Gang Xinxi successfully stopped Hunter J's Ash and Shindai's expressions, and their expressions instantly stiffened.

And Hunter J, who was about to successfully destroy the last stone pillar and successfully summon Regichikas, was also instantly stunned, and then the corners of his mouth twitched, turning to ecstasy and laughter.

This Nima is better than the dog SHI luck and the dog SHI luck, she obviously didn't do anything, and the steel pillar actually shattered itself.

The surprise came so suddenly.

"How is this possible!!"

Mr. Jindai exclaimed today more than in his entire life.

He couldn't understand why he had let Reggie Ace stop the Salamander, and why this last pillar of steel would still break.

"What did you just do!!?"

Shinyo roared at Hunter J, who was about to smile crookedly at the corners of his mouth.

"You ask me?" Hunter J pointed at himself in amazement, "To be honest, I also want to know what I did.

After saying that, she laughed and looked back behind her.

At this time, the transparent orb transformed by Regichikas bloomed with a twinkle of light.

Ash and the others rushed to the high platform.

"This is...," Ash exclaimed.

Miss Jindai said, "Could it be that Regichkas is about to wake up." But

everyone waited for a minute, and the orb was still glowing.

J, the originally happy hunter, was a little angry again: "What's wrong, why hasn't Regichkas woken up yet, in that case, the violent salamander spews flames!" The

violent salamander, which had been lifted from the freeze, spat out jet flames when he heard this.

Compared to destroying the death light, the jet flame does not need to condense, so before the gods can order to stop it, the violent salamander has already vomited.

A mouthful of scorching flame burned on the transparent orb, and the orb immediately emitted a strange buzzing sound.

Immediately after that, a red light rushed out from the ground, and this light rushed into the sky.

Everyone was frightened and hurried back, and Hunter J also took the opportunity to jump on the back of the violent salamander.

"Regichikas, you, the Holy Pillar King, have finally come out."

Xia Fan's divine beast perception reacted violently the moment the pillar of light appeared, and he couldn't think of anyone else but Regischkas.

The red pillar of light rushed for five seconds, and after five seconds, the pillar of light dispersed, and a huge white humanoid Pokémon appeared.

As soon as "Regischkas~"

appeared, the giant Pokémon shouted its name.

Xiao Guang took the elf guide and swept it, and then exclaimed: "Is this the legendary Pokémon that pulls a huge land to drag?" It's too big.

"It's not good, everyone get out of the way!"

Then Shindai suddenly exclaimed.

Because under the gaze of everyone, at this moment, this Regichikas did not know what nerves he had, and as soon as he woke up, he opened his hands, and two hot jets of flames shot out of his hands.

These flamethrows were sprayed around the ruins, causing the ruins to suddenly shake, and countless fragments fell from above.

"Regičkas, stop!" Ash shouted in a panic.

However, the power of the mouth cannon was still ineffective at this time, and Regičkas still angrily attacked the surrounding environment with jet flames.

"It seems that Regischkas woke up from a deep slumber and lost himself in anger." Miss Jindai said.

Xia Fan, who was still invisible on the side, muttered, "The legendary get up gas?

"Master, isn't it time for us to get started?" It's not a good thing to let it go down like this all the time, right? The

dreamy voice sounded in Xia Fan's mind

, "No need, don't be in a hurry first, now on this occasion, if I throw the ball directly, I am afraid that Mr. Shendai will swallow me alive,

and the key will not be exposed." Xia Fan shook his head and replied with a spirit sharing world.

"But what if they throw the ball?" Dreamy and said.

"They dare to throw it, naturally they bounce it with mental power." Xia Fan shrugged, "The rest are as they go, as long as they don't throw the ball."

At this time, Hunter J, who was standing on the back of the violent salamander in mid-air, began to think of himself: "Thank me well, I will make your violent soul an eternal thing from now on."

With that, she raised her high-tech gun capable of petrifying Pokémon and aimed it at Regischkas.


It's just that as soon as she raised her muzzle and was accumulating energy, Regichkas had already aimed his right hand that was about to spit out the jet flame at her.

Frightened, hunter J hurriedly said: "Violent salamander, dragon fluctuation!" When

the violent salamander heard this, a dark black energy ball quickly gathered in its mouth.

The dragon fluctuations and jet flames collided in mid-air, creating huge waves of scorching air.

Hunter J and his violent salamander flew straight out upside down and almost crashed into the rock wall.

However, after this attack, Regichkas became even more angry.

Standing in place, holding your hands is spraying flames all around!

Under its attack, the palace began to collapse.

"Oops, if this continues, the temple will completely collapse, everyone quickly retreat first." Shindai said in a panic, saying that it released the other two divine pillars, allowing them to cover the retreat.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Xia Fan, who was also about to throw out three divine pillars: "Don't take out your three divine pillars first, the opening of the escape hole is too small."

Xia Fan's stand-in nodded, put away the Spirit Ball, and fled with Ash and the others.

As for Hunter J and her violent salamander, seeing that things were wrong, they had already begun to fly towards the exit.

"It's Regischkas, if I'm not mistaken, it should be in a slow start state now, and it is still so raw in this state." Only Xia Fan, who was in an invisible state, looked at Regichkas and nodded constantly.

If he remembers correctly, although Regickas is called the Holy Pillar King, he has a very pit characteristic, that is, the legendary 'slow start', and during a period of time when Regichkas appears, both the attack and the speed will be halved, becoming a funnel in the legendary Pokémon.

But as long as this period of time has passed, then it is Dad, slap all existences to death.

Of course, there are still some special existences.

Two minutes later, Xia Fan followed Ash and Shendai and ran out of the hole that was about to collapse with a leisurely face.

It's just that as soon as they ran out of the cave, the palace behind them was hit too hard by Regichikas, and the entrance to the palace finally collapsed.

"Regischkas, it..."

Ash looked at the messy palace in confusion.

"Buried under the rubble." Shindai added with a sigh.

"Such a huge palace, even if it is Regichkas..." Xiao Gang hesitated.

When Xia Fan heard their words, he couldn't help but complain: "If it is buried like this and can't come out, then it will simply die, and lose the face of the Holy Pillar King."

The complaining in my heart had just ended, and there was a sudden explosion ahead.

Regichkas emerges from the rubble.

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