"Xia Fan, do you want to challenge the Champions League?"

After awarding the trophy to Xia Fan and taking another group photo, Miss Zhulan pulled Xia Fan aside and smiled when she stepped down.

"No, no time, no time." Xia Fan glanced at the trophy in his hand and shook his head decisively.

The Shinnoh Champions League participates in a Tenoma Trouble, a challenge that only regional champions of the Shinnoh Alliance can participate in.

In other words, the championship trophy he is getting now is just a ticket to this championship league, and that place is the real gathering place of masters, and any player is a champion.

Once he is challenged, he is on the road to the championship.

It is necessary to challenge all the previous regional champions of the Sinnoh League.

When they are challenged, they can challenge the Four Heavenly Kings of Shinnoh, and after challenging the Four Heavenly Kings of Sinnoh, they can challenge Zhulan, the master of the Champion League, and once the challenge is successful, they can take over Zhulan's position and become the new alliance master of the Sinnoh Regional Champion League.

As for the Pokémon Master that Ash has in mind, it is the alliance masters from all regions of the world who gather together to compete together, and the final winner is the Pokémon Master, that is, the world's number one Pokémon trainer.

This thing is simple and simple for Xia Fan now, because he doesn't think that anyone has fought his divine beast group, even if he lets them choose six divine beasts as opponents, they are unlikely to win, and whoever can win all of them can kneel on the spot and call big brother.

Unexpectedly, he was able to cultivate a Pokémon that won against six divine beasts, and he couldn't win this strength, because he was all ready-made, and even Geng Ghost was accepted by him only because he had god-level strength.

But then again, the title of alliance master is difficult for Xia Fan now, because once he stepped on the challenge of the championship league and obtained the alliance master and replaced Zhulan's position, he had to keep revolving around this thing from then on.

Because the champion is responsible, once someone is qualified to challenge him, he has to rush to deal with it, although there are not many such people, but in case one day he pops up and can't open his eyes, when he is running around, saying that he wants to challenge him, he has to rush back to fight non-stop.

There is also the fact that the Alliance Master is a card of a region, and has a considerable responsibility, it is not allowed to stay away from this area for a long time, and when he needs his help somewhere in the region, he must immediately rush to the rescue when he gets the order.

Daigo, the champion of the Toyogen region, resigned because he didn't have time to do these garlic things, and gave the title of champion to his friend Mikkoli, who took his place as a champion.

Therefore, now that Zhulan asked him to challenge, he would not agree.

Although the name of the alliance master is good, he has to pay for freedom.

If you really want to, then at least he has to wait until he has collected all the divine beasts and visited all the places that should be visited, and there is really nothing to do when he is idle.

Seeing Xia Fan decisively shake her head, Miss Zhulan frowned slightly: "So resistant? I suggest you think about it? I think there's a good chance you'll be on the way to the championship and stand in front of me. Speaking

of this, Miss Zhulan looked around, saw that no one was looking at them, patted Xia Fan's shoulder and whispered: "The treatment of the alliance master is very good, you want a house and a house, you want a car and a car, no matter where you go, you are admired, more importantly, the cost of cultivating Pokémon every month, the alliance will reimburse you, are you sure you don't think about such a good treatment?"

Xia Fan immediately hehe, does he look like the kind of person who lacks money now?

"No, I'm not short of money, so I don't have the idea of challenging the championship path for the time being."

Xia Fan refused again, this woman definitely can't stand this kind of day that is always challenged, that's why she said so.

Hearing Xia Fan's words, Miss Zhulan paused, remembering several dealings she had with Xia Fan, as if every time Ash and their expenses were bought by Xia Fan on his own initiative, and buying is buying the best, very generous, obviously the kind that is not short of money.

Miss Zhulan was a little numb, and finally ran into a guy who could defeat her, but others were unwilling to participate.

She suddenly began to envy the former champion of the Fengyuan region, there is a strong good friend Mikali to replace her position, unlike her, so far has not met a suitable replacement, if you casually release a challenger, and it is easy to fall into the tongue, so the most suitable at present is only the Xia Fan who shines today in front of her.

If he becomes the new champion, she believes that no one should question it, after all, there is a Pokémon that can compete with Poseidon Lokia, no matter which regional champion league he challenges, he is likely to become a new champion.

"So when do you think you have the idea of a challenge?" If so, contact me immediately, I will give you the green light all the way and let the staff help you complete the challenge procedures within a few minutes. Zhulan was a little unwilling, and finally said again.


Fan was a little speechless, did this woman not want to continue to stay in the position of champion?

If you have to say that, then he has to think about the time to challenge for the championship.

"Okay, when I want to challenge, I must contact Miss Zhulan immediately." Xia Fan said with a smile, and then held the championship trophy away from Miss Zhulan.

However, as soon as he walked out of the competition venue, Xia Fan was surrounded by many media and advertisers, expressing the idea of wanting to interview Geng Ghost and inviting Geng Ghost to endorse, as for Xia Fan's own interview, just one or two sentences were enough.

However, Xia Fan was not angry, and very decisively threw Geng Ghost's Spirit Ball out and asked it to accept photos from the media.

Xia Fan on the side watched happily.

Looking forward to how many shots these guys can shoot, and when Geng Ghost becomes more and more famous in the future, and when they want to shoot again, he will be a capitalist of all evil, come to a lion to open his mouth, whoever gives more money, will shoot whomever he wants, let them regret not coming to shoot their.

As for those advertisers who want Geng Ghost, Xia Fan directly pulled a group this time, let them discuss with the leaders, bid in the group at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, who gives more money, will hand over Geng Ghost's first endorsement to them, of course, there must be a water army that Xia Fan is looking for, specifically to bid up the price.

Xia Fan has already thought about it, if the price does not break 100 million, he will let the water army pick up the endorsement, and then lose money to stir up the heat, and when the speculation reaches the right height, then find a reason to find an endorsement again, when to break 100 million and when to receive.

An hour later, the photos that the media wanted to take were taken, the interviews they wanted were obtained, and the unexpected harvest was a big red envelope full of money.

Watching them leave, Xia Fan withdrew Geng Ghost into the Spirit Ball, and then walked towards the location of the Elf Center.

He and Ash discussed that they would eat tonight to celebrate his becoming the champion of the Sinnoh region.

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