"It is expected to be sold at a very high price at the beginning. If there is no capital intervention, the final price will be slightly higher than Gyarados at most."Qin Fei estimated.

A Gyarados is worth over one million in the market, and Menas can sell for 300W, entirely because of Menas's beauty. In the past, others didn't know how Menas should evolve. I thought that Menas looked like this when they were born.

Now we know that the ugly fish can evolve into Menas, and then the number of Menas will increase, which will also affect the market price of Menas.

As for why there are Menas The trainer did not let Menas lay eggs because Menas himself is too arrogant, and not just any cat or dog can fall in love with it.

Once the Ugly Fish evolves into Menas, it will have no partner for life. Even if you don't like the same kind, if you want to get a Chou Chou Fish, you still have to have sex during the Chou Chou Fish period.

"That's not bad, so many ugly fish can be purchased for more than 10 million. You can make money as a professional trainer."Qin Yidao.

Seeing that his father still remembered his predecessor's dream of becoming a professional trainer, Qin Fei couldn't help but be touched by this father's love.

"Predecessor! Since our father remembers your dream, I will help you realize this wish."Qin Fei said silently in his heart......!

After knowing that Ugly Fish could evolve into Meenas, Qin's father was no longer as helpless as before. He would smile brightly every day when he saw Ugly Fish, and even took the initiative to help Qin Fei pay attention to posts on the Diaoyu Forum.

I don’t know if it was because of the beginning of spring, but the fishing guys suddenly became more energetic. In less than a month, they successively supplied Qin Fei with the remaining ugly fish, and even collected one more. After that, Qin Fei I closed all the acquisition posts I had sent out, and set all the accounts registered on the forum to be hidden, not allowing anyone to view them.

Qin Fei's actions also made many fishermen feel that it is a pity that no one will buy the ugly fish, so the ugly fish caught in the future will have to be released.

"Dad, it’s time to start."

Qin Fei opened the elf academic forum, and the content on it was filled with words, all about Chou Chou Fish and Menas.

Qin Fei even wrote down the information about Chou Chou Fish and Menas in detail. These are all That's not the point. The point is the video in the attachment of the Ugly Fish evolving into Menas.

This video will also be released on major well-known websites in the future, so as to create a greater sensation.

Father Qin's throat twitched and he looked at I’m quite nervous. After all, after this video is released, the value of Ugly Fish will skyrocket. I bought Ugly Fish on major fishing forums before. Those who sell Ugly Fish will probably scold the ancestors of the two fathers and sons for eight generations. come out

· ···Asking for flowers· ····

"Send it."

No matter what, you have to face it.

Qin Fei clicked to publish, and the paper and video were reviewed. Qin Fei then went to major video websites to publish it.

The title of the video was"Breaking! Menus is the evolution of the ugly fish!", it is such a simple and unpretentious title, but it will cause a great sensation in the next 24 hours, but the video is still under review.

"Sent out?"Father Qin took a day off specifically for today, just to see how the response would be.

"It's still under review. Just wait a moment and let's eat."Qin Fei is not in a hurry. All preparations have been made. Now he is waiting for someone to buy the Chou Chou Fish.

0... 0

Then just sell the ugly fish slowly. There are two ways to evolve the ugly fish. One is to improve the beauty, and the other is to rely on beautiful scales. Qin Fei wrote both evolution methods in the paper..

He also introduced his method of cultivating Chou Chou fish, including the recorded time for half a year, as well as the feed and energy cubes fed, but the formula of the energy cubes was not included. This formula can also make money, how could Qin Fei include it.

In order to confirm that beautiful scales can also allow the ugly fish to evolve, Qin Fei also specially shot an extra video, letting an ugly fish carry beautiful scales, and finally evolved into Menas. Of course, this Menas was given to Qin The father raised it.

As for where the beautiful scales come from, they naturally come from Qin Fei's Menas. After all, Menas is a sea snake. It sheds its skin. Every time it sheds its skin, there is a beautiful scale on its tail.

After the Ugly Fish evolves into Menas, its body will grow a beautiful scale that can be removed, just take it off.

However, the number of beautiful scales is limited. A Meinus will only shed its skin three times in its life. In other words, including the time of evolution, a Meinus will only produce 4 beautiful scales in its life, so the number is very rare. of.

Now that people know the function of beautiful scales, the price of beautiful scales will definitely increase accordingly. Those who collect beautiful scales will probably be very happy.

