Xiao Hei nodded respectfully.

Xiao Hei is naturally a mobile phone Rotom. After coming to Qin Fei's big family, he completely became the little brother of Qin Fei's elves.

Xiao Hei initially thought that he was a rare ghost-type elf and would definitely be taken seriously by Qin Fei. However, he found that none of Qin Fei's elves were good.

Originally, Qin Fei planned to cultivate Xiao Hei as his tool pet, specifically to record his elf training. However, because he often asked the sun elf to help him supervise, he did not know what the sun elf did. What Xiao Hei said to the sun elf now. Just follow orders and become a horse boy.

Especially since Xiao Hei was so smart, the Sun Elf immediately fell in love with Xiao Hei and transformed Xiao Hei into the shape of the Sun Elf.

Although Qin Fei was a little dissatisfied with this, it did not affect the training of other elves, so Qin Fei ignored it.

As for why you need to bring the sun elves with you when registering, it’s because before registering this time, you need to fill in the elves who register to participate in the assessment, and you can bring up to 6 elves to participate.

Although the minimum requirement is three, if you can apply for one more, then apply for one more and have one more opportunity for reference. This is also the advantage of cultivating a large number of elves.

The assessment location for professional trainers is not at the Alliance Center, but at the Trainers Association. For training in the East China region, if professional trainers need to be assessed, they must register in Magic City....!

Arriving at the entrance of the Trainers Association, Qin Fei walked straight in. No one was queuing up at the registration counter.

The number of professional trainers is very small. Even if it is the registration period, there are basically not many people signing up.

Qin Fei walked to the registration counter, sat down under the surprised look of the working lady, and asked,"Hello, I'm here to sign up for the professional trainer assessment.~"


Little sister:???

"This is my identification."Qin Fei knew that the other party thought he was too young, so he took out his ID card and put it on the counter.

The young lady recovered from her surprise, picked up Qin Fei's ID card and checked it. It was indeed a trainer, and Qin Fei is also 20 years old, meeting the minimum age requirement

"There is a fee to register. Are you sure you want to register?"The young lady feels that Qin Fei is a little too young, and maybe he just wants to try out the assessment of a professional trainer.

"OK, how to pay? Qin Fei nodded and asked

"Scan the QR code to pay, credit card, or cash, totaling 10,000."Seeing that Qin Fei wanted to sign up, the young lady stopped trying to persuade him.

After paying the registration fee, Qin Fei filled in the entry information and wrote in the elf column: Hunting Papilio Butterfly, Bi Diao, Sun Elf, Big Milk Can, Menas, These six Pokémon, Pikachu, must be present on land, sea, and air anyway.

Because in the three battles of the fourth round of assessment, the venues are random, and water fields may appear, so you must prepare a water Pokémon.

Otherwise, you will encounter a water field. That's what happened. It is said that the water in the water field is quite deep. Without electric and flying elves, it is impossible to fight in the water field. The lady at work checked Qin Fei's registration form to see if there were any omissions. , she was also very surprised when she saw Qin Fei sign up for 6 elves.

Although occasionally young people like Qin Fei took part in the professional trainer assessment, the elves who signed up were always three. This was the first time she had seen six elves sign up. The elves.

After that, it is necessary to check whether the six elves registered by Qin Fei really exist. There is no need to check the strength, as long as there are really these 6 elves. The alliance is very concerned about the strength of professional trainers, because in the future, the secret realm will appear, and the alliance We will contact the professional trainers who are most suitable for entering these secret realms, but we can’t cheat.

".々Okay, your data has been imported into the system. Just come here at 9 a.m. on March 1st to take the written test."The work lady has arrived.

"Well, thank you, farewell."

After signing up, Qin Fei also left in a hurry....!

In the dormitory room, Qin Fei released Menas

"I need to speed it up for you."

Qin Fei put his hand on Menas' wet body.

Category: Menas

Gender: ♀Attribute

: Water

Characteristics: Swimming freely (When it rains or rains heavily, the speed ability is doubled.)

Race value: 540 (Vitality 95/Attack 30/Special Attack 140/Physical Defense 79/Special Defense 105/Speed 101.)

