"What's wrong, what's going on?"

Ash looked around and wondered.

At this time, the voice of the police officer came from the microphone in Miss Junsha's hand.

"There was an explosion in the gods and ruins, and a large number of large-mouthed bats appeared around?"

"Big-billed bats?"

"The ruins were bombed?"

Everyone ran out of the room and said in surprise.

Ash clenched his fists: "Is it the God Trapping Hall or the Galaxy Team?" When

the rest heard this, they quickly looked back at the white jade jewel behind them that was covered in tempered glass.

Miss Junsha began to give defense orders: "The third squad, the fifth squad, immediately rushed to the Divine and Ruins blockade site and surrounding areas, the fourth squad went to Area B, and the sixth squad went to Area D to strengthen vigilance." "

Didi Didi!"

At this time, there was another siren in everyone's ears.

They followed the sound and saw that it was Dr. Mustard Blue who was closing the room of the white jade jewel with his fingerprints.

But, I don't know how, her fingerprints seemed to have lapsed at this time, and the closure measures kept flashing red alarms.

"Dr. Mustard Blue, what's wrong with this?" Ash asked.

"It's really strange that this door can't be closed for some reason." Dr. Mustard Blue gritted his teeth.

"What did you say?" Miss Junsha was anxious.

The Vajra Orb was lost in her hands, and if the White Jade Orb was still lost in her hands, she was afraid that something big would happen.

In the next second, Miss Junsha's microphone heard a voice again.

"The Institute's security system is being hacked into from the outside and is now out of control."

After hearing this, Miss Junsha also gritted her teeth with hatred: "There is no way to ensure the safety of the white jade treasure pearl like this."

"I'll move it somewhere else." Miss Zhulan suggested.

"It's about the history of the Shen'ao region, then let's protect the White Jade Orb together, and I believe that with Mr. Xia Fan here, facing us head-on, the Galaxy Team will definitely not be able to defeat us." Ash looked at Xia Fan, "Mr. Xia Fan, I'm right. "

You're right, protecting the White Jade Orb is what our Pokémon trainers should do." Xia Fan smiled a little embarrassed.

He didn't want to protect the white jade orb at all, and he wished that the Galaxy team would steal it quickly.

"Good." Miss Junsha stepped forward and patted Xia Fan's shoulder, "I remember that you have a Daiochisis who can fight with the Flame Sky, right, in this way, the heavy task of protecting the White Jade Orb will trouble you, can you do it?"

"Uh..." Xia Fan was a little hesitant, if he put the white jade jewel here, he just wanted to be an actor and couldn't be an actor.

If the white jade orb was lost in his hand, normal people's thoughts would immediately suspect that he had a ghost.

"No problem, Mr. Xia Fan not only has a Daiochisis and a very powerful heterochromic ghost, with these two Pokémon, I believe that if the Galaxy team dares to come and grab it, it will definitely regret it."

When Xia Fan hesitated, Ash helped him with a proud face, as if he was the trainer of Daiochisis and Geng Ghost.

"Deochis? It's that Pokémon from the universe, right? Akari suddenly interjected, his face somehow becoming a little stiff at this time.

"Yes, very powerful." Ash replied, "If Mr. Akari wants to know, he can take out his mobile phone and search the video of the battle between Liekong and Daiochisis in the Fengyuan area, and I believe that after reading it, Mr. Xia Fan will be very much in favor of Mr. Xia Fan guarding the White Jade Orb."

"Uh... Hehehe, I saw that video before. Mr. Akahi smiled, but this smile was uglier than crying.

Then he looked at Xia Fan.

Both of them had smiles that were uglier than crying at the moment.

But this can't be helped, one wants to be an actor and let the orb be snatched by the Galactic team, so as to speed up the progress of summoning Diya Luca and Palukia

, and the other is that after knowing that the person in front of him has a Daiochisis who can fight with the sky, his heart is retreated, and he wants to cancel the galaxy team's plan to snatch the orb this time, and come back after the person in front of him leaves, but unfortunately, he can't contact the subordinates who have already started the action now.

"It's troublesome now, it's not good to be an actor, I just hope that the strength of your galaxy team can exceed my imagination, rest assured, as long as you hurt my Daiochisis, I will definitely borrow the donkey from the slope to be a good actor, and let you snatch the white jade orb." Xia Fan looked at Chiri and thought in his heart.

"It's not good, there is a crisis of annihilation at this moment, how can this person have Daiochisis, no, I have to find a way to contact the years star and try to cancel this operation." Chiri looked at Xia Fan and thought in his heart.

After thinking about this, the two looked at each other and smiled again, and Akari then twisted his head to the side.

"Without further ado, since Mr. Xia Fan is guarding the White Jade Orb, then let's quickly transfer the location of the White Jade Orb, since they want to grab the Orb, then they must have figured out the place where the Orb is in advance." Miss Junsha said.

A few minutes later, Xia Fan got a cart with a tempered glass body containing white jade orbs on it.

During this period, Miss Junsha's microphone began to continuously transmit reports of the fall of various areas.

When they had just rushed to the gate of the institute with the white jade orb, there were already people in gray and white uniforms standing at the gate, and dozens of large-mouthed bats and a copper mirror monster were flying above their heads.

"It's Team Galaxy!"

Miss Junsha immediately recognized which organization the other side belonged to by her clothes.

"It's the guy."

Xia Fan frowned slightly, recognizing the young man with short blue hair standing in the middle of the group opposite, it was the guy who had awakened the unknown totem in the random ruins before.

The young man with short blue hair noticed that Xia Fan's cart was holding the white jade treasure bead, and said with a look of course: "That little brother, please hand over the white jade treasure bead to us." "

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