The duck-billed fire dragon suddenly felt different parts of its body being hit, and its whole body began to tremble constantly because of the attack.

The pits on the rock wall became deeper and deeper.

His eyes gradually became dull, and he finally lost his ability to fight!

At this time, there was some silence in the field! Their cognition was broken one after another. Xia Bo and Zhu Lan stared at Xiao Feng tightly, as if they wanted to see something on his face.

"Congratulations, Xiaofeng, you won the game!"Zhu Lan saw that after looking for a while, she couldn't see anything, so she quickly came to Xiaofeng and congratulated him with a smile.

"Well, thank you, it's all thanks to Gyarados!"Looking at the smiling Zhulan, Xiaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he quickly came back to his senses and thanked Gyarados.

"Oh, come back, Charmander, you are already great." Xia Bo, who didn't see anything in the end, sighed helplessly, raised the Poké Ball, took back Charmander, walked quickly to Xiaofeng, took out a Red Lotus Badge from his pocket and handed it to Xiaofeng.

"Congratulations, Xiaofeng, this is proof that you have completed the gym challenge."

"Thank you, Master Xia Bo. But the challenge is not over yet, I still hope to continue to challenge the gym's main competition mode!"Xiao Feng took the badge, thanked him, and then smiled gently, putting the preliminary competition badge into his backpack.

Then he took out the main competition badge he had won before, showed it to Xia Bo, and invited him to the gym's main competition mode.

"Uh, come on, my old bones will be broken by you young people sooner or later. Well, I will risk my life to accompany you today. It’s been a long time since I participated in the finals, haha."Looking at the finals badge displayed by Xiaofeng, Xia Bo was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

Zhulan had a look of understanding, and an imperceptible ray of light flashed in her eyes. She felt complicated:"I took my first trip when I was 10 years old, but I didn’t get so many finals badges!"

Xia Bo just went back and prepared to continue the competition


A long bird song reached the ears of Xiaofeng and others, followed by many"boom" explosions.

"What happened? This sound is……!!"Xia Bo heard the familiar bird song and felt that something was wrong! He immediately said to Xiao Feng apologetically:"Xiao Feng, it seems that our game will be postponed. Something must have happened. I need to go check it out now!"

"It's okay, I'll go with you and take a look. I think I can still help."Xiao Feng waved his hand without minding, and then said that he could help

"Well, thank you very much!" Xia Bo looked at Xiao Feng and his elves, thought for a moment, and nodded.

Seeing Xia Bo nod, Xiao Feng looked at Zhu Lan again, with a trace of concern in his eyes:"Zhu Lan, you...why don't you stay here? It may be dangerous."

Zhu Lan caught the fleeting concern, and for some reason she felt a little happy in her heart. But soon she smiled firmly and said:

"No, I'll go with you. I can help. Don't forget, I'm very strong!"

"Ah, haha, yes, you are the champion."Xiao Feng suddenly remembered Zhu Lan's strength and touched his nose awkwardly.

Soon the two followed Xia Bo to the place where the explosion came from. This place was an active volcano.

In the center of the volcano, a huge bird wrapped in flames flapped its wings with angry eyes. Its wings were locked by four red energy chains and it was difficult to break free.

Where each chain came out, there was a man wearing a black uniform with a red embroidered on his chest."R"The person with the logo is holding an unknown instrument.

It is Moltres and Team Rocket!

【Name: Moltres lv72】

【Ding, trigger the task: rescue the flamingo, reward 100 racial points】

"Team Rocket, what are you doing? Let go of Moltres!" Xia Bo saw the identity of the person and angrily stopped him.

""Xia Bo, how are you? You are still so irritable. Oh, and you, little brother, we meet again!" At this time, three people came out and one of the old men spoke to Xia Bo.

"It's you! Why are you here!" Xia Bo looked at the pupils that shrank suddenly.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him? Don't forget our purpose, Uncle Ming!" A middle-aged man among the three stepped forward and spoke coldly to stop them.

"Well, when people get old, they want to reminisce about the past when they see old acquaintances. You are still so unkind, Xiao."Ming Bo complained to the middle-aged man.

"That's right, Xiao, you have to be considerate of the old man, after all, he has one foot on the verge of death."The young red-haired lady among the three also said

"Fei, if you can't speak, don't speak. I'm still very young!"Ming Bo glared at Yu Jie.

"Yes, yes, you are still young. That's enough." Fei spread his hands and spoke helplessly.

"Hey, it's Ming Bo, long time no see, are you so cool now? You even joined Team Rocket." Xiao Feng saw that the other party was chatting casually, so he interrupted with a sarcasm.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, long time no see. What do you mean you joined Team Rocket? I am a member of Team Rocket. Ming Bo ignored Xiaofeng's tone and smiled.

""Okay... ok! We are all acquaintances, so how about we make a deal? Release the Moltres and I will pretend you have never been here. How about that?" Xiao Feng heard this and asked with an expression that he was a negotiation expert.

"Hehe, little brother, this won't do. We are here with the boss's order. We must take the Moltres away today."Mingbo was about to speak when Fei interrupted their conversation.

"All right, let’s not talk too much, let’s fight! Let’s fight!" Xiao Feng looked like he had failed in the negotiation.

"Leave it to me, Uncle Ming! He should have brought his trump card this time, I am quite familiar with him."Xia Bo turned his head to Xiao Feng and said seriously

"Ah, I can do anything."Xiao Feng nodded in understanding.

"In that case, leave that woman to me." Zhulan glanced at the woman named Fei and smiled confidently at Xiaofeng.

"No problem, then I will play with this owl." Xiao Feng's mouth curved, looking at the owl in front of him, and smiled gently.

After a moment, Xia Bo and Zhu Lan lured each other away not far away.

Xiao looked at everything in front of him without any ripples, and did not say a word to stop it.

"Wow, you look so cool, do you look handsome like this?" Xiao Feng looked at Xiao who didn't intend to say anything and teased him.

"I know you, your name is Xiao Feng."Xiao looked at Xiao Feng calmly and said

"Really? It's an honor." Xiao Feng shrugged.

"I will be here to help the boss get rid of you. Go ahead, Fire Elf."A cold light flashed across Xiao's calm eyes, and he took out a Poké Ball from his arms and threw it out.

A white light emerged, and a cute four-legged Pokémon with some yellow fur on its head and neck and a red body appeared on the scene.

【Name: Fire Spirit lv64………】

"Oh, I didn't expect you to look so cold, but you actually like such a cute elf. If you want to get rid of me, it depends on your ability. I leave it to you, Haxorus."Xiaofeng looked at the owl and the fire elf with a strange look, and then sent Haxorus to appear.

"Fire Elf, use Shadow Ball!"Xiao's cold voice reached the Fire Elf's ears.

A huge black Shadow Ball was quickly gathered in front of the Fire Elf, and then it broke through the air and blasted towards Hakron.

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