Individual value: 6V (Physique 31/Attack 31/Special Attack 31/Physical Defense 31/Special Defense 31/Speed 31.)

Level : 60 skills: Blizzard, Freeze Beam, Water Wave, Tornado, Charming Sound, Water Cannon, Guard, Wall of Light, Charming, EX Life Drops, Iron Tail, Water Cannon, Self-Regeneration, Water Tail, Mysterious Guardian, Surf , praying for rain, curling up, dragon's fluctuation.

Intimacy: 255 (Unparalleled Loyalty)

Items carried: Mysterious Water Drops (the power of water attribute moves is increased by 20%. People)

Qin Fei re-edited the data for Menas, mainly changing In terms of racial value and characteristics, Menas is not very fast on land, but if you fight in water, you need speed.

With the speed racial value of 101 and the ability to swim freely, Menas can move in the water as fast as lightning..

The characteristic of swimming freely can not only be activated when it rains, but can be activated as long as you bathe in water. Menas is a poisonous snake. If Menas can learn some poison-type moves, it will be awesome.

419: Super Stone


Menas also felt that his body became a little lighter. Although he didn't know why, he knew that it must be Qin Fei who did it.

Menas immediately rubbed Qin Fei's head with his head, causing Qin Fei's face to be covered with mucus.


Qin Fei had a headache. Although Menus no longer had to wrap his body around him, he always rubbed his face against him.

Don't waste it.

Qin Fei directly smeared the mucus on his face evenly, just like applying toner. The mucus on Menas's body not only has a lubricating effect, but is also a very high-quality skin nourishment. A jar of Menas's mucus can be used on It sells for a lot of money in the market.

After Qin Fei takes a shower every night, he rubs his face into the mucus on Menas' body to maintain his skin. The effect is quite good. Qin Fei's skin is still as tender as when he was 18 years old.

Although he felt like he was smeared with girl juice, Qin Fei felt relieved when he thought that even the cat poop coffee was being drunk.

And after Qin Fei saw Tian Leng, he felt that he was not just smearing girl juice.

Sweet Cold Queen evolved two months ago. After the evolution, Qin Fei did not change its data. He just raised its level to level 60 and then carried out normal training. Moreover, Sweet Cold Queen was responsible for making the daily juice.

"Master, Dr. Xu Liang called."

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was advising Sun Elf and Pikachu on strategies, suddenly flew over.

Because Xiao Hei was more convenient to use, Qin Fei let Xiao Hei be his mobile phone, and his original mobile phone was given to Pikachu.


Qin Fei was also surprised. He didn't know what Xu Liang wanted to do with him. School had just started. Could it be that someone had successfully tested his last experimental method in the thunderstorm plain.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei immediately asked Xiao Hei to get through. Telephone

"Teacher, is something wrong?"Qin Fei asked first

"Have you taken the professional trainer assessment?"

Qin Fei"...!"

He had just signed up in the morning and came back. It had not been more than 3 hours. Xu Liang knew that he had signed up for the professional trainer assessment too quickly.

It can't be what Zhang Yang said.

Qin Fei felt that Zhang Yang probably mentioned this matter when chatting with Xu Liang

"Yes, I have already signed up."Xu Liang must have known it, and Qin Fei couldn't deny it.

"Why did you sign up as a trainer?"Xu Liang asked.

Sign up as a trainer?

What does that mean?"

"Any questions? Qin Fei asked

"If you sign up for the assessment as a researcher, you only need to pass three levels of the exam. There is no need to pass the political examination and wilderness survival exams."Xu Liang said.

Qin Fei"...!"

Such a thing could happen!

"Is it too late to change it now?"Qin Fei asked, since it can reduce the two levels of assessment, then naturally it must be reduced.

"I've already helped you correct it, but you kid didn't even tell me in advance when you did something."Xu Liang was also speechless towards his student, always doing something quietly.

"Thank you, teacher, but how did you know, teacher? Qin Fei asked curiously, wanting to know if Zhang Yang tricked Xu Liang into this matter.

"Of course it was the league's top brass who called me. Don't forget that you are a researcher."Xu Liang reminded.

Xu Liang was still reviewing this month's research data, but he received a call from above, saying that his student Qin Fei was participating in the professional trainer assessment, and he still registered normally.

