Xia Fan watched playfully for a while, and when he heard a sound of footsteps approaching this side, his body gradually entered the invisible state again.

A few seconds later, one after another, members of the Galaxy team arrived here.

They woke up several people in confusion.

The year star woke up first, and when she woke up, she first looked around nervously, and exhaled when she saw that they were all subordinates.

"What's wrong, Lord Agestar." A young man with a mole at the corner of his mouth asked.

"Ghost! Ghosts! There are ghosts! Years Star said with trepidation.

Apparently he was frightened just now.

"Lord Years Star, you..." The

subordinates around looked at each other, a little unbelievable that such words would come out of Years Star's mouth.

If they remember correctly, one of the biggest ghostless people in their galactic team is Lord Agestar.

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

Years Xing was anxious, and seeing that the subordinates did not believe it, he got up and walked towards the other subordinates who were unconscious with him.

"Get up, I'll do it."

Years Star pushed away the subordinates who were carrying the water, and stepped forward to grab the collars of several subordinates who were unconscious with her.

The backhand is a few slaps and slaps over, leaving bright red palm prints on their terrified faces.

Under the stimulation of pain, those people woke up one after another, and as soon as they woke up, they called out the ghost just now like the old star just now, and a terrifying female ghost with a shawl and seven tricks of bleeding suddenly appeared in front of them.

After saying this, some people also became nervous at first, choosing to believe what the years star said, of course, most people still don't believe it, these people are old people who have stayed here for a long time, thinking that they are hallucinating.

Seeing their attitude, the years star took a deep breath, asked people to replace the light bulb at the entrance of the passage, and then called more people to guard Mr. Handsome here, calling those who looked unbelieving and mocked her just now.

I thought that I would wait until they hit the ghost and see if they still believed it.

After arranging this, Years Star left with the tank skunk whose legs were frightened.

Xia Fan and Dream followed.

Because just now, the years star asked his subordinates where is Hades?

The subordinate's answer was that it was still in the research room.

Five minutes later, Xia Fan followed the old star to a room guarded by six members of the galaxy team.

When I opened the door, I saw a long red chain-like thing floating in midair.

And Hades, the researcher of the Galaxy team, is admiring with intoxicated eyes.

He heard footsteps, looked back, and then said, "Look at the beautiful color of this red chain." "

Hmm." The old star who had not yet recovered from the ghost collision replied in a somewhat perfunctory tone, "The meteorite full of impurities in Curtain City, you can actually remake it so beautiful, it's good." "

I'm not a reorganization, it's a resurrection, which means that the most commendable thing is the 'me' who revived the red chain in this era, I'm a genius, Master Hades, hahahahaha~." Hades did not notice that there was something wrong with the old star, so he let out a screeching laugh proudly.

"Red chains?"

Xia Fan, who followed the years star into the room, frowned slightly, the name of the red chain sounded a little familiar to him, as if it was used to control the god of time, Diya Luca, and the god of space, Palukia, or summoned the two of them, in short, it was very good.

"Stop your ugly laughter!" The old star interrupted Hades with a scolding voice, and when he stopped, he continued, "That Interpol handsome guy, what are you going to do about it, have you been locked up like this?"

Hades said, "Chiri said that since Interpol likes to investigate so much, let that guy do something." "

Oh?" Xing Xing was surprised, but did not ask what it was, but turned to another question, "How long do you have to fully complete this red chain?"

"It's coming to the end, what's the matter, are you in a hurry?" Hades Road.

Years Star looked at Hades for a while, and said seriously: "There are ghosts in this place, and I don't want to stay in this broken factory for a moment now."

"Ghosts? Are you kidding me? Hades was surprised.

Years Star then told his experience of hitting ghosts at the entrance of the passage.

Hades laughed heartily.

A vigorous mock of the year star did not wake up today, otherwise how could he say such words.

Years Star clenched his teeth and forcibly resisted the idea of going up and beating him violently.

But at this moment, the door of the laboratory opened, and a subordinate ran over in a panic.

"Lord Xingxing, I found an off-road vehicle driving towards us, and through the factory's monitoring probe, it was Xia Fan, an S-class vigilant figure set by the organization, who was driving, and sitting in the car were his three partners, Xiaozhi Xiaogang and Xiaoguang."

When the words fell, the laughter of the Hades who was laughing on the side immediately stopped.

With a serious face, he said, "Are you sure it's really them?"

The subordinate nodded: "Sure, we compared the monitoring content and the file data for a while, and it was definitely them." Years

Star was shocked: "But how would they know that our Galaxy team will stay here, our place is so hidden, it is absolutely impossible to..." Halfway

through the words, Years Star thought of that Interpol.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Damn, that Interpol definitely used a method we didn't know to reveal our address." Now the time to summon Diya Luca and Palukia is imminent, for the safety of the Red Chain, this place can no longer stay, and preparations for retreat begin... I'll find a way to hold them back and buy you time.

After that, the old star turned and left.

Hades began to beckon his subordinates to move some important things from the laboratory.

However, when they were asked to move their things, Hades took a piece of crystal red gem from his pocket and put it on a table, and instructed his subordinates to move all other important things, leaving only this gem.

"Bomb?" Xia Fan, who did not leave on the side, muttered.

Although he was very puzzled, he did not pick it up, but after watching it for a while, a teleportation left the laboratory and appeared over the factory, he needed to advance and retreat with Ash and them without disturbing the retreat of the galaxy team.

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