
Qin Yi still knows about hunting phoenix butterflies, after all, this kind of elf is still very popular, and hunting phoenix butterflies can be seen in spring and summer.

However, hunting butterflies live in the suburbs and in the wild, and they are rarely seen in the city.

Because the hunting phoenix butterfly is a small elf with extremely aggressive ability, this aggression is not weaker than that of the needle bee.

Don't look at the beautiful appearance of the hunting butterfly, but you can see that its name has the word "hunting", and these two words are only suitable for the fierce elf.

Hunting butterflies can be domineering and aggressive by nature, and when sucking pollen and nectar, it will chase away all the elves around it that compete with it for food, and if it is provoked, its mouthparts will pierce your body like a mosquito's needle and suck your bodily fluids.

Fortunately, hunting butterflies are all solitary, and if they live in groups, then their danger is more terrifying than that of needle bees.

To be honest, the character of the hunting phoenix butterfly is very suitable as a battle pet, but unfortunately the race value is too low and the characteristics are not good, so no one cares.

"That's right. "

Qin Fei nodded.

"When did it evolve?".

"It was just a few minutes before you opened the door. "

"It's evolving so fast, it's not been a week, is it?".

Qin Yi calculated the time, it was only three or four days since Qin Fei got the spiny tail, and it evolved into a carapace cocoon on the day he brought it back, and it stands to reason that it would normally take a week for the carapace cocoon to evolve into a hunting phoenix butterfly.

"yes, but it looks normal and it's fine. Qin Fei said.

Qin Fei knew what Qin Yi was worried about, and he was afraid that there would be any sequelae after hunting the phoenix butterfly to evolve in advance, after all, pulling seedlings to promote this kind of thing often happened among elves.

"Do you want to send it to the elf center to have a look?" Qin Yi felt that it was better to take a look.

It is not rare to hunt elves like phoenix butterflies, but they can spin silk, and they are still very valuable, and it is not easy to tame them.

And the elf center is also available in this world, and its function is to treat the elves and restore their strength.

However, it costs money to go to the elf center to see a doctor, although the medical ability is very strong, but it costs 1000 for one treatment.

If you go once, Qin Fei's salary will be gone for a week.

Qin Fei was still thinking about scraping together the money to upgrade his authority, and it was no big deal to hunt phoenix butterflies, so he didn't need to go to the elf center.

"It's normal to hunt butterflies, and you don't need to go to the hospital. Qin Fei said.

"Don't worry about money, today your dad and I made money. Qin Yi said.

"Dad, you are a glorious people's policeman, you can't take money from people indiscriminately. Qin Fei said.

"Get out of the way, I earned this money on my own, our police station held a police dog competition, and the first one won a prize of 100,000 yuan. "

"Also, what did you mean by what you kid just said, is your dad and I that kind of person in your eyes?"

After explaining, Qin Yi became angry, his son actually thought that he would accept bribes, this dog son really deserves to be a son of man.

"The electric dog has won the championship!" Qin Fei immediately looked at the electric dog.


The electric dog barked proudly twice, raised the proud dog's head, and came to praise me quickly.

Qin Fei also symbolically touched the head of the electric dog to show his praise.

"No wonder you weren't home when I got home. Qin Fei wondered why Qin Yi didn't sleep in the room before, it turned out that he was participating in the police dog competition.

"Hehe, don't you know, the electric dog has been in a hurry recently, and its speed and endurance have improved a lot. "

"In previous competitions, the electric dog ranked in the top five at most, and this competition directly won the first ,......!".

Qin Yi's eyebrows suddenly fluttered, and he introduced the performance of his electric dog in today's competition.

Qin Fei listened, and understood in his heart that the electric dog won the first place in this police dog competition, which had something to do with him.

At the beginning, in order to experiment with whether the modifier was modified for other elves, the physical strength and speed of the electric dog were full, and it was normal for it to be able to improve by leaps.

However, Qin Fei didn't expect that after strengthening the electric dog, there would be such an unexpected joy.

If he had known that the electric dog would win the police dog competition, Qin Fei would have to make a delicious meal, reward the electric dog, and buy two catties of big keel for it to gnaw on.

After listening to Qin Yi for a long time and not talking anymore, Qin Fei asked, "What about the bonus?"

Qin Fei's current first goal is to save 100,000 yuan first and see if he can upgrade the modification permission.

Qin Yi's 100,000 yuan is really timely rain.

"The money is in the punch card. "

Qin Yi said, took out his mobile phone, and showed Qin Fei the bank arrival prompt.

Latest transaction alerts for your XXXX debit card.

Transaction currency: alliance coin.

Trading time: July 20, 16:02.

Transaction amount: 100,000.

Transaction object: XXXXX, XXX Road XXX River County Police Station.

Summary: Contest Prizes.

Envy + sadness.

Qin Fei wanted to keep the 100,000 yuan for himself.

Even if 100,000 can't be obtained, but how much can be shared, Qin Fei immediately asked, "Dad, how much do you plan to share with me." "

"Ten thousand. "

Qin Yi is still willing to give his son a little money.

"Ten thousand is too little, give fifty thousand. Qin Fei decided to fight.

"Fifty thousand, why do you want so much money?" Qin Yi suddenly became vigilant.

50,000 yuan is not a small amount, enough to buy a lot of things, Qin Fei's elf in his hand is added to a piece, it only costs 10,000 yuan a month at most, save a little, less than 10,000 yuan.

Qin Fei was embarrassed.

My father is a policeman, and if I don't give a proper reason, I obviously can't get the money.

"Dad, you see that I am also a big child, and I have reached the age when I should fall in love, and I don't have any money in my hand, which girl can look at me. For the time being, Qin Fei only thought of falling in love as an excuse.

The culture of this world is similar, no queen is the greatest, and in order to get their children married, parents basically dig out their hearts and lungs.

"Do you have a girl you like?" Qin Yi asked.

Usually Qin Fei clamored to be a professional trainer, never asked about the love of his children, watched TV series and watched adventure themes, love seemed to not exist in Qin Fei's dictionary.

Why is it that after giving up and becoming a professional trainer, it is becoming more and more normal, and I want to fall in love.

"Just in case. "

Qin Fei pretended to be embarrassed, and didn't say that he had a girl he liked, anyway, at this time, his mouth was right, the more he didn't say it, the more Qin Yi would think that Qin Fei had a favorite object, but he was embarrassed to say it.

Out of breath!

Qin Yi scolded secretly in his heart, but he didn't break Qin Fei either.

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