Looking at the long skill panel in front of him, Xia Fan fell into deep thought.

After reading Manafei's skills, he really wanted to choose three skills.

One of Manafei's exclusive skills, Mind Swap, and another is the melting that can liquidate the body, and the powerful auxiliary attack skill Firefly.

Among them, although the skill of mind exchange is Manafei's exclusive skill, if he remembers correctly, there should be a Pokémon too, that is, the phantom Pokémon Maji Yana with artificial steel attributes and goblin attributes.

And skill melting Although there are many Pokémon clubs, but legend has it that Pokémon only have steel attributes in the legendary Pokémon Miro Mehta and the Dream Club, it is basically impossible to obtain this skill from the dream, so if you don't choose this time, you can only choose from Miro Metata or cultivate a Fiona or other Pokémon who breaks through the racial limit like Geng Ghost in the future.

As for the skill of Firefly, there are only three Pokémon will, except for Manafei, which is an electric firefly with insect attributes and an extreme beast electric beamwood.

After thinking for a long time, Xia Fan made a decision.

"System, I want Manafei's mind exchange."

Three skills on importance and practicality, mind exchange he feels better, although there is a time limit, but if you can use it, this skill is the divine skill of the whole dead.

It is not wrong to choose this first, as for Melting and Firefly, he thinks it is better to cultivate a Pokémon that breaks through the upper limit of the race.

In this way, after a few seconds, Xia Fan felt that his brain seemed to be sublimated.

The skill bar in my mind has the skill of mind swapping.

From now on, he can briefly exchange the souls of the two creatures he touches whenever he wants, whether they are humans or Pokémon.


While Xia Fan was still intoxicated with the skill, Dream interrupted him.

"What's wrong?" Xia Fan looked puzzled.

Then he noticed that something was wrong with the eyes of the Pokémon around him, they were looking at him angrily, and some were even ready to attack, and one of the Howler Whale Kings was roaring at him.

It means let him release their king quickly.

When Xia Fan heard this, he released Manafei from the Spirit Ball, and at the same time snapped his fingers in the sea.

Suddenly the creator of the sea, Gaioka, appeared at his feet.

and another figure of Lokia, known as the god of the sea.

As soon as these two appeared, those water system Pokémon who looked at Xia Fan with an angry expression immediately looked like Yan, and they didn't dare to say a word, more honest than when Fiona came just now.

If Manafi is their king, then Gaioka is the ancestor who gave them the environment to live, and Lokia is the ancestor who governs them.

Converted into human relationships, that is, the manager's son, the chairman's father, and the uncle of the CEO who was invited by his father to manage on an equal footing.

The son often comes out for a walk, greets the water Pokémon in the ocean, condolences, and publicizes the status of the prince, which is equivalent to the mascot of the spiritual symbol.

Dad is hidden in the deep sea, usually does not care about anything, only sleeps, only when the old rival Gurador is alive, he will run out to fight with him, publicize that he is still alive and tell the other party to be careful, and then go back to continue to sleep the second uncle, or just the son called, will occasionally run out to take a look, and then go back to sleep.

Uncle is better than dad, originally lived on land, maintaining the relationship between humans and Pokémon, but humans didn't know how to burn his home, so he came to the ocean, and was found by the lazy second uncle, please go to be a manager, although very cold, but diligent work, where uneven where to move.


After coming out of the Pokeball, Manafei, who was originally thinking of getting angry, turned his head and was immediately confused when he saw Lokia and Gaioka, asking why they came.

"Xiao Luo, Xiao Gai, you can explain my situation to it."

Xia Fan began to pretend to beep at the right time, and said lightly with his hands behind his back.

Let Lokia and Gaioka help it brag.

"Good host."

Lokia and Gaioka immediately responded, introducing Xia Fan's existence to the elves and Manafei in an exaggerated and boastful way.

Hearing the water system Pokémon and Manafei nodded straight.

In short, in the future, when you see Xia Fan, you should see the two of them.

Even if you are ordered to die, you have to do it immediately.

"Xiaoma, tell me who is the strongest Fiona among your children?"

Xia Fan waited for Manafei to be reprimanded by Lokia and Gaioka, and then floated forward with a smile.

He also thought about dissolving this skill, which should also be able to be done by Fiona, as long as one of them can fight the god of war, he will throw the ball.

"The strongest?"

Because of his skills in mind exchange, Manafei also has a strong talent for learning human language, so he can communicate with Xia Fan briefly in human language.

"That's right, the strongest Fiona, it is best to be as strong as you, no, wait a minute, it should be as strong as it or a little weaker." Xia Fan threw out the Spirit Ball and released Geng Ghost.

Manafei is a mascot in the sea, the strength is not great, the horror is the ability to exchange hearts and sing to attract a large group of water Pokémon as thugs, and its child Fiona If he wants to bring him skills, he should be like Geng Ghost, and the power must break through to the god level.

"Better than it?"

Manafei looked into Geng Ghost's eyes with some slightest looks.

In the sea, how can its child Fiona also hang it.

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