Early the next morning.

The trio headed towards Sanyo City, where Ash wanted to compete in the Dojo Challenge in the First Place.

However, on the way to Sanyo City, Ash collected a family bird, Beanie Pigeon.

And on the way, he met a teenager named Adan.

Learned that his family has a hot spring resort hotel nearby, with very good sand baths.

Just as everyone was preparing to take a sand bath, a natural disaster suddenly broke out here

, and with the help of several people, the natural disaster was averted, and the resort hotel was helped to develop a new hot spring,

so that they could soak there for free.

On the third day, the three came to Tangcao Town.

Here, Ash discovers that there is a Pokémon Battle Club here.

It's a place where trainers can fight freely. Energetic Ash rushes into the battle club!

But it was the club's manager, Don George, who came out to greet him. After some conversation, he quickly asked Ash, who was rare in the United People's area, to fight. Then, the battle begins!

However, just as Ash was about to launch an attack in one breath to gain a head start, a shrill siren sounded and the battle was paused.

After some searching, it turned out that it was an abandoned fire Pokémon warm pig that caused the alarm to sound because of hunger and stealing food.

When Ash learned its story, he rose up to accept and took this warm pig under his wing.

Successfully subdued Ash, who successfully subdued Nuan Nuan Pig, waved goodbye to the manager of the club, and the three continued their journey to Sanyo City.

On the fourth day, the three successfully arrived in Sanyo City.

"What kind of gym trainer will it be, and what kind of Pokémon can fight against, it's really exciting."

After entering Sanyo City, Ash, who was indomitable, shouted excitedly with Pikachu.

"Go on the challenge now, Pikachu!"


When the words fell, Ash was about to start running in Sanyo City, but just as his footsteps were about to move, there was a mocking sound of Alice behind him.

"Hey! Do you know where the dojo is? Ash


He really didn't know that.

"It's just full of energy, but not even prepared, it's really a child." Alice spread her hands and looked speechless, "Mr. Xia Fan, you are right. After

a few days of getting along, Alice, Ash and Xia Fan have become acquainted.

However, in the face of Alice's words, Xia Fan shrugged with a smile and did not answer, leaving a trace of face for the protagonist's halo.

"Eh, is it a tooth?"

At this time, a handsome-looking and elegant young man suddenly came to Ash and Alice.

Zi Lai Shu bent down to carefully look at the teeth that came out of Alice's hair, thought for a while, and said, "The fresh skin like tender grass and the fangs reminiscent of new shoots create a refreshing and endless future, and it is a very suitable partner for this lady who exudes a natural atmosphere." Alice

, who heard the praise, immediately thanked her.

The elegant young man nodded, and then found Pikachu and Dream on the shoulders of Ash and Xia Fan.

"Oh, is it Pikachu? And still two? The

elegant young man decisively skipped Alice and came between Xia Fan and Ash.

Gently stroking them, he said, "It's the first time I've seen a real Pikachu, hello, Pikachus." Pikachu

and Dream barked in response.

"You two have a very rare Pikachu."

The elegant young man straightened up and said gently to Xia Fan and Xiao Zhi.

Xia Fan smiled and did not speak.

After all, you can't always say, 'I'm sorry, my Pikachu is actually a rarer fantasy'.

Ash on the side explained with a smile: "We are from Kandu, my name is Ash, and Pikachu is my important partner."

"So that's it, my name is Tiantong, and I'm a Pokémon bartender." Tiantong bent slightly towards the three to show the respect of the bartender.

"Tiantong?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

If he remembers correctly, this seems to be Ash's third travel partner in the United States.

Not only is he a Pokémon bartender with a special profession, but he is also a dojo trainer, and the dojo in Sanyo City seems to be in charge of him.

At this time, Ash on the side looked confused and said, "Pokémon wine waiter? What is that?

"Don't you know? It's like a child. Alice, who wanted to taunt Ash all the time, smiled.

"No, it seems that the areas outside the United States do not know this profession yet." Tentong smiled and explained to Ash, "Based on the wealth of knowledge and experience, it is our Pokémon Wine Attendant's task to determine the suitability of trainers and Pokémon and provide more harmonious advice on getting along."

"Then help me see how compatible I am with Pikachu." Ash's eyes lit up, and then he was full of confidence, "But I know that Pikachu and I must be the best fit."

Alice on the side sighed: "Isn't it the time to do this, have you forgotten what you came here for?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned, and the next second he hurriedly asked Tiantong: "Do you know where the Taoist Hall of this city is?" I want to go over the challenge. In

the face of Ash's inquiry, Tiantong agreed with a smile: "So that's the case, I'll lead the way, follow me." Ten

minutes later, the three followed Tiantong to the door of the Taoist Hall in Sanyao City, and on the way, Xia Fan and Alice also briefly introduced themselves to Tiantong.

Looking at the gate of the dojo not far away, Ash excitedly rushed over with Pikachu, opened the door, and shouted loudly.

"Please! I want to challenge..."

But as soon as he pushed the door open, his throat was not finished roaring, and Ash's excited expression stiffened.

Because inside the door sat full of beautiful big sisters, who were enjoying the coffee that two handsome guys poured for them.

Ash's roar made them look at Ash in unison, and their eyebrows frowned slightly.

Ash took a few steps back in embarrassment, looked up at the Taoist hall sign above his head, confirmed that it was indeed a dojo, and then looked inside the house that looked like a café.

"Strange, here..." "

Is this the Sanyo Dojo?" At this time, Alice came over and saw that the house was also puzzled, and did not dare to take a step forward.

"It's okay, the Taoist Hall is here, let's go first." Tiantong's voice sounded, and he pushed Ash into the dojo.

As soon as he entered this café-like hall, the two handsome men in the house who poured coffee for the beauties immediately stepped forward and made a welcome gesture to Xia Fan and the three: "Welcome."

"But, but here..." Facing the gaze of the many beauties in the house, Ash wanted to pull his legs and run.

But in the end, he was pulled by Tiantong to find a place to sit down, and was forced to take the menu handed over by the two handsome guys.

These two handsome guys, their hair is red and blue, which is a bit of a match for Tiantong's green hair, and their clothes are exactly the same.

"So what do you order?" The red-haired handsome man among the two handsome guys said.

"How about helping the three of you with a cold drink first?" The blue-haired handsome man among the two handsome guys said.

"Nope... That one... That one... I..." Ash couldn't help but get nervous as he faced them, not only were many beautiful women embarrassed to look at him, but another reason was that two handsome guys surrounded him, softly asking him to order a little uncomfortable.

And what made him even more nervous was that when he passed by the beautiful big sisters just now, they unabashedly said that these people were dressed very dirty, like the countrymen, which made him a little uncomfortable, and he was a little afraid that he was casual, and when he waited for the checkout, the bill was surprisingly expensive.

At this time, Xia Fan, who was sitting opposite, reached out and took the menu from Ash.

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