Seeing that the victory was decided, Xia Bo exhaled and checked the condition of the flame bird. After seeing that it was fine, he walked to Xiao Feng and raised the corner of his mouth:"Congratulations, I lost!""

"Come, this is what you deserve for defeating me." Then he fumbled in his pocket for a moment, took out a badge and handed it to Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng took the badge with a smile on his face:"Thank you, Master Xia"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 40 racial points, and gaining the skill: Slide (skill effect, summon a humanoid phantom that can freely grow and shrink, and slide on the enemy, making it 100% face-down.)"

After getting the badge, Xiaofeng and Zhulan said goodbye to Xia Bo and left.

The two were about to embark on a new journey.

Walking on the streets of Honglian City, the two held a hot spring ice cream each.

Xiaofeng ate the ice cream in his hand and turned to look at Zhulan:"We are leaving, Zhulan, have you decided where to go next?"

"There is no plan yet, what about you, Xiaofeng?" Zhulan put her thumb and index finger on her chin, thought for a moment, and asked back.

Xiaofeng looked back at the extended road in front of the street, showing a firm look:"Of course I will keep moving forward. Now I have seven badges, and I only need one more to be eligible to participate in the Quartz League Competition."

"Really? Which gym are you going to challenge with your last badge?"Zhulan looked at Xiaofeng curiously.

A strange color flashed across Xiaofeng's eyes, and he thought for a moment:"Tokiwa Gym! There is a person there I want to see."

"Really? Then I wish you success in your challenge." Zhulan looked at Xiaofeng's determined profile and started to wish him well.

Xiaofeng collected his thoughts and turned his head to look at Zhulan again, and the two looked into each other's eyes.

Xiaofeng looked at the person in front of him with some hope in his eyes:"Since you don't have any plans, how about traveling with me?"

"Well, since there's nothing to do, let's just treat it as a trip!" Zhulan was stared at by Xiaofeng, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Do you agree?" Xiao Feng was stunned for a moment, then a happy smile appeared on his face, and he danced with joy:"Haha, that's great."

Just like that, in joy, Zhu Lan joined Xiao Feng's travel team.

Before leaving for the trip, Xiao Feng went to the hardware store and bought two things to put in his backpack.


Xiaofeng and his companion, who received the Red Lotus Tournament Badge from Gym Master Xia Bo, continued their journey with the elves towards Viridian City.

On the way, Xiaofeng allocated the 140 racial points he obtained to Gengar's Special Attack: 40, Hackon's Physical Attack: 20, and Gyarados's Physical Attack: 80.

And through leveling up through battles, the levels of the elves have made new breakthroughs: Charizard lv62, Electabuzz lv60, Lizard King lv56, Gengar lv53, Hackon lv48, Gyarados lv40.

At this time, in a mountain forest, Xiaofeng commanded Gyarados to fight:"Destroy the death ray, put an end to it!"

"Roar! Gyarados opened his mouth and quickly gathered destructive energy, making a whistling sound. He shot the opponent to the ground with one strike.

"Xiaofeng is really working hard." Zhulan was making lunch on the side, watching Xiaofeng directing the battle in the distance, she sighed, then waved to Xiaofeng:"It's time to eat!" Upon hearing that, Xiaofeng immediately turned around and rushed back to Zhulan with Gyarados:"Hey, here we come, let's eat, let's eat!"

"Really, I feel like a starving ghost. I don’t know how you survived in the past. You couldn’t even cook." Zhulan rolled her eyes at Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng scratched his head and said,"In the past, we used the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed. When we were hungry, we just picked some fruits from the trees. We never had such a rich war. Besides, I don’t have such good cooking skills as you."

""Okay, here, this is yours." Hearing the praise, Zhulan nodded with satisfaction and handed Xiaofeng a bowl of steaming hot rice.

""Thank you!" Xiaofeng quickly took it and started eating.

Zhulan sighed when she saw Xiaofeng like this, and then served food to Charizard and Land Shark respectively, and then sat beside Xiaofeng and ate elegantly, forming a sharp contrast with Xiaofeng.

Tap tap tap tap!

Xiaofeng and Zhulan, who were enjoying a delicious lunch, heard many hurried footsteps coming from deep in the mountains.

Xiaofeng looked in the direction of the sound, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes:"What happened over there?"

Then he saw that the sky seemed to be blocked for some reason.

Xiaofeng and Zhulan looked up and saw an ancient city standing up miraculously.

"Oh my god, Zhulan, the city has grown mechanical legs!"Xiaofeng raised his hand and pointed at the city that covered the sky, and turned to look at Zhulan with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, that's right. It's my first time seeing this too." Zhulan blinked her eyes, a hint of curiosity about the unknown flashing in them.


The city began to move slowly, and no one knew where it was going.

As the city slowly moved, the habitats of the elves began to be trampled and destroyed by the giant mechanical legs. The elves fled in all directions, losing their homes. Seeing this, the two people's faces darkened.

"This won't work, we need to find a way to stop it. Zhulan, let's go up and take a look?" Xiaofeng looked at Zhulan with a questioning look.

Zhulan and Xiaofeng nodded in response.:""Go!"

Seeing Zhulan agreed, Xiaofeng put the elves into the elf balls, leaving only Charizard to take the two to the sky ancient city. After flying for a long time, Xiaofeng and the other two landed at the edge of the ancient city under the leadership of Charizard. Then Xiaofeng released the elves again and let Gengar hide in Zhulan's shadow just in case.

Xiaofeng and the other two looked around. Starting from the edge of the ancient city, the city was like six steps rising step by step. There were houses and buildings on each floor. There were stone stairs connecting the steps upwards. At the highest point in the center stood a tall hexagonal tower. The top floor of the tower emitted a strong red light.

"It seems that the hexagonal tower is the core of controlling this city!" Zhulan thought for a moment after seeing this scene and made a rough guess.

Xiaofeng nodded in agreement:"Well, let's go there first!"

The two quickly came to the stone stairs leading to the upper floor.

Just as the two were about to step onto the stairs.

Xiaofeng heard a"whoosh" sound in his ears, and hurriedly pulled Zhulan's hand and took a step back:"Charizard, there is a situation! Dragon Claw!"

Upon hearing this, Charizard quickly condensed the dragon claw and turned around to swing in the direction of the sound.


The dragon claw split a huge rock that came from nowhere into two.

Xiaofeng looked up at the place where the sound came from, and saw two figures appearing on the upper right side of the stone stairs.

"It's Rhydon and Onix!" Zhulan followed Xiaofeng's gaze and saw the figures that suddenly appeared.

The two elves' eyes glowed red as they leaped down from the sky and blocked Xiaofeng and the other two.

Xiaofeng saw the red light in their eyes and frowned:"Well, it looks like they are being controlled. They are trying to stop us from going up! One each, let's make it quick and decisive."

"Well, leave Rhydon to me, Garchomp, use Tile Chop on Rhydon."Zhulan looked at the Rhydon on the opposite side and gave the order to attack. Xiaofeng followed closely and looked at the Electabuzz next to him:"We'll go too, Electabuzz, use Tile Chop on Onix!"

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