The person who came to pick up Zhou Yang and them on Bo Ni Island was a clipper captain at the port of Haoole City on Merlot Island

, he only knew that it was the port contacted by the king of the island, Hala who asked to send a fast boat to pick them up, and

the other captains didn't know anything, he just accepted the task.

When he was still on the boat, Zhou Yang suddenly remembered that when he first arrived at Meile Meile Island

, he had felt the abnormality of the ten-carat hill on the way to Lili Town, and

he didn't care too much about it because he didn't know what would happen.

After disembarking from the port area of Haoole City on Merlot Island,

Zhou Yang and the others immediately sent flying Pokémon to quickly head towards Dr. Kukuy's research institute near the Ten Carat Hill.

Dr. Kukui Institute.

Including Dr. Kukuy, the Alliance's Deputy Prosecutor Changchun and Hala the Island King of Merlot Island were all in this place

, and after hearing the sound of Pokémon coming from outside the house, Dr. Kukui quickly got up and went out to bring Zhou Yang and them into the house.

"Now that we're all here, I'll explain.

The Alliance's Deputy Prosecutor Chun Shu glanced at everyone and then spoke

, "Zhou Yang, they also know that I went to find the Lord of Murdan, the king of the islands of Ula Ula Island, for help.

"Because the Soul Eye Clan, which originally lived in the Ten Carat Hills, suddenly attacked the Little Diamond Clan for some reason.

"Generally speaking, because small diamonds are one of the foods that hook the soul, this kind of thing is normal on the surface.

"It has happened from time to time in the past, and it will soon subside, because of the restraint of the little broken diamond on the soul hook eye in terms of attributes.

"This also leads to the fact that the Soul Eye Thrower can't really go to war.

"But this time, with the help of the Lord of Merdan Island, we found that there are several Soul Hookers with special abilities in the Soul Eye Clan.

"After research, this ability is very similar to the ultimate power of the Ultimate Beast. "

Can amplify all of Pokémon's abilities.

"Because of this, this time the small diamond group was defeated and retreated.

Speaking of which, Haruki took a deep breath as he continued,

"The Soul Eye Group chased the little diamond and accidentally discovered the entrance to an underground cavern. It

didn't take long for the Soul Eye to retreat as quickly as he saw a monster.

"Even those Soul Hook Eyes that suddenly have special abilities are no different.

Haruki said more and more excitedly,

"In the depths of that cave is the legendary Diamond Kingdom. "

Diamond Kingdom?"

Zhou Yang and the three of them were surprised

, especially Zhou Yang, he knew that the Diamond Kingdom should be the habitat of the gem Pokémon Tianxi,

but wasn't the Diamond Kingdom on the mainland?

"That's right, according to legend, the original Diamond Kingdom was on the mainland.

"But because of the human coveting of diamonds, they are constantly looking for its whereabouts.

"The guardians of the Diamond Kingdom at that time did not know what means were used to transfer the Diamond Kingdom, and they did not know where they went.

"I didn't expect it to be under the ground of a ten-carat hill.

Speaking of this, Haruki put away his excitement and his face became serious.

"Because of this, we suspect that the Soul Hook event was artificially manipulated, otherwise the wild Soul Hook would not have had special abilities.

When Haruki said this, he was interrupted by Zhou Yang.

"Wait, you mean a special ability like Ultimate Power?"

Haruki listened for a moment and nodded.

"The Aether Foundation probably did it.

Zhou Yang was sure that he had seen a device that could give ordinary Pokémon ultimate power, and

the new Akroma machine that Dr. Akroma suddenly approached him for experimentation on when he was on the island of Akara had this function.

"You also suspect that the Aether Foundation did it?"

Haruki blinked, as Zhou Yang's thoughts coincided with his investigation.

"It's not suspicion, it's the Aether Foundation. Next to him

, Luo Dongdong spoke, and

then he briefly recounted the encounter with Dr. Akroma.

"This kind of genius doctor actually defected

to the Aether Foundation?" Dr. Akroma's great name Haruki naturally knew that

he had helped Team Rocket develop a series of devices

, the most powerful of which were the Demigod Power Suppressor and the Pokémon Controller, and

he couldn't figure out why Akroma would defect to the Aether Foundation.

Haruki couldn't figure it out

that Zhou Yang understood that the researchers under the alliance were too restrictive

, and a genius researcher like Dr. Akroma liked to go off the rails

, like the Pokémon Catcher that Zhou Yang saw for the first time,

which was absolutely not allowed by the Alliance.

"In that case, the Aether Foundation's target is the Diamond Kingdom.

"They don't seem to be short of money.

Haramo, the king of the islands, rubbed his chin and wondered,

the business of the Aether Foundation spread throughout the Alola Islands, and

it was among the top few in the continent in terms of wealth.

"It's the power source, and the Aether Foundation should have its eye on the sacred diamonds that keep the Diamond Kingdom running.

Zhou Yang's words immediately attracted all the attention

, including Haruki, Dr. Kukuyi, and Hala all looked at him incredulously,

only Yang Xinyan and Luo Dongdong were used to it.

"That's right, why didn't I expect it, Zhou Yang, you are too smart.

Haruki thought of something, clasped his hands and said a little excitedly

, he learned from the eyeliner in the Aether Foundation that the Aether Foundation was conducting research on

a spaceship from another dimension, and piloting a spaceship from another dimension requires a massive amount of power sources

, and because it was impossible to find a sufficient power source, this research was almost at a standstill

, and now when he heard Zhou Yang talk about it, Haruki immediately remembered.

"The image of the Ethereum Foundation in the Alola Islands is too positive.

"We should not act too loudly.

"We can't shake their foundations unless they themselves jump out and admit it."

"You have to be careful in this operation. Dr

. Kukui knew that this operation would inevitably lead to a conflict with the Aether Foundation,

but what he didn't know was that Zhou Yang and the others had already fought with the Aether Foundation as early as the time of Super Evolution Stone Island.

"These two days are festivals on the island, and everyone's eyes will be drawn away.

"It's a good time to act.

"At that time, countless fireworks will bloom in the night sky of the entire island.

"The sound is enough to drown out everything.

"I can't be absent from the festival, I can't stay here all the time.

"If the Aether Foundation starts moving, contact me immediately.

After making all the preparations, Zhou Yang and the others temporarily stayed at Dr. Kukuy's research institute, as the king of the island Hala said, the island was full of laughter and laughter in the past two days

, and the fireworks show officially began in the evening

, although Dr. Kukuy's research institute was some distance from Lily Town and Haoaole City,

but the crackling fireworks explosion was heard clearly

If they do, the residents who are not far from the fireworks should not be able to hear anything but the sound of the fireworks exploding, and

this is the perfect time to act.

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