
Suddenly, Xia Fan felt the feeling of someone watching.

Then he looked into the woods to the southwest, and after a while, a bibi bird flew out.

He smiled sarcastically and muttered in his heart: "God Hunting Hall? "

In the past two months, this God Trapping Hall has completely followed the pace of Team Rocket.

They are all actors like him, but they have a miserable life, and in order to let Ash grow, they often let Ash teach them a lesson.

Unlike him, he was comfortable and followed Ash in an upright manner.

So now that the news of the Water Sovereign has appeared, they should also be impatient.

"Mr. Xia Fan, I really didn't expect that legendary Pokémon to appear here." Ash smiled and looked at Xia Fan.

Xia Fan nodded.

The three waited for a few more minutes, but for Xiao Wu's call, Shui Jun still did not appear.

Xiao Wu said regretfully: "Brother Xia Fan, Brother Xiaozhi, Shui Jun may not want to come out to play today, let's go back."

Xia Fan and Xiao Zhi glanced at each other and left with Xiao Wu.

However, after entering the cave, Xia Fan took advantage of the darkness of the cave and split his body in two.

Used a skill double obtained from the frozen bird.

Let the stand-in follow Ash and Mai back, and the body returns to the shore of the lake with a dream.

Then Mimi's cat was under a modest tree.

As he guessed, after they left, a figure of the God Hunter Hall appeared by the lake.

Like a, he shouted the name of the water lord there, praying to come out and meet them.

"Just shouting like this, it's strange that Shui Jun can come out to see you, please don't forget what your identity is." Xia Fan shook his head, but he didn't go out to interfere.

The people of the God Trapping Hall shouted for more than twenty minutes, and finally released their Pokémon directly.

They are Emperor Nabo, Kabi Beast, Poisonous Skeleton Frog, Blizzard King, and Electric Warcraft.

Under the orders of several people from the God Trapping Hall, these five Pokémon began to wreak havoc here.

"Isn't that right, that's what your identity can do." Xia Fan nodded straight.

The lake began to defile under the destruction of the shrine.

A few minutes later, the lake had a strange appearance.

White mist spread from the lake, and the people of the God Trapping Hall hurriedly let their respective elves retreat.

"Is this finally going to come out?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

About a dozen seconds later, a Pokémon with a blue body and white diamond-shaped spots on its torso walked out of the mist on the surface of the lake.

The God Hunter Hall on the shore of the lake saw it, danced with excitement, and shouted that Shui Jun you have finally come out.

After that, they commanded their respective Pokémon to attack the Water Lord, wrestling with the Water Lord and besieging it.

"Master, isn't it time for us to appear."

Seeing that the Water Sovereign was under siege, Dream asked Xia Fan with telepathy.

"Don't be in a hurry first, take a look at the strength of this water lord."

Xia Fan smiled and shook his head, whether there is a priesthood or no priesthood, or whether he has been caught or not, as long as it is a legendary Pokémon, he must be caught when he encounters him, not for anything else, just don't want others to take it, disgust them, yes, it's disgusting.

However, before grasping, he wanted to see how big the difference was between a water lord without a priesthood and a water lord with a priesthood.

A few minutes later.

Xia Fan looked at this water lord who was besieged and gradually began to be in the inferior position, and he had a little general understanding of his strength.

The strength is still a lot worse than the god-level, it can only be said that it is very strong to single outnumber, and it is not possible to outnumber the enemy, if you encounter the Geng ghost before he was subdued, it looks like he will be hanged.

"It's time for us to play."

Xia Fan stood up and patted the leaves on his body.

The leaf fluttered to the ground, but Xia Fan's figure disappeared in an instant.

Instead, he suddenly appeared in the middle of the lake, in front of the besieged water lord.

With his hands open, a powerful superpower erupted from his body.

The five Pokémon that besieged the Water Lord were caught off guard and flew upside down for several zhang.

And the people of the God Hunting Hall looked at Xia Fan creepy.

Shocked how this man managed to suddenly appear in the middle of the battlefield and bounce their Pokémon away with both hands.

"It's him, it's the guy named Xia Fan."

The sharp-eyed person recognized Xia Fan through the mist.

"The owner of the heterochromatic ghost who traveled with Ash? But isn't he human? Could it be that he became a Pokémon?

"Wait, isn't he going to be a dream!"

The eyes of the five people of the God Hunting Hall changed from creepy to feverish, constantly inhaling and exhaling, suppressing the excitement in their hearts.

"Don't think too much, if I'm a dream, then what is it?"

Facing the fanatical eyes of the God Catcher, Xia Fan touched Dream's head with a smile.

The white light flashed, and the dream changed from Pikachu's appearance back to its original appearance.


The fanatical expressions of the five people in the God Hunting Hall suddenly stiffened.

"How is this possible!"

"Isn't there only one fantasy? This Pikachu is a dream, so what is he? "

The five people of the God Hunting Hall began to feel a little messy, feeling that there was something wrong with their understanding of this world.

"Guess what?" Looking at the five people on the shore, Xia Fan said with a playful smile, and at the same time, the afterglow from the corner of his eye glanced at the equally shocked Water Jun, stretched his hand to his waist, and gently threw the Spirit Ball in his hand while the Water Sovereign was still wondering why he appeared here.

The red light flashed, and Shui Jun was taken in.

However, since this water monarch had neither god-level strength nor godhead, Xia Fan's mind did not sound a system prompt.

The five people of the God Trapping Hall on the opposite side looked at this scene, and immediately realized that they had been played, and cursed.

"You bastard!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Fan in the fog disappeared in an instant, and a cold voice came from behind him.

"Who does the bastard scold?"

"Bastard scolding..." someone

subconsciously connected, but before the words were finished, a thought force floated the five of them.

They were immediately terrified and asked their respective Pokémon to come and rescue them.


However, Dream stopped the five Pokémon and glanced at them, and the five Pokémon fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Big brother... We were wrong.

Faced with such a scene, the leader of the five people said with trepidation.

"Just admit your mistake." Xia Fan immediately put the five people down.

Let the five people look at Xia Fan with a confused expression, they didn't expect this person in front of them to talk so well.

But then the next sentence let them know that they were happy early.

"But you need to keep the money."

A few minutes later, the five people of the God Trapping Hall who had completed the transfer fell to the ground, and Dream began to modify their memories and those of their respective Pokémon, and the future divine beasts, these five people still used.

While dreaming to modify his memory, Xia Fan released Shui Jun.

Let it continue to live here.

After waiting for it to have god-level power, see if it can feed back the skill to itself.

Ten minutes later, the dream memory modification ended, and Xia Fan left with it in his arms, returning to Ash.

Continue their journey.

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