The white light was fleeting, and then another wave of energy spread out from one place in the sky.

That wave of energy flashed with a different color that was incompatible with the real world, and seemed to envelop the entire town.

Everyone looked up in shock.

Just when I wanted to tell something, the energy wave suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared, the blue sky was still the blue sky, and the white cloud was still the white cloud.

Ash Road. "What was that just now?"

Xiao Guang hesitated: "Is the sky glowing?"

"It seems to be." Xiao Gang said in disbelief, "That's something I've never seen before.... Light.

Only Xia Fan was a man who whispered in his heart: "Is it a precursor to Diya Luca and Palukia coming here?"

At this moment, there was a cheer in everyone's mind.

"Get out!"

Xia Fan looked around, and found that under the shade of the flower pond a few feet behind him, he saw Darkrai, who had left yesterday.

"Darkrai!" Ash rushed over with Pikachu, wanting to question what it was going to do.

As a result, a man appeared one step ahead of him opposite Darkrai.

It was Baron Albert.

As soon as Albert saw Darkrai, he threw his own Pokéball.

The red light flashed, and the big tongue lick appeared.

"Darkrai, I will definitely not let you run away again this time." Albert stared at Darkrai tightly, and the desire for resignation in his eyes was overflowing.

Yesterday, Xia Fan's legendary Pokémon made him feel very uncomfortable, and he couldn't accept that his dignified baron was no better than a commoner.

"Go big tongue lick, gyro ball."

The big tongue licked his tongue, his body twisted, and his posture rotated at high speed in an instant, rushing towards Darkrai in the shade like a giant gyro.


Facing the attack, Darkrai's body sneaked into the ground and rose up, easily dodging the attack of the big tongue lick, and then his body changed in mid-air, stretching out two straight long legs, standing proudly on the street lamp.

With a gentle wave of its right hand, a blue lightning bolt actually split out from its right palm, instantly electrifying the big tongue, and its body stiffened for a while before coming back to its senses.

"Big tongue lick, destroy the death light!"

Listening to the master's instructions, the horse condensed energy from the electric strike, which had just passed the mouth of the god's big tongue.

Two seconds later, the destruction death light blasted towards Darkrai.

But it was still easily avoided by Darkrai, but it also angered Darkrai, who looked around and shouted angrily.

"Get out!"

While shouting, its hands condensed a slightly larger dark hole skill.

The moment this dark hole was successfully condensed, it disintegrated, separating dozens of small dark holes, and these dark holes began an indiscriminate attack.

The surrounding onlookers of Pokémon were hit and immediately fell into a coma.

Even Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang, the courage weasel that was released to play not long ago, Hu Shu also suffered because of this.

"Mr. Xia Fan, please stop it quickly."

Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang looked at Xia Fan.

At this time, Xia Fan was stunned.

Because just now Dream suddenly told him that this Darkrai said to get out seemed to refer not to them, but to something else.

Every time Darkrai said to get out, Dreamy felt a wave of energy from other spaces flash.

After Xia Fan listened, he immediately thought of Diya Luca and Palukia.

"Mr. Xia Fan!"

Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang saw Xia Fan in a daze, called him again, and pushed anxiously.

"What's wrong."

Xia Fan then came back to his senses, looked around, and found that many Pokémon were lying on the ground showing pain, and in mid-air, Darkrai was attacking indiscriminately with a dark hole.

Seeing this scene, Xia Fan immediately understood.

He was about to release Theochisis and Creselia, the god of dreams.

Darkrai, who was in mid-air, suddenly dived into the ground again and fled the scene in the blink of an eye.

Ash and Baron Albert chased after them.

Xia Fan wanted to follow, but was pulled by Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang.

Helplessly, Xia Fan could only stay here first.

Red light flashed, and Creselia was released.

Use your abilities to help the surrounding Pokémon escape their nightmares.

When they were almost awake, Xia Fan released Deochisis and let him fly high into the air with him to find Ash and Darkrai.

"They are there, master!"

After a while, Deochisis pointed Xia Fan in the direction.

He followed the tentacles.

I saw that in an alley, Ash and Pikachu were looking at the two big tongues licking and were a little overwhelmed.

The two big tongues licked one standing and the other lying down, and the one lying with a painful expression was obviously experiencing a nightmare.

"Go over and take a look."

In the next second, Deochiss took Xia Fan to Ash and the two big tongues licking with a teleportation.


As soon as it appeared, the standing big tongue licked ghostly, as if he was startled by Xia Fan who suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Xia Fan." Ash exclaimed in surprise.

"I heard you right just now, this big tongue lick just spoke? Wait, these two big tongue licks look like the big tongue licking of the self-righteous second forced baron.

Xia Fan's eyes switched strangely on the two big tongue licks.

"Uh...," Ash reached out and licked the big tongue that was standing, "You heard you right, he did speak, as for why... That's because he's the second baron you call you.


Xia Fan's eyes widened, and he rarely showed a ghostly expression, and looked up and down at this standing big tongue lick, "Eh, you say so, this big tongue lick is really a bit like that second forced baron, and there is a chain that only a nobleman wears on his body."

As soon as the words fell, the big tongue standing licked angrily: "You are the second force, I am Albert, the high baron."

However, Xia Fan didn't make sense at all, and continued to ask Xiang Xiaozhi: "What happened just now, why did these two forces suddenly become big and lick."

Ash scratched his head: "I don't know why this happened, but I can describe the situation at that time... A few minutes ago, Pikachu and I chased the shadow of Darkrai to this alley, and then I don't know if he was impatient to be chased, and after being hit by Pikachu with 100,000 volts, he appeared from the ground.

Telepathically tell me, tell me to stop, don't chase it, I made a mistake.

I was very puzzled, and when I was about to ask what it meant, the two forced barons came out.

Shouting at me not to get in the way, Darkrai was his prey, and then he directed his big tongue to lick and use the destruction death light attack, and the result of this was... Darkrai rushed to the top of its head and threw the dark hole directly into his big tongue-licking head.

After that, his big tongue lick was unconscious, and Darkrai took the opportunity to sneak into the ground and escape again, and the second baron himself, after his big tongue licking coma, suddenly became what he is now, and after that, Mr. Xia Fan you rushed here. "

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