Sun Moon Mountain is the headquarters of the Alliance and the site where the Pokémon Alliance Convention is held every year, and directly north of it is the Forest of Life and the ruins of Silence surrounded by the Forest of Life, which is a forbidden place for the Alliance and no one is allowed to enter without permission.

After returning from the Alola Islands, Zhou Yang and the others embarked on a trip towards the Sun Moon Mountain, and now there is still some time before the opening of the Pokémon Alliance Conference, and Fukiyo City is not too far from the Sun Moon Mountain, so the three of them decided to walk to see the scenery along the way.

At the moment, they were preparing lunch by a river in the woods.

"By the way, I'll let you know a new partner."

Although the two of them are already very familiar, there are many people in the Alola Islands and luxury cruise ships, and he doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he hasn't told the two of them, and now there is no one else nearby, so Zhou Yang decided to let the Dawn Wings form Necrozma show up.

"Oh⊙∀⊙?! Zhou Yang, when are you going to accept the new ... Poof-"

Luo Dongdong was eating when he heard Zhou Yang subduing his new partner, so he looked up, only to see a huge figure appear in front of him, and the rice he had just eaten in his mouth spurted out instantly, and his eyes were full of shock.


Yang Xinyan also put down the tableware in his hand, his small mouth became O-shaped, and his beautiful eyes blinked continuously, thinking that this was too incredible.

"Naiklozma, get acquainted, you've also seen it, this is Luo Dongdong, this is Yang Xinyan."

Zhou Yang smiled and introduced his partner to the Dawn Wings Form, Naiklozma.

"Hello, please take care of me in the future."

The Dawn Wings Form Necrozma used psychic communication to start a conversation with Luo Dongdong and Yang Xinyan, which made the two of them look at each other and still couldn't believe it, of course they had seen Pokémon that could communicate with each other, such as Ladios and Ladias, but they couldn't have imagined that Pokémon of the level of Ladios and Ladias would be subdued.

"Hahaha – I'm absolutely not wrong with my vision, who can stop me this time, I'm going to be the first photographer to record the birth of a league champion in the whole process."

Suddenly, Luo Dongdong laughed wildly, tears fell out, he was extremely excited, with the help of the Dawn Wings Form Necrozma, no one could threaten Zhou Yang, and the champion of this alliance conference was definitely handy.

"I'm not going to play Necrozma, my other partners are enough, and I think there should be some big things happening at the end of this league conference, so it's better to keep some hole cards."

Zhou Yang looked at Luo Dongdong, who was overly excited, and the corners of his mouth twitched and he was speechless.

Hearing this, Luo Dongdong's laughter stopped abruptly, by the way, how could he forget, the Rocket team and some high-level members of the alliance seem to be going to do a big thing.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to get out, so you have to stay safe then."

Zhou Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said seriously.

"Hey! Have we encountered fewer things along the way? Don't forget that the two of us still have thugs.

Luo Dongdong, who was a little worried when he heard Zhou Yang's words, thought that there was still a drop of water in his hand, and instantly this worry was thrown to the back of his mind.

"I'm afraid that Ladios and Ladias won't be of much use at that time."

Unlike Luo Dongdong, who has a big heart, Yang Xinyan's mind is more delicate, she knows that everything she has encountered along the way can see that what the league's top management and Team Rocket are planning is absolutely dangerous, otherwise she would not have been preparing for so long.


Located at the foot of Mount Sun Moon Mountain, Sun Moon City was originally a small town built to entertain trainers who came to participate in the Pokémon Alliance Convention and tourists who came to watch the Alliance Convention, and now it has become a world-famous big city.

"It's finally here!"

On a mountain outside Sun Moon City, Zhou Yang stretched his waist and condescendingly looked at the behemoth in the distance, and arriving in Sun Moon City also meant stepping into the place where the Alliance Conference was held, because the first battle of the Alliance Conference was held in the major arenas in the city, and then qualified trainers could climb Sun Moon Mountain to participate in the semi-finals and finals.

"Don't be emotional, I'm eating, in order to cheer you up, although I don't need it, but I still made sweet puffs, and this time it's full."

In the mobile kitchen, Yang Xinyan brought the freshly baked puffs to the dining table one after another.

But in the blink of an eye, there were a few less sweet puffs on the plate, and Yang Xinyan looked at Luo Dongdong next to him with a smile, which made the latter shudder.

"Did you steal it?"

Feeling the oppressive aura on Yang Xinyan's body, Luo Dongdong's body subconsciously shook his head one after another.

"How can there be less of that?"

Yang Xinyan frowned slightly, because Luo Dongdong didn't look like he was lying, and at this moment, a few sweet puffs on the plate disappeared again, which made Yang Xinyan stunned and then angry.

"If you dare to steal my mother's things, don't let me catch you."

Zhou Yang walked back from the high ground he was standing on at this time, and when he saw the angry Yang Xinyan, he thought that Luo Dongdong had provoked her again, so he came to the latter's side.

"Did you steal it again?"

Hearing Zhou Yang's words, Luo Dongdong shook his head affirmatively: "It's not me this time."

"Huh?! This is? Biktini?

Zhou Yang knew that Luo Dongdong would not lie, and he would apologize every time after stealing food before, but he would do it again, this time seeing that he was so sure, it shouldn't be him. Since Luo Dongdong was ruled out, Zhou Yang looked around suspiciously, and a little elf-like figure on the branch not far away was hiding his figure, holding Yang Xinyan's sweet puffs in his hand and eating them with relish.

"I said Bicchitini, if you want to eat, you can just show up, it's not right to steal food."

Zhou Yang walked under the tree where Bicquitini was and looked up, the latter didn't care, probably because he didn't expect Zhou Yang to see his invisible self.

It wasn't until Zhou Yang opened his mouth that he was startled The sweet puffs in Biktini's hands fell directly from his little hands, and seeing that the food was about to fall to the ground, Bicchitini's wing-like tail quickly vibrated and pounced, and after catching the sweet puffs, he fell straight into Zhou Xiang's hands and was forced to appear.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"

Biktini wanted to escape from Zhou Yang's hands but found it useless, his mouth pursed, and he stared at Zhou Yang with some anger.

"It's not right to steal food, you have to apologize to my partner first."

Zhou Yang looked at the little guy in his hand and said.

"Wow! It's such a cute Pokémon, come and come, isn't it just a sweet puff, there are many sisters, you have to eat as much as you want.

Seeing Bicchitini in Zhou Yang's hand, the anger in Yang Xinyan's eyes disappeared instantly, full of love, she picked up a plate of sweet puffs and sent it directly to Bicchitini, which made Bicchitini, who was trying to break free from Zhou Yang's hands, stunned for a moment.

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