
Qin Fei knew very well that the Sun Elf's meditation method was created by it itself, and was not inherited from the race at all.

"It should be like this. The sun elves have just discovered it for the first time, and they haven't studied it thoroughly yet, so they have to explore it step by step." Zhao Nian'er said

"So is my Sun Elf Meditation Method qualified? Qin Fei asked

. 0.......

"I can't determine this, but the sun elf has awakened the meditation method himself, so there is no need to learn the basic meditation method." Zhao Nian'er said

"So can my Sun Elf now learn the moves taught in the dojo?"Since there is no need to learn basic meditation methods, Qin Fei plans to let the sun elf learn the moves taught in the Jingxin flow dojo.

"Yes, you just need to pay the fee at the registration office, and then a dedicated teacher will be responsible for teaching." Zhao Nian'er said

"Teacher Zhao, aren’t you responsible for teaching?"Qin Fei thought that Zhao Nian'er would also be responsible for teaching the moves.

"I am only responsible for teaching meditation. It is the responsibility of other teachers to teach the techniques."

"If you want to learn the moves, just go to the registration office and pay. I will also teach you the other elves to learn meditation."

Zhao Nian'er feels that she has wasted too much time on the sun elves. She will have to teach other elves later.

"Teacher Zhao, please."

Qin Fei didn't talk nonsense and looked at Zhao Nian'er pointing out his elves.

Except for Kati Dog, the other four elves can now enter samadhi within 5 minutes. The next training is the time to enter samadhi, which is related to future meditation. How long can it last?

Zhao Nian observed carefully, pointed out the Bibi Bird and the Hunting Swallowtail, and then left. As for Menas and Big Milk Tank, they were both very good.

Zhao Nian said, Mena Sihe Da Milk Tank will be able to learn the meditation method in a few days.

210: Teaching the dojo moves

"Since this is your own meditation method, let’s call it Sun Meditation Method from now on."Qin Fei decided to give the sun elf's meditation method a name.

Anyway, this meditation method also relies on absorbing sunlight to perform meditation. It is also very appropriate to call it the sun meditation method.

"Mi ba!"

The Sun Elf has no opinion on what the meditation method should be called. The right to name it is given to you. But can we discuss the matter of learning the moves? Learning four moves at once is too much.

Even if the Sun Elf is extremely talented, he still feels that learning the moves at once is too much. The four moves are a bit too difficult for it.

"If you are young and don’t work hard, you will be miserable. If you have too many skills, you will be able to deal with various difficulties in the battle in the future, and you have to learn it sooner or later. After you learn it now, you will still have time to play in the future."Qin Fei preached calmly.


Sun Elf"107" said that he felt very uncomfortable. Since he followed Qin Fei, although his life was much more interesting than staying at the research institute, he was still really tired.

At first, it only required two hours of physical training every day, but the sun elf endured it.

After the Sun Elf persisted, Qin Fei asked him to meditate again. Although meditation is not tiring, it kills time and greatly reduces the Sun Elf's entertainment time. Now that he has to learn so many moves, the Sun Elf feels that he will next There will definitely be no time to play in a month or two.

"Well, let me teach you a move. If you learn this move, you will be able to do two things at once. You can meditate and play at the same time, so that you don’t waste time on both."Qin Feidao

"Mi ba?"

The sun elf tilted his head, there is such a good thing

"This move is called a substitute. It involves sacrificing part of your physical strength to create a clone. This clone can also act according to your consciousness, but it cannot attack. You can try to see if you can meditate by relying on the substitute, so that you can let the substitute meditate. , you can play with your mobile phone yourself."What Qin Fei said is just his guess, and he doesn't know if it can work.

But the stand-in moves in animations and comics are still very good. The stand-in is similar to the shadow clone, but the stand-in is powerful and can even perform detection. Actions, the avatar's thoughts and the original are also connected to each other.

If you just practice meditation, the avatar should be able to do it

"Mi ba!"

The sun elf expressed that he wanted to learn

"There is no problem in learning, but the day before yesterday you must first learn these four moves in the Jingshin Ryu Dojo. After you have learned them, I will teach you these moves."Qin Feidao

"Mi ba?"

