"Yang Xinyan, thank you for your help this time, my Kirby Beast didn't cause any disturbance. "

I won't ask for this energy puff recipe in vain.

"Since you don't want money, I think I can give this to you.

Elima said and took out a Z pure crystal and handed it to Yang Xinyan.

"This is Kirbymon Z Pure Crystal. "

Don't worry, this is not my attribute pure crystal, but private. "

Yes, you can give it away.

"I know you have Kirbymon too, so you won't say no to this. "

Captain Elima said that he didn't want to prostitute Yang Xinyan's energy puff formula in vain,

and he also helped himself so much.

Yang Xinyan originally decided to refuse no matter what Ilima came up with to thank her

, but after seeing Kirbymon Z Pure Crystal, she hesitated, and

finally accepted it cheekily.

After seeing Yang Xinyan's subordinates, Elima breathed a sigh of relief.

"If your Kirbymon learns the ultimate shock move.

"After getting the Z Powerful Bracelet, you can use it with Kirbymon Z to turn the ultimate impact into a powerful Kirbymon exclusive Z move.

"It's called Serious Crit.

"It's very powerful, and the reaction of the ultimate impact disappears.

After listening to Captain Elima's explanation,

Yang Xinyan looked at the Kirby Beast Z in his hand and unconsciously smiled.

"Let me show you how.

Ilima wanted to motivate them,

so he led them to a clearing not far away.

"Come out, Kirbymon. "

Zhou Yang, although I can't really fight you now.

"But I want you to release the most defensive Pokémon.

"Otherwise, you will suffer if you eat hard." "

The Pokémon battle is of course the most direct when it is demonstrated

, but Ilima can't fight against Zhou Yang now,

so Zhou Yang can only defend passively.

"Come out, Golden Monster. Zhou

Yang released a giant gold monster

, whether it was his own physical defense or attribute resistance, Kirbymon's

full force attack could not break through.

"Kirbymon, strike with all your might. Captain

Elima put Kirbymon Z into the Z Powerful Bracelet, and then did the exclusive action when the general attribute Z move was released

, Captain Elima's arms were raised

and crossed in front of his face, and the right arm with the Z Powerful Bracelet was placed outside, and the Kirbymon

Z embedded in the Z Powerful Bracelet began to glow

, and then the arms were separated and put down, and then the two wrists were crossed in front of the chest


with the right arm with the Z Power Band on top, then bend sideways

to the lower left, then lift the arm with the Z Power Band to the upper right and then stand up straight, the other arm is still on the bottom left

, the arms form a straight line

, the lower arm clenched into a fist palm up on the chest, the arm with the Z Power Band


fist palm down on the forehead,

Elima's whole body was surrounded

by the pure crystal energy released by the Z powerful bracelet, and then this pure crystal energy was released forward to wrap

Kirbymon, and Kirbymon was wrapped by Kirbymon's energy, and

began to release Z moves with all its might.

Wrapped in the power of Z Pure Crystal, Kirbymon's eyes showed its essence

, and it jumped up directly from the ground, landed

on the ground smoothly with a somersault, and began to use a serious big crit.

Kirbymon became serious and rushed at full speed.

When he was not far from the

giant gold monster, he shook the fat on his stomach and jumped a step, Elima pointed up

, wrapped in the Z power Kirby beast and jumped directly high, and

then smashed towards the giant gold monster with terrifying power.

"Giant gold monsters, reflecting walls.

Zhou Yang would not be beaten in vain

, a wall of light condensed above the head

of the giant gold monster, and the Kirby beast smashed on the reflection wall of

the giant gold monster with a bang, and the giant gold monster was forced to retreat again and again by this huge

power, although it did not suffer much damage,

but the power was really amazing.

"How's that?

After Elima's demonstration, he reclaimed the Kirbymon, and

Zhou Yang also received a powerful response from the giant gold monster.


After exhaling a breath, Zhou Yang gave a thumbs up, and

Yang Xinyan and Luo Dongdong next to him were stupid, and

they could directly repel Zhou Yang's giant gold monster.

"Zhou Yang, let's say okay, don't forget to challenge me when the time comes. "

Ilima was also busy as the captain, so

he rode on the Kentero and left quickly.

"Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang, let's hurry up and find the island god. "

I'd like to try Kirbymon Z as soon as possible.

When she first arrived at Meile Meile Island

, when Zhou Yang mentioned that another purpose of this trip was to get the Z powerful bracelet

, Yang Xinyan still had a look of not much interest, and

now she was the most excited.

Seeing Yang Xinyan's cheerful appearance of jumping and jumping

, Luo Dongdong and Zhou Yang glanced at each other, and

shrugged their shoulders helplessly.

On the outskirts of Haoole City

, they couldn't wait to get the Z powerful bracelet

, Zhou Yang and they rushed all the way here,

ready to go to Lili Town.

"Zhou Yang, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Zhou Yang suddenly stopped and looked at the mountains in the distance,

Luo Dongdong asked after directing Kentaro to approach.

"It should be a ten-carat hill there.

"But why do I feel strange?

The reason why Zhou Yang stopped was because he had a special feeling in his heart,

and it only appeared when he looked at the ten-carat hill.

"It's nothing, I guess I'm too excited. "

Since you don't know the situation, there's no need to worry about it.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry.

Yang Xinyan didn't want to wait for a moment, and accelerated directly.

"What shape?spacesuit?" At

the entrance of Lili Town, Zhou Yang and the others slowed down

, and with the help of Kentero's height advantage Yang Xinyan saw that there were several people in strange costumes at the entrance of the town

, and those people saw Zhou Yang and they were looking at themselves, and

quickly left.

"It's the Ultimate Investigation Team, interesting.

Zhou Yang recognized their identities at a glance as he looked at the few people who left

, but it was unknown why they appeared here

, maybe they were watching something, such as Kapo Mingming.

Walking into this quaint town

, Zhou Yang vaguely remembered

that the last time he came here, he was holding a celebration, and he also had a battle with Hawu

, the grandson of the king of the island, and that battle even led to the appearance of Kapo Mingming

, but unfortunately the strength was too weak to fight with one at that time

, and now it should be about the same,

of course, the premise is that the other party will not fully stimulate the ability.

The home of Hara, the king of the islands in the small town of Lilly.

Zhou Yang: After they put away Kentyro's ride, they stood at the door and began to knock.

The door was opened by a brown-skinned woman, followed by a dumb beast.

"Hello, do you have anything to do?"

Although Zhou Yang and the others came to visit directly, the

brown-skinned woman still received them very warmly.

"We're here to find Hara, the king of the islands. Zhou

Yang: They said the purpose.

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