Chengdu area.

"Master, see that those whirlpools are not, Lokia's residence is here. Because there are many sea whirlpools and islands here, it is called the whirlpool islands by humans...." Above

the blue sea and blue sky, the Phoenix King responded telepathically to the boy on his back.

The boy on his back was also looking at the large number of whirlpools on the sea below at the moment, and at the same time picked up the mobile phone map for comparison.

The map shows that they are now in the sea between the cities of Qianliang and Zhan Lan in the Chengdu area.

"And if we want to see Lokia, we need to go through this sea whirlpool, enter the deep sea, and find the deepest palace of the gods, and Lokia is in it."

King Feng's telepathy continued.

"Okay, I see, hard work on you Feng King." Xia Fan nodded, put the Phoenix King away with the Spirit Ball, and fell from the air.

Due to the Phoenix King's large size, in order to avoid attracting the attention of others, this task of crossing the vortex cannot be given to it.

When he fell, Xia Fan calmly took out another Spirit Ball.

Red light flashes, and dreams emerge from it.

"Little illusion, let's go through the largest sea whirlpool."

"Good host."

Dream glanced at Xia Fan who was falling at high speed.

In the next second, Xia Fan was protected by it with mental power, and floated in the air with it.

Dream led Xia Fan towards the largest whirlpool on the sea.

After a while, they entered the whirlpool.

The rotation of the vortex was very terrifying, and if it were not for the powerful mental power of the dream, Xia Fan might have drowned.

Therefore, the whirlpool archipelago is a dangerous sea area in the surrounding area, and it is generally rarely approached.

After entering the whirlpool, Dream took Xia Fan along the whirlpool all the way to the deep sea.

About half an hour later, they came to the deep sea. At a glance, I saw an endless underwater cave.

Xia Fan took out the Spirit Ball and asked, "King Feng, is this underwater cave the palace of the gods where Lokia lives."

The next second in his mind, he got a reply: "I don't know about this, master, I haven't entered here, I only know that there is the palace of the gods where Lokia lives under the whirlpool islands." "


Xia Fan shrugged helplessly, took the ball back and let Dream take him to find the entrance.

After roaming the bottom of the sea for a long time and seeing many rare Pokémon, the two of them finally found an unusual entrance.

An entrance with the sea on the outside but no water stains inside.

It was as if an invisible force was separating the sea from the cave.

Xia Fan and Dream entered the cave.

The cave is large and bright.

Xia Fan and Dream immediately began to wander around the cave to find it, but there were still many openings inside the cave.

Xia Fan could only release Yan Di and Lei Gong again, let them join in, and notify him immediately if he saw Lokia or some other important thing.

One person and three beasts searched separately like this, and after searching for about an hour, Xia Fan was stopped by Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan said that it saw Lord Lokia.

When Xia Fan heard this, he was naturally overjoyed.

Quickly let Emperor Yan lead the way, and after about twenty minutes, they turned a corner and came to a lake.

Inside the lake, a Pokémon with a light blue belly, a mask around its eyes, and blue scales protruding from its back is playing in the water.

Xia Fan stood on the shore and watched for a long time, his expression gradually changed from excitement at the beginning to frowning.

That's right, that's Lokia.

But what makes people wonder is that Lokia's size is a little too small.

It feels like he is so tall, far less than the Phoenix King of the same status as him.

"It was the juvenile Lokia, and like the Three Sacred Birds, they all had their own groups."

Xia Fan's mind sounded the voice of the Phoenix King.

"Young Lokia? And what about the adult ones? Xia Fan was surprised.

"The adult is its mother, known by humans as the god of the sea, and the only one in the Lokia race that has a godhead."

Xia Fan listened to it and turned his head to look at Dream.

"Little fantasy, let's go over and say hello to young Lokia."


Dream used his mind power to bring Xia Fan over.

After a while, it came to the top of the young Lokia's head.

At this time, this Lokia was playing with an electric lamp monster on his own, and did not notice Xia Fan's arrival.

It wasn't until the electric light monster noticed it and barked twice overhead, that young Lokia realized that there was a human standing above him, and a Pokémon that he had never seen before.

The human fell on the surface of the water with a smile on his face, and said to it: "Little friend, where is your mother?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a handful of human-only candy from his pocket.

The electric light monster was very vigilant, and without waiting for the young Lokia to respond, he quickly bit its tail and let it follow him away.


"What does it say?" Xia Fan turned his head to look at Dream.

"It said the mother wasn't here and went out." Dream responded with telepathy.

Xia Fan nodded and asked the young Lokia again: "Then how long will your mother come back?"

Young Lokia looked at Xia Fan's hands and shouted,

"Oh~" "

What do you mean?"

"It says you just gave it something to eat?"


Fan took out a bag directly from his bag this time.

As a result, as soon as he took it out, he was taken by the young Lokia, and he cried out while eating: "Oh oh~" "

What do you mean?"

"It says it doesn't know."

"I'm stepping on a horse..." After

forcibly scolding and warning himself not to be angry with children, Xia Fan took a deep breath.

He Yan Yueshi said: "Then didn't your mother say the approximate return date?" For example, two days a day, or two weeks a week, and, how often did your mother go out? "


"No, the bag just now is all the candy on my body, and you ate it in one bite."

Afraid that it would not believe it, Xia Fan opened his backpack and proved that there was indeed nothing to eat inside.

Young Lokia looked at it and exclaimed in disappointment:

"Woo-woo~" "

What do you mean?"

"It says it doesn't know anything."

The sound of grinding teeth came from Xia Fan's mouth.

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