It was the same as the picture of an explosion in the universe just now, only this time it was more powerful, so large that Xia Fan did not expect.

Because as soon as the picture in his mind ended, he felt that the surrounding space suddenly shook, and then the calm lake erupted again, and a waterspout that was more violent than before suddenly formed, catching Diya Luca, who was resting in the water, suddenly rushed up directly, straight into the sky to form a large spatial vortex.

In the surroundings, the wind was fierce, and small spatial whirlpools began to form in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant, causing the surrounding trees to be inexplicably cut down and swaying with the wind.

Among them, a tree separated by a spatial vortex smashed towards Xiaoguang, and if it weren't for the relic guardians on the side who found out and saved Xiaoguang in time, Xiaoguang's life might be in danger.

"Sheena, run away." After saving Xiaoguang, Kebin, the guardian of the ruins, said to his partner Xena, "If you stay here again, you will be involved." "

But Diya Luca, it..." Hina looked at Diya Luca, who was caught in the waterspout and constantly resisted to save herself, and she was very worried in her heart.

"It seems that I still have to make a move."

Xia Fan looked at such a picture and thought in his heart.

However, just as he was about to act, a dimensional hole suddenly formed in mid-air, and a large Pokémon with a lilac body rushed out of it.

"Palukia! Pokémon known as the gods of space.

"Why is it here?"

Everyone on the shore exclaimed.

Xia Fan on the side also froze, very surprised how Palukia could also come here.

After Palukia appeared, he directly waved his right hand hard, and a sub-empty crack that was enough to cut the space broke the waterspout that trapped Diya Luca, and then spit out the spatial origin in his mouth, stabilizing the chaotic space around him, so that Diya Luca successfully escaped from the suction of the spatial vortex.

"Palukia, it..."

"It's great to have rescued Diya Luca."

When the three of Xiaozhi saw this scene, they were overjoyed.

Xiao Gang said: "The last time I saw the two of them, the two of them were still enemies, and they wanted to kill each other on the spot, and now, Palukia would take the initiative to rescue Diya Luca, I really didn't expect it, it seems that this temple really has two brushes."

"That's right." Ash nodded.

However, in the next second, the faces of everyone on the shore stiffened with joy.

Because after Palukia rescued Diya Luca, he roared and started a blast directly towards Diya Luca, who was already seriously injured.

A look like Lao Tzu is going to beat the falling water dog.

The degree of attack is even more ruthless than the riding Latina just now.

"This..." Everyone

on the shore was speechless, originally thinking that Palukia came here to save Diya Luca, but now it seems that it is obviously to avenge the last time he was chased and beaten by Diya Luca in Poplar Town.

"What can I do about this, Diya Luca has just been seriously injured by Riding Latina, and now Palukia is also going to fight it, so if it goes on, I'm afraid it won't be long before he dies here." Xiaoguang said worriedly.

"You take a few steps back, I'll find a way to communicate with Palukia and see if I can mediate their conflict."

Hina asked everyone to retreat, and then clenched her fists and aimed at Palukia, who was violently beating Diya Luca, and closed her eyes and said: "Chao Ke, the law of time and space!"

The three of Ash looked at her expectantly.

However, a few seconds later, she screamed again, retreated in pain, and was held up by Kebin.

"How? Couldn't Palukia communicate either? Kepin said.

Xena shook her head: "No, Palukia, like riding Latina just now, the anger in her heart is too strong for me to communicate with it."

After listening to it, Kebin exhaled: "What is going on with Diya Luca, why did the rider Latina fight it, and Palukia also hit it, what did it do to make these two angry like this, and they will fight when they meet." The

three of Ash looked at each other, and they knew this because they saw it with their own eyes at the scene.

After hesitating for a while, Ash briefly told Kebin, Sheena, what he knew.

As they spoke, Xia Fan, who did not say a word, looked at Palukia, who had violently beaten Diya Luca, with a bad look in his eyes.

This guy turned out to be the same as riding Latina, and when he saw that Diya Luca did not inform himself at the first time, he had revenge and revenge.

On the surface of the lake, Palukia sat on Diya Luca, constantly using her skills to split and slash towards Diya Luca, with a happy expression, and with each slash, she had to roar.

"Diya Luca of Dog Day, you turtle son, you run, you kind of continue to run, last time in Poplar Town, when you beat Laozi, weren't you very arrogant? Isn't it cool to play? Lao Tzu begged for mercy, you still have to chase Lao Tzu to continue fighting, now you have a kind of come again..... The turtle son's, the more you think about it, the more angry you are, look at the fight! "

Diya Luca lay on the ground, constantly wailing, begging for mercy, expecting Palukia to let it go, but unfortunately Palukia didn't listen at all, and the more he fought, the more excited he became, if riding Latina to fight Diya Luca is because this guy defiled his own reverse world, then Palukia hit Diya Luca, it was very unpleasant to see Diya Luca from a long time ago.

Basic meeting is to fight, although most of them lose more, win less, but does not prevent it from hating Diya Luca, now finally got a chance to take revenge, then it has to make good use, at least have to give Diya Luca's dog day only one breath and then give it to that human to accept.

Thinking of this, Palukia couldn't help but glance up at riding Latina, because just now the trail of Diya Luca was riding Latina to contact it through the spirit sharing world, telling it the location of Diya Luca, and also told it that it had helped it beat Diya Luca into a serious injury in advance, and now it was just enough to beat the falling water dog in the past.

"Riding Latina, your path is wider, after this incident, I will not sit in front of Feng Wang Lie to blacken you." Palukia thought to himself, agreeing with the act of riding Latina.

Since becoming the elf of Chafan, Palukia has often bullied with the guardian gods of the phoenix king Lokia and Gurador Gaioka in the spirit sharing world, and most of the nonsense content is that it smears the riding Latina and the Diya Luca.

said that these two guys are the turtle grandchildren of the dog day, specifically bullying this honest person, hitting it at every turn, beating it so badly, hoping that if these two guys also join the temple of the gods in the future, everyone will join it Palukia, isolate the two of them, suppress the two of them, and return the world to a langlang Lang Qiankun.

Later, after riding Latina to join, the biggest reason why riding Latina was helpless to defile himself and reverse another enemy of the world, Palukia, was that there were Liekong sitting behind Palukia, as long as he dared to do it, he would be besieged if he didn't do it, so he could only put all his hatred on Diya Luca.


After a full minute of violent beating, Xia Fan finally couldn't stand it and decided to stop it.

And at this time Palukia was still roaring.

"Diya Luca, you idiot, today's beating is all your fault, turtle son's, the more you think about the matter of Poplar Town, the more angry Lao Tzu becomes, saying that the two of us advance and retreat together, as a result, you bastard, dare to leave Lao Tzu to escape by himself in the end, causing Lao Tzu to become the lackey of that human being, and those bastards are false snakes, every day to shoot the air to sit on that bedbug and the horse fart of the grass chicken of the Phoenix King, hum! Look at the fight again!

After roaring, Palukia decided to finish with a sub-empty rift, and then called Xia Fan to come and take it, pretending that he had just passed by here and ran into Diya Luca, who was seriously injured by the dimensional vortex.

However, just when Palukia was about to use the Subspace Rift, Xia Fan's voice sounded in his mind.

"Why, is it unpleasant to be my lackey? And those bastards you are talking about are Liekong Zai, Phoenix King, Gaioka them? Is it a bed bug sitting in your eyes? Is King Feng originally a grass chicken in your eyes? Very good Palukia, your way has gone far, and I will answer these words word for word. "

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