"Mi ba!"

Entering the space crack, Qin Fei and the others were still transported into the water.

It means that the entrances connected to both sides are in the water. This can explain why there is a space crack at the bottom of the lake, but the water has not disappeared.

"So bright."

Qin Fei doesn't know what's going on in this lake. It was dark before, but the bottom of the lake here is clearly visible.

"Menas, let's go up."Qin Fei didn't plan to stay under the water for too long. After all, he was fighting underwater and it was safer to go ashore as long as Menas could use his hands and feet.

Menas immediately dived and soon came to the surface. However, he surfaced Finally, Qin Fei and his elves were confused.

Because they were surrounded by endless water, they couldn't see any land. They didn't know if it was because the water area was so large that they couldn't see the land.


Fortunately, Qin Fei was fully prepared. He released Bi Diao to take him up into the sky, and then took back Menas.

"No land?"

As the Bi Diao continued to rise, Qin Fei also saw that the terrain here was all water and there was no land at all.

"What the hell is this secret realm?"

Qin Fei also looked up information about the secret realm on the Internet, and it was the first time he encountered such a magical secret realm.

Although he did not see Suicune, the lake below was crystal clear. It was obviously purified to the extreme to produce such a visual effect. , only Suicune can do it.

But Suicune was not found.

"Sun Elf, do you sense anything? Qin Fei asked

"Mi ba."

Sun Elf shook his head and pointed at Xiao Hei. In terms of perception, Sun Elf is the strongest, but in terms of detection, Xiao Hei is the most powerful. It has radar function.

"Xiaohei, have you detected anything?"Qin Fei also habitually asked the sun elf, and he didn't change it for a while.

"While exploring, a small patch of land called Lotto was found in the north."Little gangster

"Bi Diao, let's go!"


Bi Diao flew towards the north in a hurry. Within a few minutes, he found the small piece of land that Xiao Hei said.

"Is this land?"

Qin Fei was a little confused. This land is too small. It doesn't even cover an acre of land. It's just a small island at most. But there are some things on this small island. There are tree fruit cores everywhere.

And There is a mud house made of earth in the center of the island, which means that people once lived here.


"No way!"

Qin Fei thought of what Director Zhao said. A professional trainer was trapped in it a hundred and fifty years ago. In addition, there were fruits in the secret realm and no other elves existed. As long as he didn't get sick, he could survive.

However, One hundred and fifty years have passed, and this brother is probably gone.

Bi Diao took Qin Fei down and came to the earth house. The orb on the sun elf's head lit up, illuminating everything in the earth house clearly.

There were still things in the earth house. There is furniture, but the furniture is made of earth. You can see a person lying there on the earth bed.

"No way...!"

Qin Fei was stunned when he saw the person on the earth bed. An old man was lying there.

Although science shows that the normal life span of humans is 500 years, no one has ever lived that long. The longest known person currently lives 146 years.

This brother has been trapped in a secret realm for 150 years. What kind of perseverance allows him to persist until now.

Qin Fei felt that if he was trapped in the secret realm, he might not be able to bear the loneliness for more than ten years and chose to commit suicide.


Qin Fei shouted tentatively.

However, the uncle on the bed didn't seem to hear it.


Qin Fei increased the volume.

But the uncle still didn't react at all.

540: Ai Xia and the Swamp Monster

"It seems that he is old and has poor hearing."

Seeing that the uncle didn't respond, Qin Fei and Sun Elf walked over to take a look, and finally saw the uncle's face clearly.

The uncle was quite handsome, and he looked only seventy or eighty years old. He didn't look like a centenarian at all.

"Um? how...!"

Qin Fei just wanted to speak out when he found that the old man's body did not move at all.



Qin Fei and Sun Elf looked at each other and realized that something was wrong.

I don't know if the old man died just now, or if he has been dead for a while. His body has not decayed, which means that the old man has not been dead for more than a day.

It’s so sad to finally get through it until the secret realm is opened, and just leave like this.


At this moment, Bi Diao's warning sound came from outside the door.

Qin Fei and the Sun Elf immediately went out and saw Bi Diao confronting an elf.

This elf's body is basically blue, with fins growing on various parts of its body, and its limbs are very developed. People who don't know it will think it is a water monster.

But this guy is indeed a water monster. Its name is Swamp Monster, which is quite appropriate for the water monster.

LV95 giant swamp monster/♂

"Where is the swamp?...!"

The Swamp Monster originally had a fierce look on his face, but after seeing Qin Fei, he suddenly showed an unexpected expression.

Qin Fei also secretly thought that something was wrong. He didn't need to guess to know that the giant swamp monster in front of him had an unusual relationship with the old man in the earthen house. He must be the old man's elf.

Swamperts are also very long-lived elves, especially this Swampert is level 95, which is not much different from the leader of the dragon clan.

Qin Fei had three elves prepared on him, and including Xiao Hei, there were only four. Together, they might not be the opponent of this giant swamp monster.

Qin Fei has already held Menas' elf ball in his hand, ready to release it at any time, and even the key stone is ready.

Xiao Hei, Menas, Sun Elf, and Super Bi Diao should be able to fight.

"Where's the swamp? ~!"

The Swamp Monster did not launch an attack, but instead made a cry of inquiry.