Qin Fei is now a researcher. , Donghuang Alliance will naturally be very concerned about their actions, so Qin Fei was noticed immediately after signing up, and directly contacted Xu Liang, the person in charge, and asked Xu Liang to tell Qin Fei.

Although Qin Fei was He has made a lot of contributions to research, but in the eyes of the people above, he is still too young.

Especially Qin Fei has basically been training elves in these years and has not focused much on research.

The people above can’t say anything.

Qin Fei can be allowed to develop freely, as long as Qin Fei's safety is ensured, and the professional trainer assessment is dangerous.

The higher-ups know that, and naturally they have to take care of it.

The higher-ups thought

Qin Fei just wanted to go to the secret realm. He took a risk, so he asked Xu Liang to persuade him. The result was that Qin Fei didn’t know that researchers only need to pass three levels to take the professional trainer assessment.

"Oh, I'll have an idea next time."Qin Fei assured

"Let’s not talk about you anymore, that’s right! I heard from Zhang Yang that you bid for colored beads at the auction. Have you done any research?"Xu Liang asked suddenly.

It seems that Xu Liang has studied the key stone, but he has not researched anything.

Qin Fei didn't know what to say. After bidding the key stone back at the price of 30W, Qin Fei gave the key stone Carry it with you at all times, but without the Super Stone, the Key Stone has no effect.

But Qin Fei thinks this is an opportunity, at least to prove that the Key Stone and the Super Stone have been discovered by people, but they just don’t know how to use them, so Bidiao’s Super The stone might have been found a long time ago, but I don’t know in whose hands it is.

"Teacher, I think the key stone should be related to the big stone it is similar to."Qin Fei decided to find a breakthrough from Xu Liang. It would be great if Xu Liang could help Qin Fei find Bidiao's super stone.

"You found the standard between the two stones and then connected the two stones together."Xu Liang knew that the big stone Qin Fei was talking about was a super stone. He thought so at first, but he didn't find anything out about it.

"Yes, the teacher said so, I should have done some research on it."Qin Feidao

"Yes, but I haven't researched anything. I have tried many methods, but without any results."Xu Liang doesn't mind sharing his research process with Qin Fei.

But he can't get results without research. These two things need to be placed on elves and trainers to be effective. They need to be activated by bonds and can be studied naturally in the laboratory. There is no result.

The elves raised in the research base do not have much bond with the researchers. Even if they carry the correct super stone, they cannot activate the power in the key stone and super stone.

"Teacher, how many kinds of big rocks have you seen? Qin Fei asked

"There are quite a few of them. I originally studied 10 types."Xu Liang said.

Qin Fei was ecstatic. Currently, there are only 46 elves that can super evolve. If the legendary elves are removed, there are only 41 left.

Xu Liang has studied 10 different super stones, and they all account for a quarter. If the number is one, then there is a quarter chance that Bidiao’s Super Stone will appear.

"Teacher, do you have any photos of these stones?"Qin Fei can't say directly, he can only ask for photos.

420: Bi Diao Super Stone

"There are photos. I'll ask my assistant to sort out the information and send them to you later."Xu Liangdao

"Um! Thank you, teacher."

The conversation between the two ended here.

"Bi Diao, you are in luck."

After the call ended, Qin Fei raised his eyebrows at Bi Diao, as if he had won a big prize.

Bi Diao:(⊙_⊙)?

Bi Diao was confused, and he didn't know what kind of evil possessed Qin Fei. After returning from Shangjing City, Qin Fei always poured chicken soup on Bi Diao, saying that it had potential that other teammates did not have, and that this potential was very fast. can be stimulated.

But now it's been two months. Apart from normal training every day, Bi Diao doesn't feel that his potential has increased. Even in terms of move practice, Bi Diao is relatively mediocre, and his move proficiency is improving slowly.

Bi Diao didn't bother to ask, because every time he asked why, Qin Fei told him to hurry up and tell him not to worry.

Qin Fei waited silently. About half an hour later, the Q message finally rang. It was the photos sent by Dr. Xu Liang on WeChat. Qin Fei immediately started browsing

"Got it!"

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