Inside the Elf Center, a bespectacled Miss Joy greets everyone after helping Jemi with a series of tests.

"This is the Phantom Pokémon of the grass attribute, also known as the Pokémon Jiemi, it should just be too tired, it's not a big deal, and now it's fully restored in the lounge."

Ash and Hikaru nodded when they heard this, muttering a thank you to Pokémon?

At this time, Xiao Gang looked energetic, feeling that now was the time to express his love to Miss Joy, so he immediately put on a pair of glasses and knelt down on one knee towards Miss Joy: "Miss Joy, it is thanks to the Pokémon, and Xiao Sheng is grateful to the human Xiao Gang, and it is really grateful to have this fate to meet Miss Joy!" Please be sure to socialize with the little student, thank you so much! Of course, start with friends, oh, thank you so much! One day I'm a little born with me..." "It's

starting again."

Xia Fan looked at Xiaozhi Xiaoguang speechlessly.

When they first entered the elf center, they saw Xiao Gang for the first time and did not immediately express their love to Miss Joy, and thought that he had changed his sex, and now it seems... Well, they think too much, Xiao Gang is still the same Xiao Gang, just know the priority.

The red light flashed, and at this time Xiao Gang's bad frog ran out of the Spirit Ball.

A point helps Miss Joy drag her troublesome master away.

Miss Joy couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth at this.

A few minutes later, Jemi was pushed out of the lounge by an auspicious egg.

Ash and Hikaru immediately stepped forward.

Xia Fan followed closely, and since this Jiemi did not have god-level strength, he was a little uninterested.

"What is this place?"

After being sent out, Jemi looked around and asked everyone.

"This is the Pokémon Center." Xiaoguang hugged Bogamandao, smiled and pointed to Miss Joy, "It was this Miss Joy who helped heal you." "

And yet...

"Mi has always been healthy, but she is just hungry, so there is no cure."

As soon as the words fell, Ash suddenly became annoyed: "You guy really doesn't know how to be grateful."

Xiaoguang, who was flooded with love, helped Jiemi speak: "Because it was unconscious on the road just now, it's normal that it doesn't react now!"

When the words fell, Xiaoguang introduced himself: "I am Xiaoguang!" I'm holding my partner Pogaman in my arms, do you want a little bread if you're hungry?

Xiaoguang took out a small piece of snack bread he made himself from his small bag and brought it to Jiemi's mouth.

"Try it."

Jemi took the small bread with her mouth and tasted it.

"How?" Xiaoguang said with a smile, waiting for Jiemi's praise.

"Ordinary." However, after eating, Jemi commented very casually.

Xiaoguang suddenly became lost.

"Hello, I'm Ash, and this is my partner Pikachu." Ash stepped forward, bending down to introduce himself while carefully looking at Jemi's appearance.

As a result, a second later, Jiemi directly spat out a mouthful of black fog that choked Ash back one after another.

"By the way, Miss Joy, it exploded just now, cough...," Ash was so excited by the thick fog that he recalled the question he wanted to ask Miss Joy, "It suddenly exploded after smoking the smoke from the stove." "

You're talking about seed flashes." Miss Joy responded with a smile, "That's their unique skill, after being polluted air, they will involuntarily inhale it, purify it in the body, and then decompose into light and water, and then release it, this process is seed flashing." The

three of Ash let out a long sigh when they heard this.

Xiao Guang said excitedly: "It turns out that Jiemi is so powerful."

Jemi snorted coldly and proudly tilted her head to the side: "Mi has always been very powerful." "

It's just..." Miss Joy interrupted Jemi, who was trying to beep, "there is also the skill of Jemi who inhales poisonous gases and blows the entire forest away with a flash of seed, fortunately, you just let it suck in the smoke of the stove."

"You're talking about my patriarch, only he can blow the whole forest away, I'm a little worse than it, so thank you for not blowing you up." Jemi said.

Xia Fan's eyes, who were silent on the side, suddenly lit up.

This little ass, if you want to say the word patriarch, I will be interested in you.

"Damn, you thanked us, right, we took you to the elf center for treatment." Ash was tickled by Jiemi's words, and immediately refuted, but Jiemi didn't care at all.

At this time, Joey asked Xiang Jamie: "Jiemi, I am very curious about you, why did you appear in our urban area?"

"I shouldn't have come here." Jemi replied, "I was caught up in a fight between two bastards, managed to escape, and ended up being swept around by the river, it's really hard enough." When

the three of Xiaozhi heard this, they tasted it well before they understood the meaning of its words.

"That's why you're dirty?" Xiao Gang said, he had escaped from the clutches of his bad frog.

Jiemi did not have Xiao Gang's words, but switched to another topic: "A few of you will take Mi to the flower field, Mi must go to the flower field, Mi must meet with the patriarch friends."

The three of Ash looked at each other and scratched their heads.

Jemi's words made them a little incomprehensible.

"You're talking about the Pass of Flowers." Miss Joy couldn't help but bring a bar word at the end.

"Pass of Flowers?" Xiaoguang wondered.

"What's that?" Ash Road.

Joey smiled slightly: "The Jiemi family has the habit of gathering in a certain place with the seasons and migrating from that place. After that, because a new flower field will appear at the end of their flight, this is called the flower pass of Jemi.

"That's right." Jemi twisted her body proudly, "You have to take off from the flower field." "

If you say so, they'll still fly." Ash looked at Jemi in amazement after hearing this, not understanding how it was going to fly without a single wing.

Jemi said, "Can't you fly?"

"I'm a human being, how to fly." Ash was speechless.

"Then you humans are really wasted." Jiemi said directly, "But it doesn't matter if you can't fly, as long as you can send Mi to the flower field."

"But where is that?" Ash Road.

"It's over there, let's go!"

Jemi jumped on Ash's hat and forcibly twisted Ash's neck, causing Ash to resist the urge to punch someone.

He also wanted to rush to Lakeside City to get the last medal of the Taoist Hall.

At this time, Xia Fan stepped forward and patted Ash's shoulder, a brother you want to have a calm expression, this is just a Pokémon, don't be angry.

But in his heart, he said that for the sake of god-level Jiemi, brother, you should endure it.

Seeing Xia Fan's expression, Ash sighed, or said, "But don't you know how to fly?" It's not good to fly over yourself, it's definitely faster than us.

"It has two forms, and now the land form can't fly." Xia Fan interjected, "The flying form can only be transformed after touching the Grasidian flower. "

Two forms." Ash's eyes widened.

"That's right, it seems that your mind is only a little worse than mine." Jiemi looked at Xia Fan.

Xia Fan laughed dryly. If it weren't for its patriarch, he wouldn't bother to take care of it.

"Let's go, Ash, go and take it to the flower field." At this time, Xiaoguang took Jiemi into his arms.

Ash sighed again, helpless to follow Jiemi's wishes, and challenge the Lakeside City Dojo a little later.

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