127: Shocking the academic world.

I am a little gangster: Damn it! Is this video from P? The Chou Chou fish evolved into Menas, why do I not believe it so much.

My wife, Menas: Is it true? If it were true, I would buy Chou Chou fish right now.

Famous marine doctor: Just go to the elf academic forum. The papers have been published. Now the entire water elf research circle has exploded, and everyone is buying ugly fish.

I am Xiaogangdan’s reply to the famous ocean doctor: Damn it! can't be true......!

"It ferments really fast."

Qin Fei looked at the rumors on major video websites. He didn't expect that someone would start buying Ugly Fish so quickly, and the price for buying Ugly Fish has now reached 50W.

Qin Fei was a little embarrassed to open it. I have been following the fishing forum"Zero 30" for several months, but I still couldn't help my curiosity and opened the most popular fishing forum.

Li Damao:"Flying into the sky" is not a good death! 3,000 yuan was taken away My ugly fish has been raised for three years! I cried to death.

As soon as Qin Fei opened it, he saw a pinned post. The initiator was the person who first sold him the ugly fish.

"This Li Damao discovered it so quickly!"

Qin Fei posted the post before noon. It has only been an hour. Li Damao already knows that the speed of media communication is so terrifying now.

Qin Fei clicked in and took a look and found that all of them were victims. Tianyuan

Zhao Gang: Stop talking, I sold it to him for 3,000.

Fishing guy Yongqiang: I sold it to him for 3,000 too.

Arrogant fish boss: I found one in the pond at home a few months ago I don’t know where the ugly fish came from. I saw someone collecting it, so I caught it and sold it. I want to die now.

My wife, Menas: Oh my god, it turns out that my wife has been despised by people since ancient times. I hate to find out. The person is not me.

Li Damao: Brothers, if you sell ugly fish to a person who flies to the sky, come and post a picture below to prove it. I want to see how many ugly fish this shit has collected. There are a lot of them in an instant The screenshots of the trading chat and trading are all posted under this post. To break it down, there are 12 people in total, including Li Damao, there are 13 people.

"What does this big cat Li want to do?"

Qin Fei immediately became vigilant. These transaction records all have addresses. Although the address is filled in for the inn, if the other party really comes to find Qin Fei, they will still find Qin Fei.

Especially the boss of the express inn has met Qin Fei. They If more than a dozen people really want to find the boss of the express delivery station, the other party will definitely sell him out.

Qin Fei thought that these people who sold him ugly fish would curse, but he didn't expect that Li Damao actually wanted to call someone to find him. Himself.

Qin Fei continues to read.

Li Damao: The transaction addresses are all the same, which means that Fei Soaring must be in He County. We form a group to find him to settle the account.

Bi Lian doesn’t want: one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, you are willing to sell it yourself , if you go look for it now, others won’t pay attention to you.

Tianyuan Zhao Gang: Forget it! Forget it with a few curse words. This Feitian has hidden all his information. There is a collection agency over there. You I couldn't find Yifei Soaring himself.

Li Damao: Are you just forgetting it?

Fishing guy Yong Yongqiang: Forget it! You can only admit that you are unlucky. Could it be that the gold you sold in front of you lasted a few months? After the price increases, you want to go back. This is against the rules. Just curse a few words on the Internet.

Li Damao: I am unwilling! This flying sky must have known that the ugly fish can evolve into Menas.

Tianyuan Zhao Gang : You know, why don’t you go find someone else? They are researchers and are protected by the government and the alliance. What do you want?

Li Damao: No, I won’t give up like this.

The conversation between the victims is almost over here, and there are a group of people behind it. All kinds of chatter from fishermen who take pleasure in their misfortunes

"Fortunately, fortunately, no one came to make trouble with this big cat Li."Qin Fei was relieved after reading the discussion that followed.

Qin Fei then went on to read about the acquisition of Chou Chou Fish. In just two hours, the price of Chou Chou Fish, which was originally popular among many people, has risen from 0 to 50W. , now it has increased to 80W, but no one seems to be selling it.

Referring to the value of Minas, if the price of Chou Chou fish is less than 1 million W, no one will sell it. Qin Fei believes that there must be many Chou Chou fish on the market. Fish, after all, many fishermen will keep the elves they catch as collections and are unwilling to sell them. After all, for such fishermen who are not short of money, they can't sell them for a few dollars, so it is better to continue to raise them.....

"Just wait."

