Seeing these many skills, Xia Fan didn't want to say directly in his heart.

"System, I'm going to choose Palukia's sub-empty split."

If you have the exclusive skills of the Guardian Spirit, you basically have a brain pit.

Therefore, three seconds later, as his body was transformed by a new round of the system, Xia Fan obtained a powerful sub-empty rift, and from then on, he could also tear the space at will, banishing people to death in a different dimensional space.

Below the Tower of Time and Space, with the end of Olatheon, the creatures condensed by the golden light dissipated, and Ash and his group watched Palukia being subdued by the Temple of Gods surrounded by four powerful legendary Pokémon, and their hearts were quite uncomfortable.

I didn't think that Palukia was still accepted by this organization, and the only point of success was to save the entire Poplar Town from the boundaries of collapse, but as long as it can't go back to the real world, no matter how much you do, it's for nothing.

"Damn, what should we do, really ask for them?" Ash gritted his teeth and was very unwilling.

At this time, Xia Fan doubled forward, patted Ash's shoulder, and laughed heartily: "It's okay, you all tried your best, it's just a matter of a few legendary Pokémon, it's a big deal to catch it later, you just wait here."

After that, Xia Fan's stand-in threw out the Spirit Ball.

The red light flashed, and Daiochisis was released, and flew towards the four powerful legendary Pokémon in the sky with Xia Fan's stand-in, without the slightest sadness from beginning to end.

But the more Xia Fan is like this, the more sad Ash and Alice and Toneo are, they think that Xia Fan is supporting his sadness, they believe that no one in this world is willing to give up the Pokémon that were captured with great difficulty, let alone the legendary Pokémon.

"Abominable, abominable, if only I could do something for Mr. Xia Fan." Ash was so angry that he hammered the big tree next to him.

"He is a respectable man, I will record Mr. Xia Fan's story in Poplar Town and erect a monument so that future generations can remember the price Mr. Xia Fan paid to save Poplar Town." Alice said with red eyes.

"That's right." Toneo also forced tears, "If we can return to the real world in Poplar Town, Mr. Xia Fan is the biggest hero." In

this way, the five people looked at the sky and quietly waited for the execution from the temple of the gods, whether to let the entire Poplar Town finally be engulfed by another dimension, or return to reality.

Three minutes later.

Palukia was released, and after first experiencing an unknown spiritual brainwashing, he sent the entire Poplar Town back from the different dimensional space under the order of Qin Xuan, the temple of the gods.

Return to a beautiful world surrounded by the sea and countless beautiful scenery.

The whole town cheered at this scene, and then watched the ten legendary Pokémon leave, and Palukia leave through the other dimension.

After that, Xia Fan, who saved the town, returned to Poplar Town on Deiochisis and returned to Ash.

"Mr. Xia Fan, this is..." Ash stepped forward in surprise, covering his mouth and looking at Daiochisis beside Xia Fan suspiciously.

Didn't Xia Fan give Daiochisis to the Temple of the Gods so that they could send Poplar Town back to the real world?

"I feel like we've misunderstood this organization called the Temple of the Gods."

Xia Fan scratched his head, "I just talked to their boss and said that I was willing to give them my legendary Pokémon, only to ask them to order Palukia to send Poplar Town back, but it was rejected.

The boss of the temple of the gods said that he would be happy to send Poplar Town back, and would not accept Daiochisis, because they were not bandits and hooligans, but an idealistic, ambitious and righteous organization, and would never deliberately bully civilians and weak Pokémon.

The reason why the legendary Pokémon were taken down was to protect the peace of this world, maintain the order of this world, and prevent those malicious trainers and organizations from disturbing the life of legendary Pokémon and using them to do bad things.

The last time the God Hunting Hall collapsed, it was because the God Hunting Hall was an evil criminal organization in the investigation of their God Temple, so they would strike and destroy it at the final time.

And I am actually already in their investigation ranks, the reason why I did not accept my Daiochisis this time, in addition to their own organizational rules, the most important reason is that I am a good trainer in their investigation ranks, never use legendary Pokémon to do bad things, they believe me, so they think that Daiochisis and Cresselia, Darkrai, and other legendary Pokémon follow me.

After speaking, Xia Fan looked at the sky with a trace of admiration in his eyes.

And the three of Ash, Alice and Toneo were stunned after hearing this, and they didn't expect the result to be like this.

The so-called Temple of the Gods turned out to be not an evil organization, and capturing legendary Pokémon was not for their own selfish desires, controlling their power and controlling the world.

"This is really fake, there is such an organization in this world." Xiao Gang said suspiciously, his tone full of shock.

"I think it's true, because if it's fake, they shouldn't give up the legendary Pokémon that came to the door." Xia Fan's tone was full of admiration, "And if they really want to destroy the world, with the legendary Pokémon they control, they can definitely control this world and do whatever they want, instead of hiding and silent."

Xiao Gang fell into deep thought when he heard this.

At the same time, it also made several others gradually choose to believe.

Seeing this expression on their faces, the corners of Xia Fan's mouth gradually rose.

Today he can be described as a win-win, not only brushing a wave of great favor in Ash's hearts, but also initially conveying the good impression of the temple of the gods to them in their hearts.

He believes that with gradual steps, one day, most people in this world will choose to regard the temple of the gods as the umbrella of their hearts, the embodiment of justice, rather than the kind of criminal organization that everyone shouts at.

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