"Xia Fan, give, this is ice, put under its head and pillow." Not long after Xia Fan cursed the ghost, Zhulan returned and picked up a piece of Xiaoice wrapped in cloth.

Xia Fan took the ice cube, pillowed the ice cube under Meloyeta's head as Zhulan said, and then took a wet towel to gently wipe Meloyeta's face.

This wipe made Meloyeta very comfortable, revealing a hint of enjoyment.

At this time, Miss Zhulan suddenly received a phone call, and her face immediately became flustered.

"What, tundra bear! But..."

"But I probably won't be able to get out right now."

Xia Fan looked at her embarrassed expression, and immediately said in a gentle tone: "Zhulan, since you have an emergency, you can leave first, and I can take care of it alone." "

You... Thank you, I'll be right back. Zhulan said gratefully, and then said to the other side of the phone, "I know, I'll rush over right now."

"I'm really sorry, there is something temporary, I have to rush back to Liyong City immediately."

Zhulan looked apologetic, and then drove away.

In this way, the heavy task of taking care of Meloyeta was once again left only Xia Fan.

Xia Fan felt that this really helped me.

Heaven will help him deepen his intimacy with Meloyeta.

Zhulan is completely a tool man, and after helping him provide him with the tools to heal Meloyeta, he leaves.


About half an hour later, Ash and they returned, holding a blue orange that could heal Meloyeta.

"Mr. Xia Fan, where is Miss Zhulan?" Ash asked suspiciously.

"Half an hour ago, she suddenly had an urgent need to go back to Liyong City, and she will come back."

Xia Fan took the blue orange and fed it to Meloyeta.

"Eat, Meloyeta."

Meloyeta, who ate the blue orange, suddenly warmed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A minute later, it floated in the air again, singing a ballad to the crowd.

Although I couldn't understand it, the music was very good, so that everyone present was intoxicated, including Xia Fan, who just wanted to sleep well.

"It is worthy of the Meloyeta, which is said to be able to heal and calm the human heart with song."

And at this time, Zhulan rushed back, and happened to hear Meloyeta's singing, and couldn't help but admire.

Ash saw her return, said hello with joy, and at the same time curiously asked her what happened, has everything been dealt with?

"This..." When

Zhulan heard Ash's question, her smiling expression immediately stiffened, and she looked at everyone embarrassedly: "Actually, the reason why I went back because... When I bought the tundra bear ice cream, I forgot to take the change I should have found with my boss. When

the words fell, all four people on the opposite side were silent, including Xia Fan's mouth twitching slightly.

At that time, he really thought that Zhulan's expression was something big, but now you actually say that it is just for a little change???

Yes, and an actor who can become a movie star.

Unexpectedly, he was also deceived.

"Eh... What about Meloyeta? It's not completely healed yet. Ash

suddenly noticed that Meloyeta, who had been singing in midair, suddenly disappeared, and was about to look for it in a panic, but was stopped by Zhulan.

Zhulan said: "There is no need for that, if its physical condition is not good, it will not sing such a beautiful song, it should have recovered and returned to the forest."

"Well, that's great." Ash praised, and then looked at Xia Fan again, "Hard work Mr. Xia Fan."

Xia Fan shrugged: "This is what I should do."

After speaking, Xia Fan turned his head and glanced behind him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Its telepathy senses that Meloyeta is invisibly floating a meter behind him.

"Okay, let's go to the airport now."

Seeing that things were already busy, Zhulan took the four people to get back on the off-road vehicle and drove towards the airport.

"Deochis, you can put the four guys away." Xia Fan shouted to Daiochisis through the Spirit Sharing World.


On the other side, Bai Huan's four target ghosts who were firmly controlled by Daiochisis with super powers finally returned to the ground.

The moment they return to the ground, they feel like they were dreaming.

In this hour or so, they shouted that every day is not working, shouting that the ground should not be, shouting Xia Fan, the turtle son who usually replies to the news in time, but this time he did not reply to the news at all, shouted the Dragon Shrine, the rescue was 108,000 miles away from them, I am afraid that when they rushed here, the people would have died a long time ago.

The most angry thing is that they still don't know who the bastard who attacked them is, which is even more depressing, that is, they want revenge, and they don't have a clue.

Zhang Ziyan, the only girl among the four, cried immediately the moment she fell to the ground.

The kind that cries out loud.

This kind of waiting with no end in sight and no results is too desperate.


At this time, Bai Huan's mobile phone suddenly got Xia Fan's reply.

The text of the reply above revealed surprise, and it was unbelievable that they had also been attacked.

Xia Fan said that an hour ago, he was also suddenly attacked by an unknown force, and it took him a lot of effort to send all the dreams and geng ghosts out to fight, and it was not easy to drive them away.

But I didn't expect that the four of them were also attacked, were they seriously injured? Did Meloyetta catch it?

Seeing that Xia Fan had also received an attack, and would care about them after repelling unknown forces, the grief of the four people just now finally felt a little better.


Immediately afterwards, Bai Huan's mobile phone was transferred by Xia Fan for 100,000 yuan, saying that as their boss, but he could not rescue them in time when they were in danger, it was really too derelict to do so, so these 100,000 yuan let them accept it, buy something delicious, treat themselves, soothe their wounded hearts, it doesn't matter if they didn't catch Meloyetta, next time they come on, if he sees it, he will tell them immediately.

"This bastard is still a little conscientious, this is much better than the Dragon Shrine, at least there will be no punishment for failing the mission, and there will be a reward." The bald young man Zhang Hedao.

This 100,000 yuan made his heart feel better.

"That's right." Zhang Ziyan agreed with Zhang He's words, and stood up from the ground with tears, "Go, go eat, today's task is really suffocating, Meloyeta is almost a little bit ah, as a result, step on the horse.... The more I think about it, the more angry I am, forget it, I still don't know who did it.

With that, she turned to leave.

The other three followed.

Bai Huan, who had not spoken much, suddenly said: "In the future, we should pay attention, through what happened today, it can be determined that in this United Region now, it is likely that in addition to our Dragon Shrine and Xia Fan, there is a third mysterious force." "



"Got it."

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