Qin Fei is not in a hurry. Now is not the time to sell Chou Chou Fish. We need to wait for a while."......!

England region.

In a quaint castle.

Colin, the butler, held an iPad and reported to a golden beauty,"Miss, a researcher in the Donghuang area discovered the evolutionary chain of Menas and determined that the Ugly Fish can evolve into Menas." After listening to the butler's report, Sheryl sat up straight and said in disbelief,"Is the news accurate?"

"Currently, research bases in various regions are conducting experiments according to the paper method. No laboratory has succeeded yet, but the publisher has successfully tested it and even captured a video." Colin responded

"What is the way of evolution?"Sheryl asked

"There are two types. One is based on beauty, which is an evolution method recently developed by this researcher. This evolution method is very troublesome. It requires special energy cubes to cultivate the Ugly Fish in order to evolve into Menas."

"The other one is relatively simple. Just give the Chou Chou fish beautiful scales to evolve into Menas."

Butler Colin explained the two evolution methods in detail to Snow 1.4 Lil.

"This researcher is very good, let’s give him the bounty."Sheryl said with satisfaction

"But no experimental institution has researched it yet, so we can't be 100% sure. Is it too early to give him the bounty now?"Colin thought it was too early.


As soon as Colin finished speaking, the iPad in his hand rang. Colin looked at the message and said,"The experiment was successful. Ugly fish can evolve with beautiful scales. I Go and arrange the bounty here"

"correct! Ask this researcher, if you want, you can come to England to study, and I will pay for all the expenses."Sheryl said

"Okay, I'll explain it."

Colin is not optimistic about the other party coming back to England. The people in the Donghuang area are not fools. Such talents naturally need to be well cultivated.

128: People from the Alliance,

Magic City Research Base

"Is that right? Qin Fei didn't go to college? An idler?"

Xu Liang looked at the information about Qin Fei sent from above. After reading it, he was stunned. The talent he always thought of had not been admitted to university, and he was still an idle person. An idle person means that he has no job and is idle at home. Such a person, such a person can produce so many research results, he is really a rare talent

"What is the Ministry of Education in He County doing? Such good talents are almost buried."Zhang Yang is also very angry. Even if Qin Fei is serious about science, he is still an individual, and special talents must have special treatment.

Especially Qin Fei's talent has been spread all over the world, and his own side has exploded. , but He County is indifferent, just like a normal person, and they haven’t even made a call so far.

"Zhang Yang, go with the people from the alliance and send Qin Fei to the Demon University no matter what. Such talents must be well cultivated13."Xu Liang ordered

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

Zhang Yang also thought that Qin Fei would be taken away even if he was dragged.

Zhang Yang quickly packed up and followed the alliance people to leave the research base and go to He County......!

"I can continue working in the breeding house soon!"

It's already mid-May, and the elves in the Galaxy Breeding House will hatch soon. By then, Qin Fei can go to the breeding house to work again, which can reduce a lot of food expenses. The

Chouchou Fish has evolved into Menas. No matter how you look at Minas' size, his appetite is not small, and Qin Fei's burden has increased.

But after selling the ugly fish, Qin Fei no longer has to worry about money. After the upgrade, You can still save a lot of money by modifying the permissions.

Today is Sunday, there is no training plan, Qin Fei's elves are resting, Qin Fei also took a look at the ugly fish in the next room.

Qin Fei just walked out of his room, He saw his father coming back, and there were three people following him. Qin Fei also knew one person, that person was the county magistrate of He County.

"what's the situation?"

Qin Fei was very puzzled as to why the county magistrate came to his home, especially when the county magistrate always showed a smile to the other two people. The origin must not be simple.

"Hello! My name is Huakong, and I am here on behalf of the Donghuang Alliance."One of the middle-aged men introduced himself.

"Hello, do you have a problem with me?"Qin Fei is still a little confused. Why did someone from the alliance come to his door?

Although he bought 20 ugly fish, he did so through legal channels. Even if he sells 20 ugly fish for 2 million, that's It can only be sold for 4000W. 4000W won’t alarm the alliance, right?

"We paid attention to your research results in elf academics and found that you did not go to college, so we came here with the intention of inviting you to go to college. Huakong said.


Does this mean that the country is calling me to go to college?

There is indeed no problem in going to college, but the key is to decide which university to go to, so Qin Fei asked,"What university to go to?""

"There are ten prestigious schools for you to choose from."Huakong Road

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