After parting with Komitsu, it took Xia Fan four hours to find Kojiro's villa.

Not to mention that it is not only big, but also quite luxurious, and it looks like evil capitalism.

However, it is really cool....

After claiming to be Kojiro's friend with the butler, he begins to enjoy life.

Good food, good drink and fun, all available.

Hi, Xia Fan really doesn't want to continue to go to that Xinqi Lake to wait for the rabbit.


And on the other side.

Xiaoguang, who was separated from Xia Fan, experienced a more troublesome incident when collecting Pokémon.

That is, before receiving the elves, two of the three Pokémon Little Fire Monkeys in the institute fought with Pogaman and fled the institute, and she chased them out after learning about it.

Finally, after a ordeal, she finds the fleeing Bogaman in front of a lake and becomes friends with it.

But as she was about to leave with Pogarman, a strong wind suddenly blew in the lake.

The direction of the wind was unknown, and then she saw a transparent Pokémon with spatial fluctuations greeting her.

Just as she was puzzled.

A fat, white and fat Pokémon suddenly appeared.

The white fat Pokémon didn't know what was crazy, and as soon as he saw the transparent Pokémon, he opened his mouth and pounced.

And then... Bitten empty.

The transparent Pokémon disappeared before it.

After that, the fat white Pokémon showed a hideous smile to Xiaoguang and Bogaman .

And licked his saliva, so frightened that Xiaoguang hurriedly hugged Bogaman and ran away.

"Master, the legendary Pokémon just now seems to have suddenly appeared."

After Xiaoguang left, Geng Ghost used the spirit sharing world to contact Xia Fan.

At this time, Xia Fan was enjoying the servant's massage, and he didn't know how comfortable he was.

However, Geng Ghost's spirit sharing interrupted him.

"Appeared? Did you hold it back? Xia Fan stood up excitedly, making the servant look puzzled.

"No, because I don't know if it counts as appearing, anyway, it appeared in front of a girl in a transparent appearance, and as soon as I passed, it ran away, and then it never appeared again." Geng Ghost replied with spirit sharing.

"Girls? Describe it carefully.

Geng Ghost immediately described Xiaoguang's appearance: "By the way, it also brought a pogaman with it." "

Little light?" Xia Fan was surprised in his heart after hearing this, "The protagonist's aura was triggered so quickly?" Lean, I already knew that I followed her as soon as I met her.

"And what about her now?" Xia Fan said.

"I don't know, I scared her and ran, but I haven't run far yet, do you want me to chase me now?" Geng Ghost Road.

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows, and finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, no need, you just stay there, and I'll find it in person later."

After that, the spiritual conversation between Xia Fan and Geng Ghost ended.

He looked at the beautiful servant who was helping him massage and sighed.

"The gentle township is too comfortable, I'd better enjoy another hour or two before going out to find it." Xia Fan muttered in his heart.

Yet two hours later.

Xia Fan asked Xiang Dream, who was also enjoying a massage there, and said, "Pikachu, do you eat well and have fun." Dream

shook his head, it was so comfortable here.

"Then stay another hour or two?" Xia Fan said again.

Dream nods.

"Okay, then we'll stay for two hours, and after two hours, we definitely can't be lazy anymore." After Xia Fan finished speaking, he continued to enjoy it with peace of mind.

He can't be blamed for this, it was a decision made by Dream, and he was only respecting his Pokémon's inner thoughts.


And while Xia Fan was still enjoying it.

Xiaoguang successfully got his own Pokémon, Pogaman .

And started his own journey.

It's just that at the beginning of the journey, she meets a Pikachu with scars all over her body.

That Pikachu seems to be being chased by a group of men in red uniforms.

After some fighting, she felt that she couldn't beat the Pokémon of those people, so she took Pikachu and Bogaman and fled towards Lake Xinqi, not far from here.

She remembered that there was a somewhat scary white Pokémon there.

I want to drive those people away with the power of that Pokémon.

The idea she eventually succeeded.

Because although Geng Ghost didn't know why the girl came to it again, Xia Fan seemed to value her very much.

Plus there's another reason that Pikachu knows it.

Isn't this the Pokémon of Ash a few months ago?

He tried to challenge the master, but several Pokémon were beaten by him one by one.

Therefore, Pikachu quickly asked it for help as soon as he saw Geng Ghost.

And those in red uniforms, when they saw Geng Ghost, thought it was an ownerless flash Pokémon, and they were ecstatic to fight it and subdue it.

In these cases, Geng Ghost taught them a lesson.

In the name of eliminating violence and Anliang, he rolled the Pokémon souls of those people aside and ate them all.

"Master? What about you? The girl came to me again and brought Ash's Pikachu with her. After

eating the soul and scaring those people away, Geng Ghost used this spirit to share contact Xia Fan.

"Ash's Pikachu is there too?" Xia Fan, who was still enjoying the massage, was surprised.

Then he picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time, there was still an hour before the time he had just discussed to leave.

"Master, where are you? Didn't you say to look for her? Geng Ghost said again.

"I'm looking for her, but my legs are on her feet, and I don't know where she's going, but now it's good for you, I'll rush over, and you'll take care of them before I rush over."

After Xia Fan finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and set an alarm for an hour.

Only Geng Ghost and Pikachu over there were left with wide eyes.

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