"Hard work you dust mountain."

Homyga looked embarrassed and took out the Poké Ball and put the Dust Mountain back.

Then he took out another badge and walked towards Xia Fan.

"This is the Toxicity Badge, you are very strong, worthy of being the champion of the Shennuo Alliance, I hope you also achieve good results in the United League."

She now fully believed that Xia Fan had the strength to win the championship in the Shennoh region.

"Thank you." Xia Fan smiled and put it away. "Don't be too sad master, there are seven people before you who are like you, and they also lost to me in ten seconds."

Hearing that the seven halls in front of him were all the same, Homyga's face suddenly eased a lot.

I can squeeze a smile out of my face.

It's not just her, otherwise she will really be depressed to death.

"This young man, are you going to challenge the Taoist Hall too?" Homyga looked past Xia Fan and looked behind Ash.

When she asked who the next challenger was, she noticed that Ash was moving, but was pulled by Xia Fan in front of her.

"Yes Miss Homyga, I am Ash from True New Town, and this is my partner Pikachu." Ash stepped forward to introduce himself.

"Okay, wait here for an hour, after an hour, start fighting, I need to let my partners get healed." Homyga nodded, picked up the Dust Mountain's Pokeball and walked off the stage.

After she stepped down, under the gaze of the boys and girls on both sides, a woman came over and asked Xia Fan and them to follow her to a lounge to rest, and when Homija was ready, she would contact them.

Ash thanked him, and began to sigh to Alice and Tiantong that Xia Fan was powerful, not only Geng Ghost, but also Daiochisis was so invincible, and no trainer of the dojo could defeat him.

And Xia Fan was listening, did not say much, just kept teasing the dream on his shoulder, and at the same time communicated with it with the spirit sharing world, asking what was the reaction of Meloyeta when he commanded the battle of Daiochisis just now.

"Master, when you were fighting, Meloyeta said that although you are quite stupid, your luck is really good, and you were able to subdue me and Daiochisis."



"It's gone."

"It's that simple?"


Listening to the dreamy reply, Xia Fan was like a dragon in his throat, pulled out of the spirit sharing world, looked at the back of a vase in the room, and wanted to glare fiercely.

The divine beast perception sensed that Meloyeta was hidden there.

However, in the next second, Dream suddenly said:

"Master, don't look over there, Meloyeta will be afraid."


Xia Fan suddenly felt his heart cold.

At this time, Dream felt that something was wrong with Xia Fan, thinking that he was blaming Meloyeta for not paying attention to him, and then said:

"Master, your battle has only been fought for less than ten seconds in total, and the requirements are not so high."


Fan's heart became even colder.

An hour later, someone told Ash that he could start the challenge.

The group immediately walked out.

Ash's battle rules are the same as Xia Fan's, 3 vs 6, three Homiga, and six Ash.

Ash, who has learned all of Homyga's Pokémon from Xia Fan's battle, won the battle with difficulty in the end, and fought until there was only one Pikachu left.

"Although I am very unwilling to lose two games in a row today, I have done my best, and I hope you can achieve a good result in the United League." Homyga gave a poison badge to Ash.

Then he took a deep look at Xia Fan behind Ash.

Previously, when treating her three Pokémon, she looked up about the match of the Shinnoh Alliance for nearly a year, and indeed saw the final that Xia Fan said, a geng ghost completed the miracle of defeating five legendary Pokémon and fighting the real sea god Lokia at the end.

"Thank you!" Ash took the badge and said gratefully.

Then he and Xia Fan trotted out of the poisonous hall.

He still has five Pokémon waiting to be treated, so he can't run away.

Twenty minutes later, the four arrived at the Elf Center, and Ash handed the five Poké Balls and Pikachu to Miss Joy.

Then they ate at the elf center while waiting for Pikachu to recover.

Half an hour later, Ash took his Pokémon from Miss Joy.

Taking his Pokémon, Ash couldn't wait to ask, "Miss Joy, he and I have collected eight badges, and we want to join the United Alliance immediately."

"That's awesome!"

When Miss Joy heard this, she immediately gave the two of them a word of congratulations.

"Congratulations, you must have worked hard."

"Thank you for the compliment." Ash said with a smile.

Only in the next second, his smile stiffened.

Because Miss Joy suddenly changed her tone.

"But... It will be another three months before the Union officially opens.

"Ah, it's another three months." Ash was a little unacceptable, "It will take so long."

Ash turned to look at Xia Fan, Alice and Tiantong: "It will take so long, or... Let's practice for the sake of the United Alliance.

"Okay, where do you go to practice?" Alice said.

Ash froze, he hadn't thought about this yet. He looked at Xia Fan to see if there was any suggestion.

Xia Fan shook his head.

Generally, he responds to such decisions as mute.

"I personally feel that since it is rare to come to Liyong City, even if you want to practice, you should at least eat the special products and go after the tundra bear ice cream."

Tiantong stepped forward with a smile and made a suggestion.

"Tundra bear ice cream?"

Alice, Xia Fan, and Ash looked at each other and thought it was a very good proposal.

Half an hour later.

Under the leadership of Tiantong, the three walked through the streets to a place where people gathered.

Tiantong said excitedly: "Here, here before, but the location of the Pokémon Princess holiday, in the movie, the princess is eating tundra bear ice cream on the stairs here, which is a very famous scene." The

three people behind him nodded one after another, and the foodie Ash hurriedly asked where the ice cream was.

Tiantong rolled his eyes, feeling that he had said it in vain.

With the three of them, they walked for a while and came to a stall specializing in the sale of tundra bear ice cream.

Ash was excited and about to step forward, but just as he was about to take a step, he stopped.

Because on the stall, there stood a beautiful woman with long yellow hair and a tall figure.

Although his back was to them, Ash felt very familiar.

He hesitated, "Could it be..." Xia

Fan on the side said anxiously: "Zhulan? "

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