The sun elf was very confused as to why Qin Fei didn't teach him now, and the sun elf doubted Qin Fei's teaching ability.

Seeing that the sun elf dared to question his teaching ability, Qin Fei reminded him,"Have you forgotten how you learned to meditate?"


The sun elf thought about it carefully. Didn't he learn the meditation moves because he learned them after his enlightenment? What does it have to do with you, Qin Fei?

But the sun elf didn't dare to say it out, so he had to acquiesce obediently, lest Qin Fei arrange another study task for himself.

The Sun Elf has only experienced modified skills once. It thinks it is because of its own talent and has nothing to do with Qin Fei.

"Come on, let's go pay the money."Qin Fei didn't intend to waste time and decided to cut through the mess quickly.

"Mi ba!"

The Sun Elf reluctantly followed Qin Fei and left. The long-term pain is better than the short-term pain. Learn these four moves quickly and you will be free.

When she came to the registration office, Song Li was a little surprised to see Qin Fei arriving. Qin Fei had only been here for less than three days. God, why are you here? Do you want to refund your money?

"Teacher Song, I want to learn the dojo moves."Qin Fei said his purpose of coming.

"You haven't learned the meditation method yet, but are you planning to start learning the techniques?"Song Li wondered if she heard wrongly.

"My sun elf has already learned the meditation method, and my other elves don't know it yet. I don't plan to waste time and want the sun elf to learn the moves taught by the dojo."Qin Feidao

"Young man, you have to learn things one by one. Learning many things at the same time will delay your learning progress."Song Li didn't believe that the sun elf could learn the meditation method in less than three days, so she kindly persuaded her.

"Teacher, my sun elf has awakened the meditation method inherited by his race. Teacher Zhao said that there is no need to learn basic meditation methods. He also said that the meditation method in the dojo is not suitable for sun elves to learn."Qin Fei explained.

Song Li looked at the Sun Elf. She also knew that the Sun Elf was an elf that had just been discovered recently. Qin Fei's claim that the Sun Elf had awakened the meditation method inherited from the race was quite credible.....

"Okay, so what moves are you going to learn?"Song Li asked

"Mental shock, light wall, reflective wall, magic space."Qin Feidao

"so much...!"

It was also the first time that Song Li saw a trainer who let the elf learn so many moves at once. Can this sun elf learn it?

"You can learn them one by one without being in a hurry."Qin Fei doesn't plan to let the sun elves learn together at the same time. He will learn slowly one by one.

"You choose one first, and then choose the next one after you learn it."Song Li was worried that Qin Fei would spend the money unnecessarily, so she would rather teach him a move first.

"Then let’s have a mental shock."Qin Feidao.

The Sun Elf doesn't have many super attack moves. Currently, it only has telekinesis and mental strength. It needs to add an attack move. Psychic shock is a special attack move, but the way to calculate the damage is very magical. It is based on the opponent's Physical defense replaces special defense for damage calculation, so mental shock is specially used to deal with those elves with high special defense and low physical defense. It is necessary to learn

"100,000 yuan, and the learning time is half a month. If you can't learn it, you can continue to pay money to learn."The price that Song Li said was the same as what Meng Xi said.

Qin Fei paid the money, and then Song Li gave Qin Fei a sign. On the sign was Qin Fei's information and the elf who wanted to learn the moves.

"Take the sign and find Xu Bai. He is at the Teaching College. You can find it by following sign 1.4."Song Li said


Qin Fei said goodbye and left, and then followed the road signs in the dojo to the teaching academy.

The teaching academy is located very behind the dojo. Because it is responsible for teaching moves, it will definitely make noise, so it is built very far back. , it took more than twenty minutes just to get here.

"Finally I saw someone."

When he came to the teaching academy, Qin Fei saw the huge playground, where little elves were training their moves.

LV42 Gemstone Starfish/Genderless

LV32 Eggball/♀

LV27 Long-tailed Fire Fox/♂

Qin Fei took a look at these little elves. The level range of elves is very wide, ranging from over 20 to over 40 levels.