The sun elves understood what the Swamp Monster was saying, and they had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Master, the Swampert is asking us if we are Lotto from outside."Xiao Hei translated.

Seeing that the giant swamp monster chose to ask questions, it seems that he is a rational elf, so that conflicts can be avoided.

"Yes, I came in from the outside, and the secret realm here has arrived."Qin Fei said.

After listening to Qin Fei's words, the giant swamp monster looked at Xiao Hei floating next to Qin Fei with confusion. He didn't understand how Xiao Hei understood the language of himself and humans.

"Your trainer seems to have passed away and has nothing to do with me."Qin Fei felt that it was necessary to explain this matter clearly. It would be better if the giant swamp monster was not angry before. It would be better to know earlier. When the swamp monster heard this, he was not angry, and the expression on his face was very calm. He continued He said,"Where's the swamp?"...!"

"Swampert said that the man in the mud house was his trainer, and that Lotto died sixty years ago."Little gangster

"What! Sixty years ago!"

Qin Fei was a little confused. This old man has been dead for sixty years. Why is his body not corrupted? Is it soaked in formalin?

Seeing that Qin Fei and others were surprised, the giant swamp monster didn't feel anything. He introduced the surrounding water. This water is very special. It often uses the water here to clean its trainers, so the corpse has not been corrupted and has been preserved until now.

Hearing this, Qin Fei was completely relieved, at least the giant swamp monster would not mistake it for him. It caused the death of its trainer.

Qin Fei went on to learn about the situation here from the Swamp Monster.

The Swamp Monster has a very good attitude towards humans. It was born in a breeding house before, so it has no hostility towards humans.

Its training His name is Ai Xia, and he is the trainer who was trapped in the secret realm one hundred and fifty years ago.

After Ai Xia discovered that he was trapped in the secret realm, he has been waiting���He asked for help, but the passage to the secret realm was completely closed, and no one came to rescue him.

Ai Xia waited for several months, and finally had no choice but to find a way to save himself, but the secret realm was so big. Ai Xia explored the secret realm but could not find any way out. Later, he also discovered that there was a space-time rift at the bottom of the lake.

Unfortunately, Swamp Monster was not proficient in diving at that time. It took Ai Xia and Swamp Monster more than a year to master the diving technique, and then they dived underwater and came to this secret place.

But the secret realm here is almost the same as the outside. They are all crystal clear lake water and nothing else.

So Ai Xia continued to live with the Swamp Monster in the secret realm, hoping that one day the entrance to the secret realm could be reopened. With the companion of the Swamp Monster, Ai Xia would not be too lonely.

Maybe the environment in the secret realm was better, and Ai Xia didn't get sick. He lived to be 80 years old before passing away. Before Ai Xia died, the only thing he couldn't worry about was the giant swamp monster.

Humans feel lonely, and so do elves. Ai Xia died at the age of eighty, which means that Swampert has lived alone in the secret realm for 70 years. This is simply torture.

After listening to the story of Ai Xia and the giant swamp monster, Qin Fei also sympathized with their plight. They have been tortured their whole lives.

".々Swampert, you can go out now. What are you going to do after you go out? Qin Fei asked

"Where is the swamp."

The Swamp Monster will take Ai Xia's body out and bury it next to Ai Xia's relatives. After that, the Swamp Monster will choose to find a place to continue living. The

Swamp Monster is also an elf with an extremely long lifespan. It will be 150 years old. Swamp monsters are considered to be middle-aged and elderly people, and they should still live for decades.

"It seems that Suicune may not be able to bear the loneliness here, and has no intention of coming back after leaving."Qin Fei secretly thought.

The giant swamp monster and Ai Xia have been in the secret realm for decades and still haven't found Suijun. It's obvious that Suicune couldn't stand the loneliness in the secret realm. After the secret realm came, he ran out directly. No plan to come back

"Where's the swamp?"

The giant swamp monster suddenly thought of something and said something to Qin Fei. After

Xiao Hei's translation, the giant swamp monster said that there is not nothing here. At the bottom of this lake, there is a magical fruit tree growing. After harvesting the fruits from the fruit trees, your ability to control the energy of the water element will be greatly improved.

"Is it Qianxiangguo?"

Qin Fei was the first to think of the Thousand Fragrance Fruit.

Like the Luo Zi Guo, after eating the Thousand Fragrance Fruit, it can make the elves more friendly to an elemental power.

"Where's the swamp?"

The Swampert doesn't know much about tree fruits. After all, elves will eat whatever the trainer gives them, and they rarely understand the effects of what they eat.

"Are the fruits at the bottom of the lake ripe now?"Qin Fei asked.

541: Qianxiangguo at the bottom of the lake

"Where is the swamp."

The giant swamp monster nodded.

The fruit of the tree is naturally ripe. It also knows that the fruit of the tree is ripe, so it has not gone to the secret realm outside to collect fruit to eat recently. It has been guarding here.

"Are you telling me this because you want to share it with me? Qin Fei asked

"Where's the swamp?"

The Swamp Monster nodded.

The Swamp Monster has lived alone in the secret realm for almost a world. It is rare to meet someone with whom he can communicate. The Swamp Monster is naturally very happy in his heart.

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