"Guys, I just saw a Pokémon in the prop room that I've never seen before."

Ash, who came out of the prop room, shared his experience in the prop room with everyone.

It was said that a Pokémon that he had never seen before suddenly appeared in front of him just now, and was almost hit by a huge wooden plank, and if he hadn't reacted quickly, the Pokémon would probably have suffered.

As soon as Xia Fan heard this story, he called the good guy, worthy of being Ash with the aura of the protagonist, and he quickly formed a relationship with the legendary Meloyeta.

However, Xia Fan, who used the perception of the divine beast to confirm the location of the Meloyette Tower, did not find a way to quickly subdue it, but just let it go, letting it squat quietly next to Ash.

Because now was not the best time to subdue it, and it was also the reason why in the morning, he did not take any action when he learned that Bai Huan had told him that he had taken Meloyeta.

The matter that the Dragon Shrine wanted to subdue Meloyeta, he knew a few months ago, from Bai Huan's mouth, when they had just failed to capture because of tornado clouds, thunder clouds, and land clouds.

Under the consultation of Boss Sakaki, they decided on a new plan, that is, the plan to capture Meloyeta.

Although Meloyetta is a phantom Pokémon and is not very strong in combat, he has some special abilities like other phantom Pokémon, in addition to the special ability of invisibility and mediating the emotions of others with singing, it is related to a treasure called the Manifestation Mirror,

which is a treasure that can manipulate the three clouds and make them change their form.

As long as you can have it, even if the three clouds escaped before, you can still control them now and command them where to fight.

But now this treasure can only be found using Meloyeta.

Xia Fan's original plan was to wait for the Dragon Shrine to use Meloyeta to find the Manifestation Mirror and forcibly summon the Mikumo God to surprise them.

But now it seems that you still have to follow the plot.

"Mr. Xia Fan, you're back."

After sharing the experience, Ash saw Xia Fan standing in the corner and trotting forward, only to see Xia Fan empty-handed.

"Huh? Didn't you say go buy something to eat? What about stuff. "

Something?" Xia Fan looked down at his hands, and suddenly remembered that the excuse he made when he left was to buy food for them.

"Uh..... When I was shopping just now, I saw a Pokémon show, I watched it, I threw everything I ate there, forget it, I'll buy another one. Xia Fan casually pulled the excuse again and ran out again.

This time, he bought snacks much more than just now, and in less than twenty minutes, he directly asked the boss to bring seven or eight employees and personally deliver five large boxes of snacks.

In addition to human food, there are also a lot of high-end snacks that Pokémon love to eat.

"Xia Fan, how much did you spend here?" Luke, who is now the director, marveled while picking up a bottle of water from a box.

Xia Fan said lightly: "It's okay, it's only 500,000, and it's full of high-end food..." Before

he finished speaking, Luke in front of Xia Fan vomited water.

"Toto... How much?

He looked at the five large boxes of snacks with a shocked expression.

Xia Fan sighed.

The life of a rich person is always prone to fuss.

"You guys are very tired of making movies, and you need to add more."

Xia Fan patted Luke on the shoulder, and then picked up a few packs of snacks from Pokémon Premium Snacks and walked to a corner.

The invisible Meloyeta is hiding not far from this corner.

When Xia Fan passed, Meloyeta was a little scared, and her first reaction was to fly to another place to hide, but when Xia Fan tore open the packaging bag of the snack, the smell of the nose made it stop the floating figure, and looked at the things in Xia Fan's hand with a curious face.

Xia Fan took out a piece of potato chips specially for Pokémon from the snack bag and put it in Dream's mouth.


The sound of dreamy eating potato chips made Meloyeta couldn't help but swallow.

At the same time, it began to notice the dream, felt that something was wrong with it, and always felt that it did not look like a real Pikachu.

"Master, I feel like something is watching me all the time." Dream, who was enjoying a snack, suddenly frowned slightly and looked in the direction of Meloyeta's invisibility.

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Xiao Phantom to be quite sensitive.

He picked up the snack and came over, just to have a good relationship with Meloyeta, although the plot is very important, but the relationship is also very important, he has already thought about it, while the relationship between Ash and Meloyeta is not good enough to be the situation where it must be, he first captures its heart, closes the relationship between them, and facilitates the embarrassment of each other when accepting it in the future.

"It's Meloyette." Xia Fan did not hide it from Xiao Phantom, "It's looking towards you, it should be attracted by your snacks."

"What!" As soon as Mengxian heard this, the speed of eating suddenly increased, and he directly snatched the potato chips from Xia Fan's hand, and then poured all of them into his mouth.

Just like a hamster, chewing around with its mouth puffed out.

(ーー ゙) Xia Fan.

He began to regret telling Xiao Phantom so bluntly.

He originally wanted Xiao Phantom to cooperate with him to tempt Meloyeta with food, but he forgot that Xiao Phantom himself was a foodie who protected food.

"Don't worry, it won't grab your snacks." Xia Fan hurriedly told Xiao Phantom in the spirit sharing world, "And I have bought a few boxes of snacks here, you are afraid that you will not be able to finish eating..." Before

he finished speaking, Xia Fan's face stiffened, because when he turned his head to look at the snack area just now, he saw that Geng Ghost, the dead white fat man, was actually eating a package of snacks in that bite, and the thief who ate hi, in less than a minute, he had a Pokémon to eat a box of Pokémon snacks.

Ash's Pikachu, Alice's tooth, and Tiantong's flower coconut monkey stood next to them with a dull expression, raising their heads as if they had seen a Kabi beast.

"You're a pig, eat so hard!" Xia Fan directly cursed in the world of spirit sharing.

"I'm hungry, master, I'm so tired of making movies." Lao Zu was speechless, "I've made you so much money, are you still short of this snack?" "

I'm Tema..." Xia Fan was in his throat, looking at Geng Ghost, not knowing what to say.

He is not short of money, but he can't withstand you eating so quickly.

More than ten seconds later, Xia Fan picked up the dream and walked out of the shooting site without saying a word.

After another twenty minutes, he took the boss just now, and the boss brought thirty or forty people and pulled nearly fifty boxes of snacks.

"Eat! Let you eat a full meal, eat and have. Xia Fan patted Geng Ghost's stomach and said.

After that, he pulled up a box of high-end Pokémon snacks and walked towards the corner where Meloyeta was hiding.

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