Two hours later.

On a steamer, Xia Fan and his party saw a small island in the distance.

Ash said brightly, "That's Sanyun Island, right?"

"It should be right, according to the electronic map." Tiantong held the electronic map and smiled.

"It's finally here, legendary Shima-eh." Alice jumped excitedly.

Ten minutes later, the group of four successfully arrived on the island, looked at the houses on the coast, and began to look for the islanders, asking about the Resurrection Grass.

"Hello grandma, we heard that the Resurrection Grass can be harvested on this island, do you know where it is?"

The four of them saw an old grandmother picking things on her back with a basket on her back.

"O grass of resurrection, although we can collect it here, we can't find it everywhere." Grandma said.

"So where can I get it?" Alice said.

"You have to go over that mountain and then to the mountain behind." The grandmother pointed the four in the direction, "There's a young man named Yut there, you can go and ask him."

"Thank you Grandma."

The four thanked the grandmother, and then walked in the direction pointed by the old man.

In this way, the four of them walked from daylight to dusk before finally reaching the second mountain.

Except for Xia Fan, the other three had already walked breathlessly and out of breath.

"I can't do it, take a break." Ash sat down on the ground, "Mr. Xia Fan, you are still not a human after all, I don't feel that you are a little tired after walking so far."

"That's right, it's too anti-human, even Pokémon are going to die of exhaustion if they go so far." Alice, who was also sitting on the ground, shouted.

"Pikapikapikachu~" Pikachu, who jumped off Ash's shoulder and walked on his own, lay on the ground and raised his hand and shouted.

Xia Fan shrugged at this: "It's okay, I think, it's not so exaggerated, you guys look at Tiantong, there is no complaint." Ash

and Alice turned their heads to see Tentong leaning against a rock with his back to them, his head tilted at a forty-five degree angle.

The two stepped forward in surprise, but as soon as they got closer, they found that Tiantong was actually tired and asleep.

"I don't care, I'm going to sleep for a while, and I seriously doubt now that there will really be a Resurrection Grass in this kind of place?"

Ash and Alice looked at each other and decided to take a nap with Tentong.

Looking at them, Xia Fan shrugged his shoulders and began to stay by the side, waiting for them to wake up.

Only about five minutes later, he saw a figure coming out of the woods from a distance, originally walking straight forward, but seemed to turn his head and see them, and then walked towards them.

"Yut?" Xia Fan remembered the person that the grandmother said, and he immediately kicked the three of Xiaozhi.

"What's wrong, please, let's rest a little longer."

Ash, they woke up from their sleep and said helplessly.

"Here's someone, probably Yut." Xia Fan said.

Hearing the name Yute, the three began to feel a little energetic, and stood up tiredly.

After a while, a yellow-haired young man came to the four and talked with them.

From the conversation, I learned that this person is indeed Yute in the mouth of the grandmother.

And Yut, after learning that the four came for the Resurrection Grass, looked at the sky and invited the four to go to his residence for the night to rest.

Twenty minutes later, the four arrived at Yut's cabin.

There, they saw a grassy Pokémon Miss Skirt.

At the moment, it was lying on the bed, looking very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with it?" Xia Fan wondered.

"I don't know what's going on." Yut sighed, "Usually this young lady in the forest helps me find the Resurrection Grass, but now it is sick.... Not only Miss Skirt, but even the kapok balls that usually fly in the nearby grass have become very unenergetic.

Tiantong pondered for a while, "Miss Skirt and Kapok Ball are both grass-based Pokémon, could it be caused by environmental factors..."

Yut Dao.

"What about the Resurrection Grass? Can they be treated? Ash said.

"You also see the appearance of Miss Yi'er, now it's a little difficult to let it find by itself, I can only find it myself, but no matter how I look outside, I can't find it, it's hard to find one, it's still withered." Yut sighed again, "I'm sorry, you guys may have come here empty-handed."

"It won't." The four shook their heads at the same time.

"But Mr. Yurt, I wonder why the Resurrection Grass only grows here?" Alice wondered.

"That's a long story." Yut walked to his bookcase and picked up a book and spread it out for the four people to see, "Since ancient times, this island has had a legend called the land cloud of the god of plenty..."

"A long, long time ago, this island, caught in the fierce battle between the violent thunder and lightning cloud, the god of thunder, and the violent wind god tornado, fell into an extremely dangerous state, and it was the land cloud who stood up to stop this battle, but it was also injured."

"At that time, the inhabitants of the island used the Resurrection Grass to help the injured land cloud heal.... The land cloud, which later regained its strength, repelled the tornado cloud and the thunderbolt cloud, and in gratitude to the inhabitants of the island, the land cloud made the land very rich, which is the legend of the island.

"Since then, the grass of resurrection has begun to grow on this island."

The four of them listened to a long oh.

Yut looked embarrassed: "But if the current situation continues, Miss Skirt and Kapok Ball will be weaker even more, and even the forest will wither.... Even if it rains, I want to hold a rain ceremony tomorrow.

"The ritual of asking for rain? Can it rain with a ceremony? Xia Fan was surprised.

"Yes." You Tei nodded, "As long as you pray for rain in the temple of the land cloud, then you can do it, maybe the land cloud will also come because of this." Hearing

this, Xia Fan's eyes flashed a strange movement.

"Song Boy~"

At this moment, a Goethe boy jumped in from the window, holding a bouquet of yellowish herbs in his hand.

Seeing it, Yut smiled and said, "Goethe boy, you're back." "

Song Boy~"

The Goethe boy jumped to Yut's side, and Yut watched it and introduced it to the four.

"This is my other partner, the Pokémon who helped the land cloud is said to be the Goethe Boy, and tomorrow's rain prayer needs to communicate with the land cloud through it."

"Song Boy~"

Goethe Boy held up the yellowing herb in his hand.

"Did you help me find the Resurrection Grass?" Yut took the herb and looked at it had withered, his expression a little disappointed, "Sure enough, it is also withered." Goethe

Boy was a little frustrated.

"It's okay Goethe boy, tomorrow pray for rain, the situation will definitely be alleviated." Yut comforted.

The next day...

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