"Mr. Xia Fan, they were going to rob Pikachu before."

After these people appeared, Xiaoguang shouted to Xia Fan like a complaint.

"Don't worry, with me, these people will only be jumping beam clowns." Xia Fan comforted.

Several people on the opposite side said coldly after hearing it: "Boy, arrogance is not a good thing. "

There were five people in red uniforms, and they threw their respective Poké balls.

Five red rays of light flashed.

Five Pokémon that evolved to their final form appeared, including the Earth Turtle, the Flaming Monkey, the Imperial Napo, Lucario, and the Fierce Land Shark.

After they appeared, they showed a fierce expression towards Xia Fan.

The young man in the middle of the five ordered: "Fiercely bite the land shark, the dragon swoops!" The

fierce biting land shark stepped forward and roared, releasing a terrifying murderous aura, and jumped sharply to the ground and rushed towards Xia Fan and them.

Xia Fan smiled sarcastically, and was about to command Dream to step forward to give it a thunderbolt, when

a roar came from overhead: "Pikachu!

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang.

The two of them were brought over by Theochis.

And Daiochisis saw that his master was attacked by the fierce biting land shark, and turned into a speed form and came to Xia Fan in an instant, and then turned into a defensive form, blocking the swoop of the dragon that bit the land shark.


The five people on the opposite side exclaimed, looking at each other full of shock.

"How could this Pokémon appear here, how could this be." The woman on the far left covered her mouth.

"Nothing impossible, Daiochisis uses a spirit breakthrough!" Xia Fan said coldly.

Deochisis changed from defense to attack form, and a superpower ball quickly condensed from his chest and threw out, directly hitting the fierce biting land shark.

With a puff of smoke, a scream sounded.

The smoke dispersed, and the fierce bite land shark fell to the ground and lost its combat effectiveness.

"Deochis, the remaining four are also handed over to you."

"Good host."

A fresh breeze swept through, and Daiochisis changed from attack form to speed form in an instant, approaching the Pokémon on the opposite side, as if I surrounded you.

The five people on the opposite side were taken aback.

In addition to the owner of the fierce bite land shark, the other four people have commanded their elves to attack Daiochisis.

But after using his defensive form to resist it, Daiochisis transformed into an attack form, and the tentacles of his hands changed from four to eight in an instant, and then the four Pokémon were wrapped around, accompanied by a noisy sound, and a black destruction death light condensed in his mouth.

The beam spat out, and the four Pokémon were instantly killed.

Compared with Geng Ghost's soul-eating Pokémon, Daiochisis prefers to mercilessly kill enemies directly.

The five people on the opposite side directly knelt down sluggishly.

The first close encounter with the legendary Pokémon scared their guts straight out.

"It's terrible... The power of . Xiaoguang swallowed his saliva, he didn't expect this Pokémon from the universe to be so powerful.

And Ash, who just got together with Pikachu, looked at the strength of Daiochisis to kill five powerful Pokémon in a short time, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, remembering that battle, if it weren't for a Geng Ghost around, I'm afraid it was his lizard king, and Dawang Yan would also be killed in an instant.

"You two don't know each other yet, let's get to know each other, Ash, your Pikachu was originally guarded by this girl named Xiaoguang." At this time, Xia Fan interrupted the shock of several of them.

Xiaoguang and Xiaozhi, as well as Xiaogang, recovered from their shock and introduced themselves to each other.

After Xia Fan briefly interjected a sentence or two, he walked out from among them and walked towards the five people opposite.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing Xia Fan walking towards them, the five people in red uniforms immediately became nervous.

"Don't be nervous, I won't eat you again." Xia Fan smiled, but in the tone of the smile, he all revealed that he wanted to eat people, "I will ask you a few questions now, as long as you answer them, I will spare your lives, otherwise I will ask my geng ghosts to come out and eat you." "

Geng Ghost!"

Three of the five people thought of the white Geng Ghost in Xinqi Lake, and their faces suddenly turned pale, and the Geng Ghost swallowed their other Pokémon souls, and they still remember the picture vividly.

"That geng ghost is also yours?" The leading youth of the five snorted.

"What do you think?" Xia Fan shrugged, "Stop talking about such insignificant topics, you just need to tell me now if you are a player, what player organization you come from, and what you are catching Pikachu for." The

five looked at each other, looking like they didn't know whether to tell the truth or not.

"Daiochisi, the ears in the middle don't need to be blindfolded, the ears of the other four people are covered with an isolated sound for me, I will let each of the five of them answer these questions, as long as there is a discrepancy in one answer, I will bring them all back to Xinqi Lake for Geng Ghost to eat, anyway, you can also let Geng Ghost read the memory, it's just a little more time." Xia Fan said coldly.

The faces of the five suddenly turned whiter.

After the contemporary Euchisis blindfolded the ears of the other four except the youth in the middle, the young man directly confessed his origin to Xia Fan with trepidation.

They are players, from a player organization called the God Trapping Hall, but this organization is somewhat unnamed, and the sacred beasts in the Shen'ao region have not encountered any of them so far, let alone captured them.

So their boss wondered if there was a problem with their luck and needed to follow a child of destiny to improve.

So they thought of Ash.

Attempt to meet legendary Pokémon through Ash.

However, judging from the information they have sent members out to collect in the past year, they find that Ash's journey is missing a few key soul figures--- that is, the trio of Team Rocket, Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow.

These three were originally an alternative protagonist group that had been following Ash to catch Pikachu, but I don't know how since Team Rocket was eliminated by players in the Chengdu area and the Kanto region, these people disappeared.

No longer follow Ash and his group to capture Pikachu.

You say, it's worth it.

If it was because of the absence of the three of them that Ash's divine beasts in the Shen'ao region could no longer be touched, then they were not a blood loss in the Divine Temple.

Therefore, they came up with a way to replace the original rocket team and act as Ash's experience baby along the way.

However, I never expected that a BUG-level figure appeared here.

The appearance is to conduct Daiochisis, you say, is this still playing?

Also catch the legendary Pokémon of NM, that is not rushing to be someone else's wedding dress.

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