
Suffering continuous injuries, Pikachu refused to accept it, and his body erupted with a burst of golden thunder, turning into a bolt of lightning and quickly going out.

Pikachu was like a thunder!

This is Pikachu's special move, volt attack!

The Super Pidgeot with no defensive characteristics cannot be guarded at all. , couldn't react, and was directly hit by a ball of lightning.


Although after super evolution, the resistance was increased, it was still restrained by electric moves, and was hit by Volt attack, making a wailing sound.

· ···Asking for flowers· ····

But Pidgeot did not fall down. After resisting the damage, he waved his wings towards Pikachu, who was falling downwards. A tornado quickly formed and rushed towards Pikachu and involved it.

Pikachu was suffering the repercussions of this volt attack. He was in so much pain that he could not move. He let his body sway in the tornado and soon became dizzy.

"Okay, no more fighting."Qin Fei shouted to stop.

The battle is over here. Bi Diao's strength has almost been verified. After super evolution, he can basically defeat Qin Fei's other elves. He may still have some trouble dealing with the sun elves..After all, the Sun Elf can move instantly. With Bi Diao’s body reaction speed, it is difficult to turn around suddenly when releasing the move. In the end, it will only be played to death by the Sun Elf.


This is the difference in ability between the two elves. Just like water restraining fire, Bi Diao's fire is not enough to evaporate the sun elf's water.


Pikachu is very resistant to beatings. He was attacked three times by Pidgeot and did not fall down. He still stood up with difficulty. However, if he is attacked again, Pikachu may fall down. Pikachu walked to Menas with a disgraced look. , asking Sister Menas to help treat it.

Although Menas is big, in terms of age, Pikachu is the oldest in Qin Fei's elf lineup.

Menas looked at Pikachu's pitiful appearance, and condensed in front of him. A crystal clear water ball came out, and the water source was directed towards Pikachu, covering the wound. The wound was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After more than ten seconds, Pikachu was back to normal.


Bidiao suddenly shouted to the elves,"Come on together."

"Mi ba!"






When the Sun Elves heard Bi Diao's provocation, they suddenly felt that Bi Diao was a little too arrogant. He actually wanted to hit six of them with one person.

Qin Fei didn't expect Bi Diao to be so arrogant. He just said that he would rely on the Sun Elves to suppress them. Bi Diao, if they attack together, you Bi Diao are no match for Divination.

426: I will fight six Bi Diao!

"You guys should fight against Bi Diao."

Qin Fei felt that Bi Diao had indeed expanded. He really thought that he would be lawless after the super evolution and should be taught a lesson.


"Pickup!" boom!

"Mi ba!" boom!...!

Five minutes later, Bi Diao was lying on the ground with injuries all over his body, his body restored to the way it was before his super evolution, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes.

Bi Diao really has the heart of a string of six, but after the fight, he found that he was no match and could not compete with Menas. After that, he was tortured in various ways. Bi Diao refused to admit defeat and used self-regeneration to recover from his injuries and continue. The fight ended with me being tortured for 5 minutes before I collapsed.


Bi Diao looked at Qin Fei.

If you don't agree, can you beat 1 against 6?

Do you think it's called 1 against 6? It means that he was beaten by a group of people on both sides.

"Don't look at me like that. I didn't say that you can fight 6 of them with one. I just said that after you super evolve and go berserk, you need 6 of them to suppress you."

"You have also seen that the elves with alien syndrome will attack randomly. Even if they can defeat you in a 1V1 duel, they cannot stop you from destroying the surrounding buildings wantonly, so you need 6 of them together to prevent you from causing damage."

Qin Fei explained to Bi Diao in a serious and thoughtful manner. It seemed that he had misunderstood something.


Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Bi Diao thought he could beat six with one, but he failed to show off and was beaten instead. It was a group fight.

"It was you who didn't hear clearly, and it was you who proposed the one-to-six fight."Qin Fei said that this is not his fault, it is your own misunderstanding.


Bi Diao left tears of sadness in the air. Although he was beaten by a group of people, Bi Diao was still very happy in his heart. At least he finally became stronger. It's not enough to beat six people one at a time, but he can win one against one.

This year's Qin Fei Cup competition, Bi Diao can definitely compete for the first place. He immediately stared at the Sun Elf. Thinking about the battle just now, he felt that he should compete for the second place.

In the group fight just now, the Sun Elf did not hit it, but just used Gravity allowed Bi Diao to experience the joy of being blocked from flying.

Without the gravity of the sun elf, Bi Diao felt that he could still fight with other elves. At least the other five elves could hunt swallowtails and fly, and the other four could not. , Bi Diao felt that he could pinch them


At this time, the hunting swallowtail butterfly flew over, lay on Qin Fei's shoulder, and rubbed Qin Fei with its furry little head.

Bi Diao is super evolved, you can't be partial.

"Your super stone has not been discovered yet, so there is no way for you to super evolve for the time being."Qin Fei can only hide it temporarily and deceive the hunting swallowtail butterfly first.


Hunting Papilio Butterfly started with sadness in my heart. They were obviously from the same batch of elves, but it turned out that Bi Diao could super evolve, but I couldn't.

"Mi ba!"

