other party had not lost his ability to fight, touched his chin and murmured.

"Huh..., Pidgeot, use Feather Rest quickly, and then destroy the Death Light!"Seeing that Pidgeot has not lost its ability to fight after being attacked by the Lizard King, Xiaoluo breathed a sigh of relief. Then he ordered Pidgeot to use Feather Rest to recover.

Pidgeot was surrounded by green fluorescence, and feathers surrounded its body. The injury was gradually stabilizing and repairing. After it was completed, orange energy gathered in its mouth, and a beam of light with a breath of destruction shot towards the Lizard King.

"Lizard King, a flash of lightning, run in a zigzag to avoid it!"Looking at the destructive death light coming, Xiao Feng issued further instructions to the Lizard King.

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