Early the next morning.

Several shouts suddenly sounded in the guest room of the Fairy Center of Garden Town.

"Yaknom, run away!"

"Yukehi, run away! Be careful, don't get caught.

"Emrido, run faster, you must not be caught."

Xia Fan, who was asleep, was awakened by these three screams, and woke up from the bed with some impatience, but saw Xiaozhi Xiaoguang and Xiaogang three panting, sweating profusely sitting on their respective beds, with palpitations on their faces.

"What's wrong you guys?" Xia Fan wondered.

The three did not respond to Xia Fan, but Xiaoguang said to Xiaozhi and Xiaogang: "That dream just now is the legendary Pokémon, did you also dream about it?"

"That's right, I dreamed about it too... Black shadow! Xiao Gang said.

Ash gritted his teeth and said, "So all three of us had the same dream. "

What's wrong you guys?" Xia Fan asked again at this time, "What same dream?" How I don't understand something. The

three of them reacted to Xia Fan's existence.

Ash said, "Mr. Xia Fan, we just saw Yukehi, Emlido, and Yaknom in our dream.

"That's right." Xiaoguang nodded.

"The three of you dreamed of Yuki, Emrido, and Yaknom at the same time?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

Xiaoguang continued, "They seem to want to tell us something, but at that moment a black shadow suddenly struck our dream, and countless tentacles rushed out of the shadow towards Yukehi, Emlido, and Yaknom, and just as they were about to be caught, we woke up."

"Yes." Xiao Gang said, his expression was very worried, "I hope this is really just an ordinary dream."

Xia Fan frowned, lost in thought.

Combined with the memories that Darkrai showed him yesterday, and the capture operation that the Galaxy team was about to start, the dream that Ash and the three of them had was obviously not an ordinary dream, but more like an early warning, a warning of the three holy mushrooms calling for help.

"It is worthy of being the protagonist group, it is really big enough to open the eye of the sky, which can be expected in advance." Xia Fan muttered in his heart, naturally he would not tell the real situation, he could only talk to the muddy and Ash, so that they should not worry, it was just a dream.

An hour later, when several people were eating breakfast, Darkrai's voice suddenly sounded in Xia Fan's mind.

"Master, I have come to Lake Lizhi with the Galaxy team now, and in a while, the organization of that Pokémon Hunter J will drop something called a galactic bomb in the lake with the people of the God Hunter Hall."

Hearing this, Xia Fan, who was enjoying breakfast, paused, quietly picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, and at the same time said in the spirit sharing world: "You share the picture you see with me."

"Good master."

After a while, the picture that Darkrai saw appeared in Xia Fan's mind.

At this moment, it was next to a rock not far from Lake Lizhi, and when it looked up, it could see a huge combat ship.

"Pokémon Hunter J and the people of the God Trapping Hall are on it." Darkrai Road.

Then his gaze changed, and Xia Fan saw Zhenxing, the cadre of the Galaxy team, confronting a teenager, and next to the teenager stood an electric shock monster and a moon elf.

This young Xia Fan knew that he was Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi's former rival, and now he has developed in the direction of researcher, and Lizhi Lake happens to be one of his recent research places, and the last time Xia Fan and Xiao Zhi met him.

"You guys are the legendary Galaxy team, what do you want to do here?" At this time, Xiao Mao was shouting towards the Galaxy team.

"Fuck off! Don't get in our way here. Zhenxing said with a look of disdain, waved his hand, and then a poisonous skeleton frog took the lead, and the overwhelming large-mouthed bat behind him crushed Xiao Mao, and in less than a minute, Xiao Mao's electric shock monster and moon elf lost their combat effectiveness.

And at this moment, the combat ship in the sky suddenly dropped a bomb engraved with the letter G.

"Is that the Galaxy Bomb?" Xia Fan muttered in his heart through the perspective of Darkrai.

Within seconds of the bomb falling into Lizhi Lake, a blue light suddenly burst out from the lake, making everyone can't help but close their eyes.


Suddenly, a scream interrupted Xia Fan's view of Darkrai.

"What's wrong, Ash?"

Xia Fan looked at Xiao Zhi who was covering his head beside him in confusion and looked painful.

The scream just now was made by him.

"Are you okay?"

Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang looked worried.

"I feel it..." Ash raised his head and gritted his teeth, "Yaknom, it..." Seeing

Ash speak in such pain, Xiaoguang rushed to reply, "Is it like the dream just now?"

"If we want to say so, then our dream is not a coincidence, but a real warning." Xiao Gang said.

Speaking of this, Ash lowered his hand from his head, and his painful expression was relieved.

"I want to ask Dr. Yamaashi to see if he knows." Ash Road.

At the same time, the perspective of Darkrai in Xia Fan's mind returned to normal, and the blue light had dissipated.

Countless bubbles rose in the middle of the lake and began to gradually form a whirlpool.

The vortex expands at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If someone is above the whirlpool, they can see that the bottom of the whirlpool seems to be connected to a different dimensional space, and a blue light mass is flying out of that space.


-The author has something to say:

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