"Human, what's your name? You are so heavy in your dreams that you can violate your own principles for you.

After Dream left, Bai Geng asked Xia Fan in surprise.

"My name is Xia Fan." In the face of Geng Ghost's question, Xia Fan immediately smiled like a flower, looking flattering, "The reason why it values me so much is because I can make it stronger."

"You make it stronger, just train it to be stronger in the same way you human trainers do?" The white geng ghost let out a mocking laugh, and after laughing, its face changed, and its fat body was extremely gloomy, "Are you a fool?" Is the growth of fantastic power something that you humans can catalyze? Don't put yourself on it here.

"Really, I have divine powers, and as long as I become my Pokémon, my power can grow indefinitely." Xia Fan said with a serious face, "I never lie to people, and I am struck by lightning every day if I lie to you."

"And... Don't you think that only this possibility can explain why Dream saved me?

After Xia Fan said sorry to Dream in his heart, he began to smear without blushing and his heart did not beat:

"Whether it is Dream or we humans are life at the mercy of profit, if there is nothing that can tempt Dream, do you think I can successfully subdue it?" Or is it a dream that has never been accepted in your cognition, because I am good-looking? When

the white geng ghost heard this, he fell into deep thought and began to think about what Xia Fan said.

Of course, the last sentence is automatically filtered.

A minute later, the white geng ghost suddenly put Xia Fan into his mouth again.

It immediately startled Xia Fan: "What are you doing?" "

This bastard has a brain disease, why don't you say a word and eat him again."

"I'm going to eat you to know if you're lying to me." Bai Geng said, "I can extract any soul that I have eaten.

"But what if you eat me and prove that I'm right?" I'm dead, and you can't enjoy that divine power." Xia Fan said quickly.

Bai Geng was stunned: "That's right." With

that, it put Xia Fan down again.

Xia Fan exhaled.

This dog day is waiting for Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will definitely take revenge when he returns to his body and waits.

As soon as the scolding in his heart ended, the white geng ghost put it in his mouth for the fourth time, and said at the same time: "I just remembered, even if you have that divine power and what does it have to do with me, I will not become a slave of your human beings spinelessly for the sake of power like Dream."

"Since you don't want to be my Pokémon, what do you want to do?" Xia Fan said angrily, he could hear it, this white geng ghost sent him back and forth to his mouth was playing him.

"Besides dreams, what other elves do you have? Since you said that becoming your Pokémon can increase your power infinitely, then you release those Pokémon for me to eat, otherwise you will be trapped in a nightmare and enjoy endless torture. Bai Geng said.

"I only have dreams, and there are no other Pokémon..."

Xia Fan was halfway through his words when he saw the white Geng Ghost's eyes shrouded in black fog, which was very scary.

"I tell you, the end of deceiving me is to fall into the endless cycle of nightmares." The white geng ghost said grimly.

Xia Fan swallowed his saliva, and finally knew how the frightened guys who were bluffed by him before felt: "Really, I lied to you about being slashed by lightning, you said that I have this divine power, can I still watch other Pokémon?" My goal was to collect all the legendary Pokémon, and Fantasy happened to be the first legendary Pokémon I received. The reason why I came here is also to use my divine power to subdue Gurador and Gaioka.

The white geng let out a mocking laugh.

Xia Fan said again: "Don't laugh, I'll ask you if you want to swallow the soul of Gurado or Gaioka?" Their strength should be far stronger than a hundred Pokémon that have evolved to their final form. The

white ghost's laughter stopped abruptly.

Xia Fan continued, "Swallow one of the two of them, I believe you should be able to become a Pokémon that is more powerful than Dream.

The white geng swallowed his saliva.

It was heartwarming.

"Can you really do it?" The white geng ghost's eyes were faint.

"If you don't let me try, you'll never be able to do it." Xia Fan smiled and said, "Hold up the bold, starve the timid, I want to know if you are bold or timid."

The white geng ghost stared at Xia Fan, without saying a word, and thought for a long time: "What are you going to do?"

"Put me back in my body, and send me to the top of the Sending God Volcano, where there are now two teams fighting for the idea of red orbs and blue orbs, if you want to encroach on them, then let me get those two orbs first." Xia Fan said.

The white geng jumped up when he heard this, and stuck his head into the ceiling, as if he was looking at something.

Ten seconds later, it fell, releasing Xia Fan from his hand.

"I warn you, don't play any tricks, now your dream is not here, and I will be dead under the Sending God Volcano, so you better not hold the idea of escaping with this, otherwise if I catch it, I will eat you immediately." The white geng ghost said coldly.

Xia Fan waved his hand and flew into his body.

After feeling the real physical sensation and being able to communicate with the dream again with the spirit sharing world, he smiled and turned back and said directly:

"I'll go to your uncle's, is grandpa someone you can threaten?"

As soon as the words fell, all four Spirit Balls were thrown.

King Feng, Emperor Yan, Lei Gong, and Little Rocky Yaqi appeared.

"You kind of come and eat me again."

Xia Fan turned over and jumped, jumped on the back of the Feng King, and hugged him deadly.

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