211: Mr. Pupu Pig

"Are they all managed?"

There is no one around these elves to watch. They are training there by themselves. It seems that they are entrusted here by their trainers to learn.

Qin Fei looked at his sun elf and really wanted to entrust it here. Here, but think about it, it would be unrealistic to let the sun elf not play with his mobile phone for a long time.

"Mi ba?"

When the Sun Elf saw Qin Fei looking at him, he had an indescribable premonition in his heart, but this premonition quickly disappeared.

He took the Sun Elf to the door of the only building on the playground and saw a Puff. Pig is lying on the armchair and sleeping leisurely.

LV70 Pupu Pig/♂


Seeing Pupu Pig's level, you know that this is an elf that can only be used by star-level professional trainers. I am afraid it is no worse than Jiang Tian.

Qin Fei didn't pay attention to Puff Pig, and knocked on the door, and then the door opened on its own, and no one opened the door. As soon as the door opened, 13 Qin Fei saw an old man sitting inside, his hair was already gray. , but he looks very good, and he also looks a little cynical.

"Is this Teacher Xu Bai? I'm here to learn skills. Qin Fei walked in and asked after getting closer.

The old man opened his eyes and was not surprised to see Qin Fei. He opened his mouth and asked,"Sign!""

Qin Fei immediately handed the sign given by Song Li to the table next to the old man. The old man picked up the sign and looked at it. He immediately started doing it and carefully looked at the sun elf next to Qin Fei.

"You are Qin Fei, the discoverer of the Sun Elf."Xu Bai unexpectedly recognized Qin Fei


Qin Fei is not surprised either.

Super-type elves are famous for their rarity. The discovery of a new type of super-type elf will naturally attract widespread attention, not to mention that Xu Bai in front of him specializes in cultivating super-type elves. trainer

"Has your sun elf learned meditation?"Xu Bai asked casually

"After learning it, I still awakened to the meditation method."Qin Feidao

"oh! I have awakened to meditation."Xu Bai was surprised. Generally, elves who can awaken the meditation method on their own are very strong. For example, Chalem's meditation method is very special, and the improvement in physical attack is very terrifying.

"Yes, but you need to rely on the sun to meditate. I call it the sun meditation method."Qin Fei said truthfully.

Xu Bai in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person. Maybe he can give him some advice.

"Yes, study hard and try to publish more papers about sun elves. This meditation method can also be included in papers."Xu Bai suggested.

Qin Fei was helpless. He thought Xu Bai could give him some advice, but he didn't expect that he just asked himself to publish a paper. Xu Bai didn't need to say this, Qin Fei also knew it.

The Sun Elf alone was enough for Qin Fei to write. More than a dozen papers, just write one in a few months is enough. Most formal researchers are like this. They delve into one direction and study one thing all their lives.

To put it nicely, it is called concentration, but to put it worse, it means resting on one's laurels.

Since Xu Bai couldn't give any advice, Qin Fei got to the point and said,"Teacher Xu, I brought the sun elf to learn spiritual shock.""

"knew. Xu

Bai nodded, and then shouted,"Puff Pig, someone comes to learn mental shock, you teach it.""

Puff Pig, who was sleeping outside the door, woke up immediately when he heard Xu Bai's call. Then he wandered to the door, hooked his hands at Qin Fei, and motioned Qin Fei to follow him out.

"Teacher Xu, this...!"Qin Fei doesn't quite understand

"Puff Pig is responsible for teaching spiritual shock. Just take your sun elf and follow him."��Bai Dao.

Qin Fei:(ΩДΩ)!

Sun Elf:(ΩДΩ)!

Qin Fei and Sun Elf expressed their shock for 100 years!

Although it is normal for elves to teach elves, in the human world, people still teach moves to elves. Of course, other elves will be used as demonstrations during the teaching process, but the key points still require professional guidance. of.

Since Xu Bai said so, Qin Fei had no choice but to take Sun Elf and Puff Pig outside the yard. Puff Pig took Qin Fei and Sun Elf to a relatively open place and stopped.


Puff Pig pointed at Qin Fei, indicating that Qin Fei could step back and leave the rest to him.

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