"Master, we only have insufficient numbers." Seeing Xia Fan looking at him, King Feng hurriedly said in the Spirit Sharing World.

Compared with Fengyuan and Shenao, there are only two Guardian Legend Pokémon in Chengdu and Guandu, so it is insufficient.

However, Xia Fan waved his hand at this and looked directly at Regichikas, who was standing motionless in the sea.

"Regikikas, you go and join forces with Phoenix King Lokia, you come to the head, you should have already disarmed the slow start feature by now."


Regichkas nodded, then walked below the Phoenix King and Lokia to attack together.

After tens of seconds, the result is the same, and only with the combined force of their three parties, the stone pillar can appear broken.

Seeing this, Xia Fan began to propose to Arceus and continue to attack the giant pillar from all four directions at the same time.

Arceus agreed.

A minute later.

Arceus appeared north of the giant pillar, condensing energy in his mouth.

Riding Latina, Diya Luca, and Palukia appeared in the west of the giant pillar, while condensing energy in their mouths.

Liekong sits, Gurador, and Gaioka appear in the east of the giant pillar, condensing energy in their mouths at the same time.

Regičkas, the Phoenix King, and Lokia appeared in the south of the giant pillar, condensing energy in their mouths at the same time.

They attack in unison.

After a while, attacks from different directions immediately blasted the giant pillar into slag, but this slag was also repaired quickly, but compared to the previous repair speed, Xia Fan felt a little slower.

Especially when he attacked in all directions at the same time in Arceus, he suddenly found the center point of the giant pillar, and the healing speed was the slowest, and it seemed to be only half of the original.

With this discovery, Xia Fan asked Arceus and them to continue to attack together, and then stared closely at the center point with dreams, and when he shot back and forth five times, Xia Fan had the idea of drilling in with dreams.

As for why they didn't bring Yandi Lei Gong with them, because of that healing speed, Xia Fan felt that there was only a range of human form at most, and Yandi they might have an accident if they rushed in.

If you put it into the Fairy Ball, you can just see it in this way.

When he turned around and asked, he couldn't argue.

Therefore, when Arceus and their four sides combined to attack the sixth time, after Xia Fan and Arceus spoke, they rushed in with a teleportation of the dream.

When passing through the rapidly healing center point, Xia Fan only felt that there was a black in front of him, then a white, and when he came back to his senses again, he had appeared on a vast platform.

Here, Xia Fan did not feel the attack of Arceus, no, it should feel that this place had never been attacked.

"Is there a different dimension inside the giant pillar?" Xia Fan muttered, the outside was bombarded like that, there was nothing inside, he really couldn't think of other possibilities except for the different dimension.

Remembering everything inside when he was brought into the giant pillar last time, Xia Fan began to be a little affirmative.

However, compared with the giant pillar in the Fengyuan area last time, the inside of this giant pillar is completely different, where everything is a battle-based facility, and here, Xia Fan looks at a glance, empty, white and empty, very silent and empty.

After saying that they were safe and sounding with Liekong in the spirit sharing world, Xia Fan began to wander around here.

After walking around for about five minutes, he and Dream found a closed elevator.

This closed elevator is guarded by a column and does not know where it leads.

The cautious Xia Fan did not think of taking the elevator up, but flew up the column.

It's a pity that after only flying upward for about 100 meters, it was blocked by an invisible force, and no matter what skill he used with Dream, he couldn't break it.

Helplessly, Xia Fan could only return to the ground and ride the closed elevator with Dream.

That elevator is no different from ordinary human elevators, the only difference is the five floor buttons.

It says 'Naruto World', 'Ghost Slayer World', 'One Piece World', 'Immortal World', and finally '1024 Earth Parallel Plane World'.

And there is a parenthesis

(ghost) next to the parallel plane of the 1024 earth, seeing these five buttons, Xia Fan's eyebrows frowned slightly, and his first thought was to press the button of '1024 Earth parallel plane world (ghost)


However, there was little response when pressed, and the elevator did not start.

Xia Fan immediately looked at the other four buttons, Naruto, Ghost Slayer, One Piece, and Immortal.

"What does this Tianshen Technology do? How I got to know them more and more confused. Xia Fan squinted and muttered, not in a hurry to press the floor buttons, but pondered.

After pondering for a long time, he said again: "Is this a game, or a reality?" If it's a game, why is there still a 1024 Earth parallel plane? If it is reality, why is there a Naruto world, a ghost slayer blade world, a One Piece world, and a fairy world, this should be the same as Pokémon is a human fantasy, no, etc."Pondering

to the end, Xia Fan suddenly had a flash of light, and without thinking, he decisively pressed Naruto among the four keys.

With this press, the elevator reacted, began to start, and rose extremely quickly.

On the way up, the elevator gradually becomes transparent.

Gradually, he saw Arceus beyond the giant pillars, riding Latina, and sat on them.

Xia Fan's elevator didn't react when it passed through their bodies, only Arceus, which seemed to sense something when Xia Fan looked at it, and suddenly turned its head to look at Xia Fan.

The two of them seemed to look at each other through a wall of different dimensions.

But after looking at each other for a while, Arceus turned his head without finding anything.

"Worthy of the creation god Arceus." Xia Fan couldn't help but praise, he didn't feel that it was a coincidence, he preferred to believe that Arceus sensed something.

The elevator rises from the ground into the air, and after a while, it breaks through the atmosphere, breaks through the planet, and finally continues to rise in the vast universe.

Xia Fan didn't know how long it would rise, anyway, when it yawned with a dream, the elevator stopped, the door opened, a white light shone on, Xia Fan couldn't see what was outside the gate, because of the fear of the unknown, Xia Fan couldn't help but hesitate, but after hesitating for a few seconds, he still gritted his teeth and bravely stepped out of the elevator door.

It's just that as soon as he stepped out, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a colorful dimensional cave suddenly appear in the silent universe on one side, Arceus stepped out of it, looking around with a cautious expression, as if looking for something, until Xia Fan completely walked out of the elevator door to the other side, it stopped looking around

the cold and lonely universe, Arceus muttered: "What the hell is going on?" Why do I suddenly feel the power of other universes? "


On the other side, after Xia Fan stepped out of the elevator door full of white light, he came to a place that looked like a space station.

Various control facilities inside.

Because Xia Fan didn't understand, he didn't dare to move around at will, but just walked cautiously in this place like a space station.

This place is very big, Xia Fan has not seen a single figure for a long time, not even a single life.

Until he walked to a huge hall.

There is an elevator with 'Naruto World' written on top of it and a big X.

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