In the evening, Xia Fan and his eldest brother had their first and last dinner with their mother and a woman who might become his sister-in-law.

At the dinner table, Xia Fan had a nonsense meal and asked his eldest brother not to help him get an AR game warehouse, no matter how he asked for it in the future.

At first, the eldest brother was puzzled, until Xia Fan said that this thing might cause a vegetative person, and under the strong warning of his mother, he had to agree.

Early the next morning, Xia Fan was woken up by his mother in his room and asked him to go back to school early.

Xia Fan agreed with a smile, and after eating breakfast, he left the house, but as soon as he left the house, he moved instantaneously and came to the roof, a person blowing a breeze, waiting for the time to come, and was picked up.

For this world himself, Xia Fan was not much interested in meeting him.

He lay on the roof like this for more than three hours, and three hours later, a door appeared out of thin air in front of Xia Fan's eyes.

He walked in, and the next second, white light flashed, and he returned to a white world.

Dreams are in it.

As soon as he saw Xia Fan, Dream excitedly threw himself into his arms, expressing his distress at staying idle for a day.

Xia Fan smiled and soothed it.

After pacifying, he raised his head and shouted at the white world in front of him: "Hey, I have learned what I want to know from that parallel world, please tell me, the reason why you let me go, and what did Tianshen Technology do all this for?" What does Tianshen Technology represent? If I'm not mistaken, Tianshen Technology should not only occupy my original world and this 9056 Earth parallel plane, but also occupy many of the same parallel planes.

Xia Fan shouted, waiting for an answer.

But this white vast world was silent

, until five minutes later, when Xia Fan's expression became more and more unhappy,

a door appeared in the white world again.

This time, Xia Fan directly held Xiao Phantom and pushed the door open.

After pushing it away, a strong light struck, and the light pierced Xia Fan and couldn't help but close his eyes.

When he opened it again, he saw the excited expression of the Phoenix King Lokia Gaioka.

Behind them were the riders Latina, Palukia and Tiya Luca, all three of whom looked a little relieved despite showing expressions of too much excitement.

Seeing them, Xia Fan looked stunned, looking around with a dreamy expression, and when he saw the towering giant pillar behind him, he was sure that he was indeed back in the world of Pokémon.

"Those who step on the horse do not reply a word, and directly drive Lao Tzu out." Xia Fan cursed in his heart.

"What about Arceus?"

After Xia Fan looked around, the other legendary Pokémon were there, except Arceus.

"Lord Arceus said that he went back to the universe to think about how to destroy this thing, and let us stay here." Liekong sat down.

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows, remembering everything he experienced that day, feeling that it might be a little difficult to destroy this thing, and the Heavenly God Technology was obviously far more terrifying than he had imagined before.

At this time, Liekong sat down and said, "Master, what have you seen in the hours inside?" "

How many hours?" Xia Fan frowned slightly, "Didn't I stay in it for more than a day?"

"No, just four or five hours." Liekong sat down.

"Only four or five hours?"

Xia Fan realized that the speed of time flow inside was different from the outside.

"Master, you still haven't said what you saw inside?" Liekong sat very curious about the world inside the giant pillar, and the phoenix king Lokia behind him and their Guardian Spirit level legendary Pokémon were also, looking at Xia Fan hopefully and answering.

"I didn't see anything, I just learned that the universe is huge, and beyond our

world, there are many worlds..."

Xia Fan talked to the legendary Pokémon, telling them that there are many parallel worlds outside the Pokémon world, where there are different humans and monsters, they have great powers different from them, and a powerful company called Tenjin Technology, This company controls all beings in Xia Fan's description, and their world is under its control, but they never perceive it.

However, Xia Fan did not disclose a single bit of information about the player, and the existence of the AR game warehouse.

Just try their best to tell them that there are people outside the world, and they must practice harder, otherwise they will not be able to resist when their world may be in danger in the future.

After listening to Xia Fan's words, Liekong sat on their faces with shocked expressions.

Look up at the sky and imagine that there is a big hand that unconsciously controls their world.

Looking at their shocked expressions, Xia Fan thought of something, looked back at the giant pillar, and said.

"You can attack this giant pillar again."

Hearing this, Liekong sat on them, and according to the previous cooperation method, he released the destructive death light towards the giant pillar.

Although Arceus is not there, the attack is still possible, but Xia Fan, who is guarding the giant pillar, found that the recovery speed of the giant pillar is faster than before, almost in the blink of an eye, if he tries to rush in again, there is a ninety-nine percent probability of failure, and the other one percent is a miracle that makes him break in, otherwise it is likely that the head is in and the body is outside.

Xia Fan waved his hand for the gods and beasts to end their attack, and then asked, "Did Arceus say how often it would come here again?"

Liekong shook his head: "No, Lord Arceus just said that if you come out, let us listen to your arrangement, or if there is any major event, let me go to the center of the universe to find it."

"Since it says so, then disperse." Xia Fan waved his hand and let the divine beasts return to their respective places, "When you think of a way, everyone will gather again, but after you return to your respective places, you must always pay attention to whether the giant pillars in your area have any abnormalities." "

The gods and beasts, you look at me, I look at you, after a while, according to Xia Fan's words, they each left.

Only the Riding Latina, Diya Luca, Palukia, and the gods of the Three Lakes, and Regičkas, and Sidoran, who are legendary Pokémon in the Shinnoh region, are much faster to go back.

Xia Fan said to them: "A few of you discuss by yourself, take turns to guard this giant pillar, if there is any abnormality, reply in time, as for Regichkas, you don't have to come and guard, it's troublesome to come out once, and Sidolan, you don't use it, a fire attribute comes to this is a sin."

They looked at each other, and Regickas and Sidorann exclaimed excitedly, and then stepped on their thighs and decisively began to run, for fear that Xia Fan would repent, and called them over to guard again.

A few minutes later, riding Latina opened the Reversal World Passage and returned to his own Reversal World, while Diya Luca opened the dimensional cave with a dragon breath and returned to his own world.

Only on Palukia's back, stood Xia Van and Dream, shouldering the heavy responsibility of waiting to send Xia Van back to Midina.

As for Emlido, the gods of the three lakes, Yuki, and Yaknom were left behind and continued to discuss who would watch over them.

No way, who calls them inferior to riding Latina, Palukia and Diya Luca.

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