How could your Pokémon be a firestorm. At

first, she thought it was a fireball rat, but she never expected that what the other party came up with would be the final evolution of the fireball rat.

How could this be a small saw crocodile.

There is a world of difference between evolved and unevolved.

What's more, it's this kind of evolutionary duel separated by two times.

Even if it has attribute restraint, but in the face of the fire beast, it is not enough to see.

Unless his little saw crocodile is also the ultimate evolutionary, the Mighty Crocodile.

"How can't I be a fire beast. I tell you, you only have two ways to choose now, the first one, obediently admit defeat, and transfer me two thousand yuan, and the second, let your little saw crocodile fight with me, let my fire beast enjoy the thrill of the battle and then transfer money to me.

"You are shameless, you are mean, you deliberately set a trap here." The girl was angry, if he had said that his Pokémon was a fire beast, she would not have come up to death.

"Then it's strange that you have to be greedy. The young man said sarcastically, and then took out his mobile phone, "Don't talk nonsense, don't dare to call then transfer money obediently, what I hate the most is the person who loses and doesn't admit it." Saying

that, he snapped his fingers, and the fire beast beside him took a step forward and stared at the girl with a fierce face.

The flame on his neck was a little hotter than just now.

Looking at the fierce appearance of the fire beast, the girl gave in, took out her mobile phone and transferred the only three thousand pieces out of two thousand.

After receiving the girl's transfer, the young man continued to shout and challenge: "Come on, who else is willing to fight against me, this game you can beat me alone with twenty people, bet two thousand for each of you, four hundred thousand for one of me, as long as you win, I will give you twenty thousand." "

The onlookers looked at each other, and some people began to move, and began to ask if anyone wanted to be together.

Two minutes later, twenty small sawmills were standing opposite the teenager.

"Brothers, I won't believe it when we use the water cannon together, no matter how hot the flames of one of his fire beasts are, it will not be able to withstand the attack of twenty small saw-crocodiles. A young man shouted.

"That's right, let him know the end of arrogance. The rest chimed in.

The boy looked at them, the corners of his mouth rose again, put his hand on his back and took out two more Pokeballs.

Two red lights flashed, and I saw an evolutionary bay leaf of a chrysanthemum leaf and an evolutionary blue crocodile of a small saw crocodile appear.

For a while, everyone was shocked again.

In addition to the fire beast, the young man actually had two other royal and three elves.

"Why, it's not fair!"

One fire beast is already jealous to death, and you can even take out two other evolutionary bodies of the Royal Three Families.

Seeing them glaring angrily, the young man with a mocking expression said: "There is nothing unfair, or the previous sentence, you now have two choices, the first one, obediently admit defeat, and transfer me two thousand yuan happily, and the second one, let your little saw crocodile fight with me, let my fire beast, bay leaf, blue crocodile, enjoy the thrill of the battle and then transfer money to me."

"You dream. The leading young man shouted angrily, "Brothers go together, even if he has three royal families, but don't forget that there are twenty of us, and we don't necessarily really lose." The

young man's words aroused the fighting spirit of the others, and they began to command their own little saw crocodiles to attack the young man's imperial family.

In the face of their attack, the boy looked disdainful.

"Blue crocodile, ghost face!"

a roar came out of his mouth, and the blue crocodile revealed a

terrifying face and glared at the small saw-of-war crocodiles that attacked it around.

The little saw crocodiles were immediately frightened and froze in place.

"Bay leaf, poisonous powder!" A

large amount of green pollen emanated from the neck of the bay leaf and floated towards the little saw crocodiles.

In the fright of the blue crocodile, the little saw crocodiles who could not avoid were immediately poisoned again, their expressions were extremely uncomfortable, and they cried out to Wally Wali in pain.

"Fire Beast, spray flames!" In

the next second, a hot flame erupted from the mouth of the Fire Beast.

The little saw crocodiles, who were experiencing a double layer of fear and poisonous powder, fell to the ground after a while.


In less than a minute, all twenty small saw crocodiles fell to the ground.

Their owners hurriedly picked up their little sawmills and asked for someone to treat them.

"Hey, hey, transfer the account before leaving. A

flame erupted from the mouth of the Fire Beast, blocking the path of these people.

"You!" the

men looked at the boy angrily.

"What are you, willing to gamble and lose, friendly reminder, this is different from handheld games, if your Pokémon die, it is really dead, and the immortals cannot be saved." The young man said with a smile, and in the next second, he thought of something again, and quickly changed his words, "Oh, no, there is still a way, unless you are lucky enough to meet the Divine Beast Phoenix King, it has the ability to resurrect." The

men gave in, walked unwillingly to the teenager, and took out their mobile phones to transfer money.

After they transferred the money, the young man continued the trick just now, shouting at the rest of the crowd: "This time, you can all go together, as long as you win against me, one person and two thousand, you will never break your word." "

But this time, no one wants to take advantage of that again."

Seeing that everyone did not react, the young man said again: "In this way, one person is four thousand, as long as I lose, I will give you one person four thousand, and if you lose one, you only need to give me two thousand."

However, the more the teenager said this, the more vigilant the crowd became, until a teenager wearing glasses walked out of the crowd.

The glasses boy said: "You are a public beta player, is it fun to come to Ruobe Town to bully us novice players?" The

boy leaning on the tree was stunned when he heard this, as if he didn't expect that someone could guess his identity.

The onlookers saw it and quickly asked the glasses boy what was going on with the open beta player, how did they not know that there was such a thing.

"Open beta players were a year ago, when the game was still in open beta, Tianshen Technology distributed 10,000 open beta places to the world, allowing them to experience the game first and give feedback. After the glasses boy finished explaining, he turned his head to look at the teenager, "As a beta player, blocking novice players in the novice village, aren't you afraid that Tianshen Technology will recycle your account?"

"But no matter how it crashes, the game will be fixed." The glasses boy said.

The teenager laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke: "To tell you the truth, the game can't be fixed, and all of us will be stuck here forever."

After that, the young man stretched out his hands and clapped his hands: "Come out Ziqiu, Ziling, since someone knows the existence of our people, then it doesn't taste much for me to continue to tease them like this." After

a while, a man and a woman came out of the crowd of onlookers.

They each took out a Poké Ball and released their respective Pokémon.

A fire-breathing dragon and a magic frog flower.

The final form of the seeds of the Gozo family small fire dragon and mysterious frog in the Kanto region.

As soon as the two elves appeared, they walked to the sides of the crowd and blocked their way.

"Well, I won't say much nonsense, this time I came here to block you with only one purpose, that is, to rob you while you are still weak. The young man smiled and looked at everyone in the crowd, and said with a high spirit, "Everyone, I don't rob you more, one person can be two thousand, let it go immediately after the transfer, don't transfer, hehe... Then release your own Pokémon and let's beat them to death. "

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