"Senior, are you okay?"

In a secret cave, Emperor Yan put Xia Fan on a rock from his back.

His expression was very worried about Xia Fan's weak appearance at the moment.

"I... I feel like I'm dying.

Xia Fan lay motionless on the rock, and his eyelids were so weak that he seemed to be unable to open them.

"So can you still use self-regeneration? Rumor has it that you can use all Pokémon's skills.

"But I.... Already too weak to use skills, now... I talk all... It's very difficult. "

This way."

Emperor Yan anxiously circled around the cave, thinking about what else could be done to save Xia Fan.

At this time, Xia Fan spoke again.

"Emperor Yan, now... There is only one way to save me.

"What way?" Senior, you quickly say, junior will definitely help you do it. As

the most enthusiastic Pokémon among the three holy beasts, Emperor Yan immediately said excitedly when he heard that there was still a way to heal.

It's just that what it doesn't know is that the dream in front of it is secretly ecstatic when it sees its excited appearance, and it didn't expect it to be so easy to fool.

"Looking for King Feng.... As long as it shoots, I will definitely be cured. Xia Fan said dyingly.

"Senior Phoenix King?"

Emperor Yan was stunned, and his expression that was still excited just now suddenly became embarrassed again.

Seeing it like this, Xia Fan frowned and propped himself up, wondering, "What's wrong?" Aren't you, Water Lord, Lei Gong, the messenger of human beings that it has placed in the world? Calling it, it should be easy for you guys.

After that, Xia Fan felt that something was wrong, and quickly lay back on the rock, pretending to die.

Fortunately, Emperor Yan, who was in a difficult situation, did not turn his head to look at him.

Otherwise, it is likely to be suspected.

"It's not Dream Senior, it's not that I don't want to contact Senior Phoenix King, but although the three of us are its messengers, we can't contact it directly, and we can only see it when it wakes up from its slumber and summons us to tour the world."

Emperor Yan lowered his head and did not dare to face Xia Fan.

After all, I just promised others personally, no matter what method as long as I say it, I will absolutely do it, and the result is immediately slapped in the face.

And Xia Fan, who heard Emperor Yan's words, couldn't help but purse his lips and sighed in his heart.

One of the main reasons why he pretended to be dead was to see if he could fool Emperor Yan to call King Feng out, and then take the opportunity to subdue with a ball.

In this way, then he would not only have subdued the Yan Emperor and the Phoenix King, but the Water Sovereign and Lei Gong could also be said to have become its subordinates.

"Then..." Xia Fan came back to his senses, ready to speak again to ask Emperor Yan to help it call Shui Jun and Lei Gong, but he choked as soon as he said a word.

Because the Yan Emperor in the cave has disappeared.

"Lean! It can't be that you noticed something and ran away. "

Xia Fan was so angry that he vomited blood, if this Yan Emperor really ran away, then he would definitely not be able to help himself with a big ear, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice, there is nothing to fool others to call the Phoenix King over, it is better to throw the spirit ball directly over and subdue it first, although this may cause disobedience after acceptance, but it is better than nothing."

However, this depression did not last long, and Xia Fan suddenly sensed the breath of the Yan Emperor again.

After a while, outside the cave, Emperor Yan led a group of elves in.

There are King Nido, Queen Nido, Overlord Flower, Bandwagon, Circle Bear, and other Pokémon.

But these are not the main thing, the main thing is that two large milk cans followed in.

The first time Xia Fan saw these two big milk cans, he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Emperor Yan leading the two large milk cans to the rock where he was lying on his stomach.

"Senior, the milk of the two of them has a therapeutic effect, you suck to see if it has an effect on you."


Xia Fan's face froze, and cold sweat continued to slide down his cheeks.

Especially when the two big milk cans surrounded it left and right, mooing, there were the most cold sweats.

You say, how can he lie on his stomach on two Pokémon and suck milk.

"Emperor Yan... No thanks... Senior, I suddenly felt that my body was much better than just now, and it seemed that it would not be long before I could use self-regeneration.

Xia Fan was terrified, and quickly got up to prove that his body was much better.

However, there is a pair of cow hooves that are noticeably faster than him.


I saw the big milk jar on the left violently take him into his arms.

Without giving the slightest chance to refuse, milk was fed into his mouth.

Xia Fan's eyes widened, and he suddenly whined.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Then he saw Xia Fan constantly shaking his hand at him, thinking that he was inviting him to drink together.

"Senior, you can drink these milks alone, the more you drink, the faster it will get better, if it is not enough, I can also find you a few more." Emperor Yan had an understanding, good old man's tone.


Xia Fan kept shaking his head, in fact, he wanted to show that he was okay and let this cow get out.

He really wants to die now.

I really want to lift the transformation and tell Emperor Yan that he is a human, but if he does this, a loyal and honest tough guy like Emperor Yan will definitely feel a serious sense of deception and hate him.

Even if he subdued it with the Spirit Ball, it is estimated that he will not listen to him.

"It's good that the dream is not here, otherwise my fame in his eyes will be completely ruined." Xia Fan sighed in his heart, this was the only rejoicing.

If Dream sees him as he is now, then he really simply dies, the social death of iron.

However, it may be that there are thoughts at night and dreams during the day.

It may also be that the flag was set up too early.

It is more likely that an inexplicable force has occurred.

Xia Fan's idea had just risen for less than three seconds.

Outside the cave, a violent salamander suddenly rushed in, looking excited.

"Master, I followed your breath and finally found..." The

voice stopped abruptly.

The violent salamander's eyes widened as he looked at the dream of lying on the big milk tank and sucking milk.

The shock on his face was palpable.

And the dream that was lying on the big milk tank to suck milk, looking at the violent salamander that suddenly rushed in, the whole body suddenly became hot.

That shame, shame, embarrassment, shame, self-containment, in short, a series of feelings of wanting to die instantly surged into his heart.

The scene was silent to the extreme for a while.


-The author has something to say:

When encountering social death, is there a way to break the situation?

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