[New ability - space teleportation: From now on, as long as the Pokémon belonging to the host, no matter where they are, as long as the host needs it, they can immediately teleport to the host, and they can also teleport back. 【

Origin Law Power Extraction: May I ask the host to extract now?】

Xia Fan listened to this system prompt tone, and was stunned.

Space teleportation?

In the future, I can teleport my Pokémon to me whenever I need to, no matter where I am?

Lying groove, this ability is cheating.

After Xia Fan savored the introduction of this ability, he immediately became ecstatic.

Doesn't this mean that even if he releases the Phoenix King and them to wave around, as long as he needs them, they can come to him immediately.

Those Pokémon he lent out, as long as he needs them temporarily, can also be summoned back at any time.

"But what is this Origin Power Extraction?" After being excited about the new ability, Xia Fan thought about another reward, he remembered that the Destiny mission of Mewtwo seemed to have appeared in this thing at that time, but it required him to subdue Mewtwo to obtain it.

For Xia Fan's inquiry, the system did not answer positively, but continued to reply to ask if the host was extracting now.

Xia Fanba lowered his mouth and nodded: "Then draw it now." When

the words fell, a disc appeared in front of Xia Fan's eyes that only he could see, and the disk was divided into eighteen sections, namely general, fire, water, grass, electricity, ice, insects, flight, ground, rocks, fighting, superpowers, ghosts, poison, evil, steel, dragons, and goblins

Eighteen attributes of Pokémon.

A pointer spins on it and ends up stopping at the superpower attribute.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the power of the origin law of superpowers, from now on, the host will be able to use most of the other superpower skills except for some Pokémon's unique superpower skills, the initial number of uses is five, the skill power is synchronized with the strongest Pokémon with the superpower system owned by the host, and the subsequent use times will increase with the superpower legendary Pokémon that the host receives, and one will increase five skill points. ] 】

【The strongest Pokémon in the super power system currently owned by the host are Fantasy, and the super power system owned by the host is said to be Fantasy, Lokia, Ladias, and Latios, therefore, the number of times the power of the host's super power origin law is used is twenty-five.

As this voice fell, the three more words of the super energy department were added to the front of the skill bar in Xia Fan's mind, and under this super energy department, all the skills of the super energy department.

Faced with this new reward, Xia Fan felt that his mouth was about to smile crookedly for a while.

No way, handsome, luck is so good.

The coolest superpower system can be extracted by random selection.

In the future, he will be a humanoid Pokémon, his heart will move at will, and he can do whatever he wants.


Xia Fan turned his head to look at the Geng Ghost who ran to Gaioka's side, and recalled the use of space teleportation.

At this moment, Geng Ghost stood next to Gaioka, drooling.

All I thought about was that if I swallowed Gaioka's soul, how much stronger it could become, whether I would be able to replace Gaioka as the dark god of this Fengyuan region, protect the darkness of the Fengyuan region, and by the way, wrestle with the mighty Fierce Sky just now.


Just as Geng Ghost thought so, the Gaioka in front of him disappeared, and Xia Fan looked at it with a smile.

The white geng ghost suddenly had a ghostly expression, looked around, and wondered how he suddenly came to Xia Fan from Gaioka's side,

"What do you want to do?" Xia Fan interrupted its thoughts, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was mixed with a faint banter.

"I... I didn't want to do anything, I'll help you watch it. The white ghost was a thief with a false heart, and his eyes were confused.

"Huh..." Xia Fan sneered, not bothering to poke through the picture of it just flowing towards Gaiokaha.

"Master, how did you get it to our side just now." Emperor Yan was puzzled at this time, just now the white geng ghost suddenly came to his side, and he and Lei Gong were all in his eyes.

The white geng ghost was stunned, and quickly looked at Xia Fan, only then did he understand that the sudden disappearance from Gaioka's side was done by Xia Fan.

"This is my new divine power, in the future, no matter where you are, as long as I think of you, you will immediately teleport to me, so you don't have to stay in the ball all the time in the future." Xia Fan confessed.

Emperor Yan and Lei Gong were overjoyed when they heard this, no Pokémon were willing to stay in the ball all the time, and if it was really as Xia Fan said, it would be really good.

"Really?" The white geng ghost was also excited, and the telepathy should shout in Xia Fan's mind.

It has already begun to fantasize about the picture that after Xia Fan releases it, he can wave everywhere again.

That's the breath of freedom.

And yet...

Xia Fan looked at the white geng ghost and said: "Except for you, they can go outside to play, you and I will always take them with you, no way, you have to leave one or two around to relieve your worries, right." Looking

at the white geng ghost's

depressed expression, Xia Fan set his eyes on Gaioka, ready to try the super power skill to teleport over and throw the ball.

But at this moment, a young man wearing a Taoist robe suddenly rushed out of the sea.

He held a Poké Ball in his hand and threw it towards Gaioka.

"I'm your grandmother!!"

Xia Fan was directly stunned by the scene in front of him, and cursed.

However, in a flash of red, Gaioka had already received the ball.

The ball falls on the surface of the sea and shakes.

However, two seconds later, Gaioka bounced out of the Poké Ball again.

The youth's Poké Ball failed to subdue.

But Xia Fan was already covered in frost.

In this world, no one dares to rob the divine beast with him, and if he dares to rob, he will chase him to the ends of the earth and cut him down.

Thinking of this, Xia Fan moved behind the young man in an instant.

Lowering his voice, he said coldly: "Dog thing, do you want to die!" Dare to grab the Oka with me. The

young man was still wondering why the Spirit Ball he had snatched from someone else could not be subdued by Gaioka, and when he heard Xia Fan's cold question, he suddenly looked back with a shocked face.

"Dog thing, are you trying to die?" Xia Fan said again, his eyes looked at the young man, and a powerful thought power emanated from Xia Fan's mind.

The young man floated, his face uncomfortable, and his hands grabbed his neck, as if he wanted to strangle himself to death.

He looked at Xia Fan with a look of trepidation, but at the same time he was resisting, and just when his eyes were red and about to explode, he finally let his right hand go from his neck.

Then, seeing his one-handed pinch, a sword condensed with seawater suddenly rushed out and slashed towards Xia Fan.

Xia Fan quickly dodged away, and the young man took the opportunity to break free from Xia Fan's mental control.

The imperial sword head ran away without returning.

"Chase! Lei Gong, Geng Ghost, you two go chase, don't let him run. Xia Fan looked at the Yan Emperor who rushed and ordered.

Lei Gong and the white geng ghost nodded when they heard this, and chased towards the young Daoist priest.

After the young man's accident, Xia Fan quickly took out the Spirit Ball and threw it at Gaioka.

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