"It's over, Energy Ball. The

rainfin moth once again condensed a ball of green energy towards

the Catfish King, and at the moment when the ice shattered the Catfish King's body and entered the water, the

energy ball arrived and hit the Catfish King directly, and

the quadruple restraint damage directly defeated it.

Referee: "King Catfish loses the ability to fight, Rainfin Moth wins." "

I didn't expect to be a step slower.

Michaley retracted the Catfish

King, his expression seemed to be a little regretful

, if the earthquake can quickly destroy the ice surface

, and the Catfish King who successfully enters the water will be able to successfully dodge the attack of the Rainfin Moth, and

then there will be room to turn around.

"But you're doing what I want right now. The

Catfish King was defeated, and a smile appeared on Mikkeli's face,

because Zhou Yang's strength had begun to meet his expectations.

Referee: "Ask the Pavilion Master to send a second Pokémon."

"My second one, go on, swan dance.

Michaeli threw out the Poké Ball,

and a white Pokémon came out and

landed gracefully on the water.

Pokémon Pokédextro Pokémon

: Dancing Swan (White Bird Pokémon)

Level: 97

Gender: Male

Attributes: Water/Flying Dancing

Swan resembles a bird, and its body is mostly composed of white.

Its long pecks are yellow in color, and there is a black part on the tip of the peck.

It has two handfuls of feathers on its head, and it has feathers that are pulled forward on either side of its head.

It has two blue objects on its abdomen, its wings are in the shape of a "2" when it stands, and its webbed are black.

Referee: "Dancing Swan VS Rainfed Moth, the game begins."

"This time, I'll attack first, dance the swan, take off."

Michaeli gave the order first,

and the dancing swan on the water spread its snow-white wings and flapped vigorously and rose directly from the sky.

"Air slash. Then

the order to attack was given

, and the wings of the dancing swan folded and spread, and a large wind blade flew out of it and

slashed at the rainwing moth.

"Rain-winged moths, we also use air to chop. In

the face of his own moves

, Zhou Yang was naturally not far behind

, and the rain-winged moth vibrated its wings and released a huge wind blade, heading towards the wind blade released by

the dancing swan, and the two wind blades met in the air to offset but formed a fierce wind that blew the dancing swan and the rain-winged moth

back again and again.

"It doesn't look like it's going to be iron-headed. "

Rain-winged moths, dance with butterflies. "

In the face of the dancing swan, the rain-winged moth has the upper hand in the attribute

, if it is still hard steel

, Zhou Yang is worried that he will not be able to fight the dancing swan

, after all, the other party will fly the ultimate move of the attribute.

Under Zhou Yang's command, the rain-winged moth began

to dance in the air, and its speed, special defense, and special attack also continued to climb in the dance.

"Dance the swan, with the storm after the wind. "

The dancing swan vibrated its wings

, flapped a special air flow to change the air flow of the field, the dancing swan doubled its speed with the blessing of the tailwind

, and then it flapped its wings again, and a strong wind formed a

tornado in front of it, which was a storm tornado, and the storm tornado

quickly swept towards the location of the rain-winged moth.

"Rain-winged moth, water jets out of the way. "

In the face of the powerful storm tornado, I had to choose to dodge

, the rain-winged moth was covered by the water blue energy and flew at high

speed, coupled with the increase in speed after the butterfly dance, it successfully left the attack range of the storm tornado, and the

storm tornado

that lost its target stopped in place and became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

"We also jet with water streams.

Mikoli continued to give the order

, and the body of the dancing swan was also covered by the aqua blue qi

, and with the advantage of the tailwind, it quickly crashed towards

the rain-winged moth, and the dancing swan was very fast, and

the rain-winged moth was directly hit by the body without dodging.

"Wing attack.

Michaley took advantage of the victory, and the white light on the wings of the dancing swan shone and slammed into the rainwing moth.

"Rain-winged moth, paralyzing powder. Since

there was no way to dodge the attack, Zhou Yang naturally wouldn't let

the dancing swan feel better, the rain-winged moth shook its wings and released a large amount of yellow powder, and the wings of the dancing swan successfully hit the rain-winged moth and hit it hard,

but his body rushed directly into the paralyzing powder and

fell into a paralyzed state.

"Rain-winged moth, feathered perch.

Looking at the rain-winged moth that fell from the sky to the water due to the heavy injury, Zhou Yang let it use its self-recovery move, and the

rain-winged moth

began to rest and emit self-healing light, and its

physical strength began to recover.

"Dancing swan, you can't let it recover, just end the battle with air slashing.

Mikoli knew that if the Rainwinged Moth regained its strength

, then the paralyzed Dancing Swan would no longer have any advantage, and the

battle must end now.

The dancing swan vibrated its wings, just about to release the air slash

, its expression suddenly became uncomfortable, the whole body was paralyzed and could

not move, if it was not for the airflow flight, it may fall directly from the sky

, and when the dancing swan could not move because of the paralysis, the

rain-winged moth successfully used its feathered habitat and recovered part of its physical strength to regain its wings and take off.

"It's my turn, Rainwinged Moth, Air Slash.

Taking advantage of the paralysis of the dancing swan, Zhou Yang gave an attack order to the rain-winged moth, and the rain-winged moth

once again slashed directly at the dancing swan with a huge wind blade.

"Come on, dance the swan, brave the bird attack.

In Micoli's encouragement, the dancing swan finally overcame the paralysis

of the body, then folded its wings, quickly descended and left the place

, the rain-winged moth attacked without a name, and the winged dancing swan flew low and swooped towards the rain-winged moth


"Rain-winged moths, frozen beams. The

rain-winged moth released a cold ice beam, the ice beam directly hit the dancing swan, the body of the dancing swan began to freeze but did not slow down,

which was unexpected by Zhou Yang,


finally the dancing swan that was frozen into ice directly hit the rain-winged moth.

After hitting the rain-winged moth, the ice on the dancing swan's body shattered and

broke free.

Referee: "The rain-winged moth loses the ability to fight, and the dancing swan wins." "

Rest well, Rainwinged Moth. Zhou

Yang withdrew the rain-winged moth, and was able to fight with the dancing swan that had no advantage, and the

rain-winged moth

had done its best.

"I didn't expect to be forced to do this by one of your Pokémon.

Mikeli looked at Zhou Yang's eyes with a glint in his eyes.

"This is my second one, come on, Swift Dragon. Referee

: "Dancing Swan VS Fast Dragon, the game begins." "

Fast Dragon, fight with all your might, fast.

Zhou Yang shot first

, and the legendary power of the fast dragon was blessed

, and he disappeared in place in an instant

, and directly collided with

the dancing swan, and the dancing swan who fell into a state of paralysis faced the fast dragon that was moving extremely fast

, and he couldn't dodge at all

, and he didn't even have time to react

, he was directly hit by the fast dragon and flew away, and

fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

The referee and Mikoli were also stunned by this scene of the second kill,

but they quickly recovered.

Referee: "The dancing swan loses the ability to fight, and the fast dragon wins." "

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