He is a little afraid that these people will talk nonsense everywhere, resulting in Geng Ghost not receiving endorsements in the future, Geng Ghost is not good at receiving endorsements, he will not be able to collect money.

But Xia Fan thought more, what he didn't know was that at the moment the food company was trumpeting how good Geng Ghost was, how good it was to shoot, it was simply the spokesperson for the best shot in the Pokémon world, not only strong strength, but also very good working attitude, they cooperated very well this time, I hope other companies will not miss this opportunity, otherwise they will regret it when the price increases with future generations.

Especially in the face of some companies that do not have a good relationship with them and just happen to have a new product release, they blow the ghost the hardest, hoping that the company quickly find the ghost endorsement, and then consume their inventory, give them more advice, and extend the release time.

And the Pokémon Watch Company, after discovering the food company's remarks, did not think about it, decisively echoed, and together touted how compatible their cooperation with Geng Ghost was, who missed this opportunity, would definitely regret it, who wanted to cooperate, they could contact them, and they could also help contact Xia Fan.

In this way, not long after Xia Fan got off the plane, he inexplicably received many companies that wanted to seek cooperation, and this third endorsement company was also extremely enthusiastic about Xia Fan's arrival, almost asking for something, saying that he was very happy to cooperate with Geng Ghost Teacher.

That's right, Geng Ghost Laozu was promoted from Laozu to teacher on this day.

And after the shooting of the third company, Mr. Geng's name became more and more famous in the endorsement industry, almost every company that cooperated with it would praise its enthusiasm for work afterwards, calling on those companies that need spokespersons to hurry up and invite, otherwise they will absolutely regret it in the future, and those companies that are about to go bankrupt, also hurry up to invite, although the price is expensive, but as long as you grit your teeth and invite, it is very likely to come back to life.

As for whether these companies themselves will continue to invite Geng Ghost to speak for this matter in the future, they only say that they will not mention it, and the most they say is that there is a chance.

Geng Ghost also became the first spokesperson with a rating of 10.0 in the Pokémon endorsement industry, and his value soared wildly.

In two months, it soared to 800 million.

Almost most of the major companies in the Sinnoh region have invited it to shoot endorsements.

When Geng Ghost's worth soared to one billion, no one invited it anymore, no matter how hard the companies that endorsed it blew it, no company invited it.

Without him, the basic pit that can be pit has passed, and those who cannot pit are all unaffordable.

In this way, three months after the Shen'ao Alliance Competition, Geng Ghost ended his endorsement work and entered a state of waiting work.

"Master, now that Geng Ghost is not making endorsements, where are we going?"

During Geng Ghost's work, he played dreams with Xia Fan for three months, and asked out loud.

Xia Fan thought for a while and said, "Go to the United People's Area, but before this, take a look at Xiaoguang, and say before that she will sit at her house." After that, go to Guandu.

After that, Xia Fan began to go to Futaba Town ticket.

As a result, the next day, when Xia Fan came to Futaba Town to contact Xiaoguang, she got the answer that she was invited by designer Balis to take curly ears to serve as her clothing model because of her excellent performance in the gorgeous large-scale celebration, so she was not at home.

Helplessly, Xia Fan could only buy a plane ticket to the Guandu area the next day.

A day later, Xia Fan came to the Guandu area.

However, he did not go directly to find Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang, but went to find Shui Jun, who he had not seen for a long time.

Before he wants to go to the United Areas, he will fight with Mewtwo to see, accept if he wins, summon a bunch of legendary Pokémon to stop him if he can't win, and then run away by himself, and then try again when the adventure in the United Region is over.

Through the spirit sharing world, Xia Fan learned from the mouth of the water lord that Mewtwo stayed in the forest west of Ziyuan Town.

An hour later, Xia Fan arrived there, and as soon as he met with Shui Jun at the agreed place, he was told by Mewtwo that he had transformed into a Y form a few minutes ago and left, and he didn't know where he went, because no Pokémon could catch up with it, and he didn't know how long it had been back.

Xia Fan was helpless, just stayed here, waiting for Mewtwo to come back, by the way, reminiscing with the water jun to cultivate feelings, express his guilt, after all, it is strange and embarrassing to leave others here as undercover, there is a danger of being discovered by Mewtwo at any time, once it is discovered, it will have to suffer a great crime, because if Mewtwo wants to kill it, as long as it enters the Y form, the water lord is afraid that he will not even have the opportunity to share spirits.

In this way, Xia Fan squatted in the forest west of Ziyuan Town for four days in a row, and he really couldn't squat anymore, so he asked Shui Jun to wait for Mewtwo to come back and tell it.

Shui Jun agreed, and then said goodbye to Xia Fan and continued to act as an undercover agent.

Xia Fan went to Nibi City with a dream and met Xiao Gang, but as soon as he arrived at the Nibi City Taoist Hall, he was told by Xiao Gang's younger brother Jiro that Xiao Gang left with a beautiful big sister yesterday, and he didn't know how long he would return.

Hearing this, Xia Fan began to be a little speechless.

Is he possessed by a broom star? How to find who is not there.

Helplessly, Xia Fan could only look for True New Town again.

Two hours later, Xia Fan came to Zhenxin Town, and since he didn't know which family was Xiaozhi's household, he first found the most conspicuous Dr. Ohki's research institute.

As a result, it was learned from Dr. Ohki's assistant that Dr. Ohki flew to Luzi Town in the United District yesterday with Ash and Ash's mother Hanako, and should have arrived by now.

"I'm stepping on a horse..." Xia

Fan, who heard the answer, immediately couldn't help but want to burst into a foul mouth.

Could it be that he was really possessed by a broom star?

From Xiaoguang to Mewtwo, then to Xiaogang, and now to Xiaozhi, who can't find anyone.

"What did you just say?" The assistant frowned slightly when he heard Xia Fan's foul language.

"Huh... Nothing, you heard it wrong. Xia Fan hurriedly said goodbye, and then booked a ticket to the United People's area.

A day later, Xia Fan took a plane to the United People's Area.

This area was very far away from the Guandu, Chengdu, Fengyuan, and Shen'o regions, and it took Xia Fan nearly twenty hours to take the plane and count the midway transfer.

"MMP, the direct plane can't be grabbed, the transfer is too troublesome, sitting on the back of Lokia is fast, but not as comfortable as on the plane, alas, it seems that you have to buy a plane in the future." After getting off the plane, Xia Fan muttered.

"Would you like to eat something, master, I'm so hungry." Dream Road.

Xia Fan touched his stomach when he heard this, and he also felt a little hungry, and the food on the plane was not dripping.

"Then let's go find a place to eat first, and then go to Comrade Ash."

Xia Fan immediately held his dream in the place near the airport looking for good food.

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