When the sun elf heard that hunting swallowtail butterflies can also super evolve, he immediately came over and asked if he could

"The same goes for you, the Super Stone must match it, and there is currently no Super Stone exclusive to you."Qin Feidao

"Mi ba?"

The sun elf shouted in confusion, can the super stone be made?

"This thing is produced in the secret realm. You have to find it in the secret realm, but you can't make it."Qin Feidao

"Mi ba."

The sun elf was suddenly a little disappointed, but it wasn't despair. At least he had a chance.

"Pickup! Pika pika!"

Pikachu rushed over immediately. It just realized the benefits of super evolution and said that it also wanted to super evolve and become Super Pikachu.

"Forget it, even if you find your super evolution stone, you won't be able to evolve."Qin Feidao




Seeing that Pikachu didn't understand why, Qin Fei nodded Pikachu's head and said,"You forgot that you are Pikachu. After you evolve, you will be Raichu. Even if you have a super stone, it is only for Raichu."



Pikachu is like being struck by lightning.

It has been so excited recently due to its improved strength that it has forgotten that it has not evolved at all and is still just a Pikachu.

"Mi ba."

The Sun Elf patted Pikachu on the shoulder to express comfort.

It seems that as long as the corresponding Super Stone is found, everyone can Super Evolve, except Pikachu. In this way, Pikachu will be at the bottom of the team from now on.....

"pickup truck~!"

Pikachu also realized this and couldn't accept the blow of this reality.

Qin Fei saw that the sun elves were at odds with each other, and felt funny in his heart. None of them could super evolve, and he was just fooling them temporarily.

"Xiaohei, show me the monitoring chart of energy fluctuations just now."Qin Feidao

"Okay Lotto."

Xiao Hei investigated his energy detection just now. No energy fluctuations were detected on it. It was not detected during the super evolution of Bi Diao, but the energy fluctuations caused by the battle were still detected.

This shows that the monitoring system of this Warwick mobile phone is currently detecting There is no life energy, or the current technology cannot create a machine that can detect life energy.

"It looks like I can write a paper on elemental energy again."Qin Fei felt that he definitely couldn't build a machine that could detect life energy, so he should write a paper and let professional researchers study it.

After detecting Bi Diao's super evolution, Qin Fei put the super stone on Bi Diao, by the way, asked Bi Diao to practice his special attack moves after he went back. After Bi Diao super evolved, he finally understood Qin Fei's good intentions. Because he had no defensive characteristics, he could not avoid the moves at all, so he could only use long-range attack moves to resist the opponent's attack.

"Strange power!"

Qin Fei looked at Bi Diao and thought of the non-defense characteristics of Super Bi Diao. Qin Fei suddenly thought of a very scary 1.4 tactic.

There are many elves with non-defense characteristics, and Wei Li is one of them, but Wei Li is more defenseless than others. The elves with special characteristics have one more difference, that is, the monster power can learn the one-hit kill move Earth Splitting.

In the game, the ground cracking monster power is invincible, and only the elves with solid and floating characteristics can effectively break the ground cracking power.

Because the ground cracking power is ineffective. The monster splitting power is too buggy and has been banned from use since the second generation. However, Qin Fei is not sure whether the real one-hit kill move can kill in one hit. He needs to go back and check.

"Xiaohei, the ground cracking is considered a���A sure-kill move?"Qin Fei asked directly

"No, Earth Splitting is a transformational move. The stronger the opponent is, the power of Earth Splitting will also be reduced."Xiao Hei responded.

427: The professional trainer assessment begins.


If the one-hit kill move can be like the one in the game, Qin Fei wouldn't mind cultivating an Earth Splitting monster. Unfortunately, the Earth Splitting can't kill with one hit. It's similar to the game. In the game, it fails to use it against opponents whose level is higher than his own. , in reality, the stronger the opponent, the lower the power.

"Everyone, take a rest."

Qin Fei did not continue to test Bi Diao. Anyway, after confirming that Bi Diao could control the super evolution, Qin Fei was relieved.

Before, he was worried that Bi Diao would fall into a rage after super evolution. Now it seems that the bond between himself and Bi Diao is very strong. Stable, allowing Bi Diao to control his own strength

"Should I create a study group?"

Back in the dormitory, Qin Fei let his elf rest, and he was thinking about his future development direction. Now Qin Fei is already a junior. After this year, he will graduate in another year. Qin Fei should also consider his future plans.

The current money is enough to support the elves in Qin Fei's hands, but the cost of 9 elves in a year is also very scary. The average cost of one of Qin Fei's elves is about 1 million, and 9 will cost about 1,000, which is less than 13. Ten thousand.

Fortunately, the interest earned from saving money is enough for his own elves. However, Qin Fei still plans to modify the system and upgrade the authority, so he still needs a way to make money.

Going to the secret realm to earn at most tens of millions is the limit. Although there are many treasures in the secret realm, Qin Fei cannot take these treasures away by himself. If he wants to make big money, he can only do it by linking it with business. He will hand over the research copyright to other companies. He will do it according to the copyright contract he signed every year. Just get money.

The key to setting up a research team is that there is no shortage of money. What is lacking is people. Before, Qin Fei thought that a research group could be established by just one person, but it turned out that Qin Fei thought too much.

If he wanted to set up a research group, he must Obtain approval from the alliance, and you need to regularly bring students for training, otherwise the alliance will not allow you to establish a research organization.

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